Multiculturalism Flashcards
What are the 4 core themes of multiculturalism?
- Politics of recognition
- Culture and identity
- Minority rights
- Diversity
What were the 2 wings of the black politics movement in the USA?
- Black Power / Black Panther Party
- Black Muslims / Nation of Islam
What is formal equality?
Equality in the law
What is the politics of redistribution?
The idea that social factors disadvantage minorities and formal equality is not enough to rectify that
What is the politics of recognition?
The idea of respecting or even celebrating cultural differences
What were the 3 kinds of minority rights identified by Will Kymlicka?
- Self-government rights (make their own laws)
- Polyethnic rights (maintain cultural distinctiveness)
- Representation rights (minority representation)
What is positive discrimination?
Advantages given to minorities to address entrenched socioeconomic inequality
What is affirmative action?
Lowering requirements for minorities to get places in education and work
What did Regents of the University of California vs Bakke do?
Allowed black students to gain admission into US universities with lower qualifications than white students
Why do multiculturalists argue that indigenous peoples are entitled to particular rights?
They inhabited a land before the current occupation
What do multiculturalists argue causes extremism?
The denial of cultural recognition
How, according to multiculturalists, does diversity promote a tolerant society?
Promotes cultural exchange
How is liberalism difference-blind?
People can live as they wish without pressure to live a certain way
What is shallow diversity?
When people tolerate only views that are themselves tolerant?
What is deep diversity?
When people tolerate all views, even intolerant ones
Do liberal multiculturalists place greater importance on individual rights or group cultural rights?
Individual rights
What are the 3 strands of multiculturalism?
- Liberal multiculturalism
- Pluralist multiculturalism
- Cosmopolitan multiculturalism
What is value pluralism?
Where people disagree on the ends of life as no moral system is better than any other
What is particularist multiculturalism?
The belief that cultural diversity happens in a context of unequal power
Who are the 5 multiculturalism key thinkers?
- Tariq Modood
- Isaiah Berlin
- Will Kymlicka
- Charles Taylor
- Bhikhu Parekh
Which 5 things is Isaiah Berlin known for?
- Value pluralism
- Post-liberalism - competing sets of values
- Pluralist multiculturalist
- Need to go beyond shallow diversity
- No true liberalism without pluralism
Which 4 things is Charles Taylor known for?
- Supported the politics of recognition (and thus pluralist multiculturalism)
- Recognition “fulfils a vital human need” and avoids the “crippling self-hatred” that can occur when cultures are not recognised
- Equalisation of rights and entitlements
- Supported the politics of difference - acknowledging and celebrating differences
Which 3 things is Bhikhu Parekh known for?
- Rejects universalist liberalism in favour of communitarianism - the idea that an individual’s identity is embedded in their culture
- Common citizenship is created through cross-cultural dialogue
- Diversity underpins cohesion rather than undermining it
What are Tariq Modood’s 4 distinct approaches to multiculturalism?
- Assimilation
- Individualism
- Multiculturalism
- Cosmopolitanism
Which 3 things is Tariq Modood known for?
- Strong cultural identity is necessary
- A national narrative is necessary to support cultural identity
- 4 approaches to multiculturalism
Which 4
things is Will Kymlicka known for?
- 3 types of minority rights that are needed
- Minority rights are compatible with liberalism and enable citizenship
- Minority rights ensure full and equal participation for integrating cultures
- Criticised by other liberals for departing from universalism
In what sense is multiculturalism a form of communitarianism?
It is rooted in an essentially collective view of human nature, emphasising that people are intrinsically shaped by their societies and cultures
What are 4 criticisms pluralist multiculturalists have of liberalism?
- Liberals only endorse cultural beliefs and practices that are compatible with individual freedom and personal autonomy
- Liberals regard liberal democracy as the only legitimate political system, dismissing rival political forms as oppressive or tyrannical
- Liberals tend to assert universal values that are applicable to all societies and cultures, which pluralist multiculturalists see as a form of cultural imperialism
- Liberals have been reluctant to accept that distinctive cultures and religions should be publicly recognised, as they believe such issues belong in the private sphere
What are 3 conservative criticisms of multiculturalism?
- Multiculturalism undermines national identity as shared values and a common culture are essential for a stable and successful society
- Multiculturalism ignores human imperfection and emphasises difference when people need unity for stability
- Multiculturalism justifies intolerant and illiberal views and practices
What are 3 reasons why multiculturalists support diversity?
- Diversity guarantees cultural recognition, helping to advance the interests of minority cultural groups
- Diversity allows cultural groups to celebrate their identity and benefit from public recognition
- Diversity fosters cross-cultural tolerance and understanding
What is each multiculturalist strand’s position on diversity?
Liberal: diversity is good so long as it is compatible with liberal values
Pluralist: ideological positions are of equal merit and none of them can restrict diversity and difference
Cosmopolitan: support diversity in the interest of cultural mixing, which leads to more unity through a global citizenship
How is cosmopolitan multiculturalism criticised by other multiculturalists? (2)
- The “pick and mix” nature creates new identities that detach people from their own cultural group
- The identities people choose may be seen as inauthentic, weakening any sense of cultural belonging
Why might conservative criticisms of multiculturalism be unjustified? (3)
- Multiculturalists argue that conservatives try to impose their common culture on minority groups
- Multiculturalists reject the conservative view of human nature
- Multiculturalists reject the supposed universalism of conservative values
What are 3 areas of agreement among multiculturalists regarding the role of the state?
- The state could be used to promote a single dominant culture
- The state should protect minority rights in law
- The state should promote diversity and provide routes of integration
What are 2 areas of disagreement among multiculturalists regarding the role of the state?
- Liberal multiculturalists practice shallow diversity while pluralist multiculturalists practice deep diversity
- Most multiculturalists believe the state should promote the politics of recognition (Taylor) and protect rights, but pluralist multiculturalists believe the state should be used to address socioeconomic inequality
What are 3 areas of agreement among multiculturalists regarding the society they want to create?
- Oppose assimilation and support integration
- Promote diverse societies
- Support minority rights
What are 3 areas of disagreement among multiculturalists regarding the society they want to create?
- Cosmopolitans want individuals to pick and mix from different cultures until cultures dissolve into one single identity
- Liberals support shallow diversity, pluralists support deep diversity
- Liberals see supporting minority rights as promoting justice, while pluralists do so as they see cultural diversity as a good in itself
Why can multiculturalism be seen as promoting integration? (3)
- Multiculturalists see recognising difference as promoting integration
- Multiculturalists support tolerance
- Multiculturalists promote cross-cultural dialogue
Why can multiculturalism be seen as promoting segregation? (3)
- Multiculturalism emphasises differences
- Multiculturalists put too much focus on minority rights, undermining integration
- Multiculturalists reject assimilation
What are 3 areas of division among multiculturalists?
- Shallow vs deep diversity
- Cosmopolitanism
- Role of the state
What are 3 areas of agreement among all multiculturalists? (3)
- Oppose assimilation
- Recognise difference
- Support minority rights