MTTC: Social Studies Prep Flashcards
ending of slavery
Abe Lincoln
first Republican pres. abolitionist. elected in 1860. his election triggered southern secession he led the country through the civil war, but he was assassinated in 1865 before Reconstruction truly began
absolute location
a location w/ specific coordinates
northeastern native american civilization in the great lakes region
ancient egyptians
emerged as early as 5000bce in Nile Valley. known for pyramids, art, papyrus paper, hieroglyphs (pictorial writing), united under one monarch/pharaoh
arms race
competitive weapons development btwn US and USSR during 1980s. US intended to outspend the USSR, thereby weakening it
Articles of Confederation
original framework of US gov, designed to creat loose confederation btwn colonies whil allowing retainment of individual sovereignty, created intentionally weak, democratic gov
assembly line
labor intensive method of production dev by Henry Ford, expedited product’s completion
sumerian based civilization in near east, est military dominance and played imp role in regional trade
ancient Grek city-state that became revolutionary dem controlled by poor and working classes 460bce, first known democracy
augustus caesar
julius caesar’s nephew Octavian who gained control of Rome in 27 bce and became first roman emperor
the alliance of germany, italy, Japan WWII
sumerian based civ in mesopotamia, dev courts, early codified rule of law…Code of Hammurabi “an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth”
Barack Obama
first african american pres, elected 2008, ended wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, halted Great Recession, dev programs to provide healthcare to uninsured americans
battle of bunker hill
took place on June 17, 1775, causeed king george III to declare colonies were in rebellion
battle of fort sumter
Sparked the civil war. 1861 attack on union troops in sumter, sc, by confederate forces shortly after sc seceded from union.
battle of lexington and concord
beg of violent conflict btwn american rebel militiamen and british in 1775
battle of yorktown
1781 defeat of british forces by continental army w support from france, ending revolutionary war
bill of rights
first ten amendments to us constitution, set of guarantees of certain rights enjoyed by americans
boston masacre
1770 event in which british troops fired on crown of american protestors
boston tea party
1773 protest of tea act in which american colonial protestors disguised as natives tossed tea off a ship in boston harbor
cardinal directions
n, s, e, w
cesar chavez
civil rights activist, led united farm workers, advocated for hispanic farm workers who faced radical discrimination, poor treatment and low pay
checks and balances
each branch of gov has certain powers that limit power of other branches
se native civ thought to be descended from iroquois, emerged in present day georgia, forced during trail of tears to leave their land and migrate to indian territory, oklahoma
civil rights movement
social and political movement for the rights of african americans and other disenfranchised people in the 1960s
cold war
period of ongoing tension btwn us and ussr, post wwii global powers, remaind cold bc the two countris never engaged in military confrontation
committees of correspondence
colonial rebel protest group that distributed anti-brit propaganda
concentration camps
forced labor and death camps where nazis imprisoned and killed jews, roma, slavic, gays, disabled, people of color, pows, communists, and others as part of the Holocaust
the branch of the fed gov that makes laws (legeslative branch), technically has most power in government
document that provides framework for the us gov
constitutional convention
1787 meeting of states to resolve probs arising from limitations of federal power. decision was made to completely throw out the old articles and write a new governing doc from scratch- the constitution
creek, chicksaw, choctaw
major muskogean speaking se native american civ, descendants of mississippi mound builders
sumerian development, earliest known example of writng using characters to form words (not pictographs)
process of disagreement, usually resolved when one of the parties receives either the entirety or satisfactory amount of desired goal
process of working togeter to achieve sim goals
june 6, 1944, us led invasion of normandy invading europe during wwii
declaration of independence
issued july 4 1776, doc written by thomas jefferson, and signed by leaders of second continental congress, asserted us independence from britian
how much desire there is for a product or service
ancient greek work meaning people power
climate located in low lats n and s of savannah, hottest and driest parts of earth, recieves lass than 10 in of rainfall a year
economic regulation
indirect or direct price control by gov
elizabeth cady stanton
women’s rights activist, founded national woman suffrage assoc, led 1848 seneca falls convention on women’s rights
emancipation proclamation
1863 declaration by president lincoln that slavery was abolished in the rebel states
common currency shared by some european countries
european union
forum for european countries to org and cooperate politically, militarily, and economically, formed after the cold war to promote european unity
process of giving one thing and receiving another
first continental congress
meeting of colonial leaders in phil in 1774, org in response to the intolerable acts, colonial leaders later represented concerns to the king and were rebuffed
four freedoms
in the context of the rise of fascism, fdr defined: freedom of speech, religion, from want, from fear
elected to pres 1932, dev new deal, resucing us form great depression, led through wwii
killing people based on ethnicity
geographic features
phys features of place like continents, bodies of water, plains, plateaus, mountains, valleys
george washington
colonial military leader, gen of continental army, first us president, his able military leadership helped colonies eventually secure independence, political leadership helped keep young country united
soviet reform meaning openness
government regulation
gov involvement in economy to effect an economic or social outcome
great depression
global economic collapse tht resulted in widespread poverty and unemployment in us and world
high latitudes
lats 66.5 n and s of poles
dispossession, imprisonment, and murder of at least six million jews, etc.