MTB - Pediatrics - Newborns 1 Flashcards
Normal RR and HR in a Newborn?
RR 40-60
HR 120-160
APGAR scoring? (Score of 1 in each category means?)
(Each can be 0, 1, 2 points)
Color (1 if blue extremities) Pulse (1 if 60-100) Grimace (1 if Grimace/feeble cry) Activity (1 if some flexion) Respiration (1 if weak/irregular)
Conjunctivitis at day 1?
Chemical irritation
Neisseria gonorrhoease
All newborns get what eye care? To prevent? (which is caused by?)
#erythromycin OR tetracycline ointment #Silver nitrate solution
Ophthalmia neonatorum aka neonatal conjunctivitis (gonorrhoeae of chlamydia)
Bleeding in a newborn without prenatal care - suspect? Mechanism?
prevent with?
Vit K deficiency; Not enough E coli to make vitamin K
Shot for Vit K
All newborns must be tested for?
#Biotinidase #Beta-thalassemia #CAH #Cystic fibrosis #Thyroid disease #Galatosemia #Homocysteinuria #PKU
PKU - genetics? Treatment?
autosomal recessive
diet low in phenylalanine
Galactosemia - treatment?
Cut out lactose
CAH - genetics? Treatment?
Autosomal recessive
Replace mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids
Congential hypothyroidism
Cystic fibrosis - best initial test? most accurate test?
Sweat cholride
Genetic analysis of CFTR
Which newborns get Hep B Immunoglobulin?
if mother is HBs-Ag positive
Newborn with increased RBCs - suspected diagnosis? PE finding? mechanism?
Transient polycythemia of the newborn
Hypoxia during delivers increases erythropoeitin
Newborn with episode of tachycardia - suspected diagnosis? Caused by? Suspect something else if?
transient tachypnea of the newborn
Fluid not cleared from lungs in C-SECTION babies
Tachycardia lasts over 4 hours (work up for sepsis)
Newborn is tachycardic iwth irritability, elevated temperatures and feeding problems - next step?
#LP #urine/blood cultures