Multi-system Disease Flashcards
What are the modes of inheritance of multi system disorders?
Singel gene disorders (autosomal dominant, recessive or X linked)
Multifactoral (polygenic, environmental factors)
How does multi-system involvement occur?
Several genes with diverse functions are involved
Single gene widely expressed in different tissues
Single gene tissue-specific expression but tissue integral part of many different systems
What mode of inheritance causes neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1)?
Autosomal dominant
What is the diagnostic criteria for NF1?
2+ for diagnosis: Cafe au last spots (6 or more) Neurofibromas (2 or more) Axillary freckling Lisch nodules (specks in iris) Optic glioma Thinning of long bone cortex Family history
What other features are associated with NF1?
Macrocephaly Short stature Dysmorphic features "Noonan look" Learning difficulties Epilepsy Scoliosis Pseudoarthritis of tibia Raised BP (renal artery stenosis/ phaechromocytoma) Neoplasia
What is the management of NF1?
Annual review or affected individuals and at risk children until diagnosis can be excluded BP Spine for scoliosis Tibia for unusual angulation Visual acuity and visual field
What gene is identified as part of NF1?
What are the main features of NF2?
Acoustic neuromas, usually bilateral
CNS and spinal tumours
A few CAL spots
Where is the NF2 gene found?
Chromosome 22
What mode of incidence causes tuberous sclerosis (TS)?
Autosomal dominant
What genes are responsible for causing TS?
Both have identical phenotypes
What is the classic triad of TS?
Learning difficulty
Skin lesions
What are the clinical features of TS?
Learning difficulty (autistic features common)
Seizures (infantile spasms, myoclonic seizures)
What skin features can be present with TS?
Depigmented macules Angiofibromas Fibrous plaque forehead Shagreen patches Ungual fibromas
What other features can present with TS?
Kidney (cysts and angiomyolipomata)
Phakomas in eye
Rhabdomyomas in heart
What investigations should be considered for screening at risk relatives for TS?
Clinical examination (skin signs, Wood’s lamp, nails, retinal examination)
Cranial MR scan
Renal USS
What mode of incidence causes myotonic dystrophy?
Autosomal dominant
What are the clinical features of myotonic dystrophy?
Bilateral late-onset cataract Muscle weakness, stiffness and myotonia Low motivation Bowel problems Diabetes Heart block Death post-anaesthetic a risk
What is the gene involvement of myotonic dystrophy?
CTG repeat, exhibits anticipation with increasing severity in each generation