Mule Deer Biofacts Flashcards
MD: Weight (nationally and in TX)
125-400 lbs nationally, 125-300 in Texas
MD: Record antler spread
47.5 inches
MD: Antlers are referred to as…
MD: Breeding season
mid-November - mid-February, peak late december
MD: gestation period
210 days (7 months)
MD: Most fawns are born in what month
MD: Wean fawns at how many days
60-75 days if adequate forage quality
MD: fawn crop average in the Trans Pecos? Panhandle?
45% Trans Pecos, 35% Panhandle
MD: home range (average and in Panhandle)
2-4 square miles, up to 26 square miles in Panhandle
MD: Antlers shed in what month
mid-January to mid-April
MD: Antlers develop in how many days
150 days
MD: What 3 factors determine the size?
age, genetics, amount of quiality forage
MD: Diet percentage (browse, forbs, grasses)
70% browse, 25% forbs, 5% grasses
MD: Water should be no greater than how many miles apart?
MD: Limiting factor
Quality of habitat
MD: Denisty (Trans-Pecos & Panhandle)
1 per 100 acres (T.P) 1 per 300 acres (Pan.)
MD: Goood range should support how many deer per section??
MD: Avoid what habitat management?
brush control
MD: Harvest of bucks should be no more than?
MD: What kind of plots can be planted for winter
small grain or legume plots
3 succulents included in the browse category?
Cactus, lechuguilla, and cholla