MT Arabic 8 Flashcards
Many books.
Qiteehb kiteer.
Many Markets
Aswe’ kiteer
There are many markets here
Fee aswe’ kiteer hinna.
There are many markets In Damascus.
Fee aswe’ kiteer fi Damasgh.
A lot of children.
Auwlehd kiteer.
Do you have many children? M
Aandak auwlehd kiteer?
Yes we have six children.
Aywa aandina sitta auwlehd.
How many?
How many boys?
Cam wallad?
How many boys are they?
Fee cam wallad?
Hw many boys are there in the school?
Fee cam wallad fil madrassa?
How many markets are there in this town?
Fee cam sook fil medina di?
How many daughters do yall have?
Aandaku cam bint?
We have three daughters.
Aandina teleta beneht.
I drink.
Shall I drink something?
Ashrab hagga?
We drink.
Shall we drink water?
Nishrab maya?
Shall I drink some tea?
Ashrab shay?
You drink. M
Would you like to drink something? M
Tishrag hagga?
Would you like to drink some water? M
Tishrab maya?
Shall we drink coffee?
Nishrab akhwa?
Let’s drink tea.
Nishrab shay.
We drink
To go
I go
Shall I go now?
Arrouhh dil wae’ti?
You go.
Would you like to go to the cinema tomorrow?
Tirrouhh i’cinema bukra?
Shall we go to Egypt in April?
Nirrouhh Massr fi Abreel?
We want to drink tea.
Ehhna Aawzeen nishrab shay.
We want to go to the market today.
Ehhna aawzeen nirrouhh i’sook enna harda.
I want to go to the shop because there is no rice.
Æna aawuz arrouhh il mahal allashehn mafeesh roz.
We want to drink something because we’re thirsty.
Ehhna aawzeen nishrab hagga allashehn ehhna aatshaneen.
Do you want to go to the school now?
Enta aawuz tirrouhh il madrassa dil wae’ti?
May I drink this water please?
Mumkin ashrab il maya di min fadlak?
Can we go to That restaurant?
Mumkin nirrouhh il mataam da?
You can drink that cola.
Mumkin tishrab il cola di.
I understand.
Do you understand?
We understand.
I want to understand Arabic.
Æna aawuz afham Arabi.
We want to understand Arabic.
Ehhna aawzeen nifham Arabi.
Do you want to understan English?
Enta aawuz tifham Ingleezi?
Do you want to drink something? F
Tishrabi hagga?
Do yall want to drink tea?
Tishrabu shay?
Yu can drink this water. F
Mumkin tishrabi il maya di.
Do yall want to go to the hotel?
Entu aawzeen tirrouhhu il fundu?
Do you want to understand English? F
Enti awuza tifhami ingleezi?
I must go now.
Lairzim arrouhh dil wae’ti.
Do you have to go now?
Lairzim tirrouhh dil wae’ti?
You must drink this water. F
Lairzim tishrabi il maya di.
I must drink something because I’m thirsty.
Lairzim ashrab hagga allashehn æna aatshahn.
Yall must go today.
Lairzim tirrouhhu enna harda.
We must understand the menu.
Lairzim nifham il menu.
We must go now because the bus is coming.
Lairzim nirrouhh dil wae’ti allashehn il autobis gai.
She is going.
Heya Tirrouhh.
He drinks.
He must drink this water.
Lairzim yishrab il maya di.
He must drink something.
Lairzim yishrab hagga.
He must go now.
Lairzim yirrouhh dilwae’ti.
Can she go to the cinema today?
Mumkin tirrouhh i’cinema enna harda?
We want to go to Egypt.
Ehhna awzeen nirrouhh Massr.
We want to understand Arabic.
Ehhna aawzeen nifram Arabi.
We want to go to Egypt because we want to understand Arabic.
Ehhna aawzeen nirrouhh Massr allashehn ehhna aawzeen nifham Arabi.