MTB - Pediatrics - Newborns 2 Flashcards
Newborn with paralyzed hand, drooping eyelid and small pupils - suspect diagnosis? Treatment?
Klumpke palsy (C7, C8 +/- T1)
Claw hand and horners (ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis)
Newborn with shoulder dystocia - complication? Assess with? Treat with?
Clavicular fracture
immobilization, splinting and PT
Complication from foceps delivery? Treatment?
Facial nerve palsy
#Time #if no improvement, surgery
Causes of polyhydramnios?
#Neurological - Werdnig-Hoffman (cannot swallow) #GI - Intestinal atresia
Causes of oligohydramnios?
#Prune belly - lack of abdomonial muscles (unable to valsalva and urinate) #Renal agenesis (Potter's syndrome)
PE sign of baby with oligohydramnios?
flat facies
Mirgagni vs Bochdalek hernias?
Diaphragmatic hernia from retrosternal/parasternal or posterolateral
Omphalocele versus gastrochesis?
sac covering vs no sac
Screening for omphalocele? Associated with this disease? Treatment?
AFP (AFP indicates neural and GI wall defects)
Edward’s syndrome
Most common cause of AFP elevation?
incorrect dating
Surgical treatment for gastrochesis?
Silo formation
Infant with no irises - look for? Formation? Clinical Signs?
Wilm’s Tumor; hemihypertrophy of one kidney due to increased vascular demands
#n/v #Constipations
Wilm’s tumor - Best initial test? Most accurate test?
Abdominal US; CT
#Chemoradiation #If bilateral, partial nephrosectomy
Genitourinary malformations
Most common cancer infancy? Clinical Clues? Diagnostic test?
Neuroblastoma (medullary tumor)
Hpysarrthymia (dancing eyes) and opsoclonus (dancing feet)
Urine metanephrines
Pt presents with swollen sac in scrotum that transilluminates - suspected diagnosis? Management? Remnant of?
Resolves in 6 months
tunica vaginalis
Cryporchidism is associated with? (which is a contraindiation for this procedure)
Hypospadias (circumcision)
Pt with epispadias - must evaluate for?
Bladder exstrophy (bladder protrudes through abdominal wall defect)