MSS Flashcards
What are the functions of bone?
- calcium regulation
- mechanical support and locomotion
- protection of vital organs
What is the macrostructure of bone?
- higher density
- low surface area
- low remodelling rate
- haversian systems
- lower density
- high surface area
- high remodelling state
- struts and plates
What are the three main elements of bone tissue?
- a protein matrix, which is largely composed of type 1 collagen which accounts for over 90% of protein, with glycoproteins, proteoglycans and other proteins making up the remainder. Bone matrix is a reservoir of growth factors that are released on resorption
- a mineral component (75%) which accounts for Ca10(PO4)6((OH)2
- cells
About the organic (osteoid) protein matrix…
- mainly type 1 collagen
- it is flexible, and provides tensile strength
- can be affected by diseases such as osteogenesis imperfect (brittle bone disease)
- the bone stores 99% of the bodys calcium and 85% of its phosphorus. it maintains the narrow serum calcium range.
About the bone’s minerals…
- hydroxyapatite
- hydrated calcium and phosphate
- it is rigid and brittle, so provides high compressional strength
- vitamin D is converted by the kidney to its active form, which is important for bone mineralisation
What types of bone cells are there?
Osteoblasts: synthesise bone
Osteoclasts: resorb bone
What are the functions of osteoblasts?
- synthesise metric proteins
- formation of bone mineral
- derived from mesenchymal stem cells
What are the functions of osteoclasts?
- production of acid - dissolution of mineral
- production of proteolytic enzymes - digestion of matrix, cathepsin K, metalloproteinase
- transcellular removal calcium, phosphate, matrix
what are the functions of osteocytes?
- sense of mechanical stress
- secrete sclerostin
- regulate phosphorus homeostasis
- osteocytes are the most numerous bone cells at 95%
- they live for decades in bone chambers
- signals to osteocytes - PTH, prostaglandin, GC, oestrogen
- osteocytes secrete regulators of phosphorus - FGF23, PHEX, MEPE, DMP1
- sclerostin - inhibition of OB and stimulation of OC
How does bone mass change with age?
T score - comparing the patient to mean peak bone mass. with age, the average woman bone density will decline further from peak bone mass. therefore, with age more and more women will have a T score below -2.5 SD RR of fracture compared to cohort of younger women (age 30-40) with peak BMD
women reach a lower bone mass in alter life due to having attained a lower peak bone mass and then undergoing accelerated bone loss in 5 years after the menopause.
What hormones would increase bone density?
- oestrogen/androgens
- growth hormone/IgF1
- calcitonin
What hormones would decrease bone density?
- thyroxine
- glucocorticoids
- parathyroid hormone
What are local regulators of bone?
Prostaglandins, PTH, GC, oestrogen affect osteocytes.
Osteocytes produce FGF23, PHEX, MEPE, DMP1 - regulate phosphorus homeostasis
About bone fractures…
- fractures occur when force exceeds bones strength
- bone has good compressional strength
- bone has good tensile strength
- bone torsional strength is weaker
What are the stages of fracture healing?
STAGE 1: macrophages remove debris, granulation tissue, fibrous tissue - vascularised
STAGE 2: A.) soft callus formed by osteoblasts B.) woven one (hard callus) formed by mineralisation
STAGE 3: lamellar bone formation and remodelling
About parathyroid anatomy…
- 2 pairs
- 3-5 mm
- 30-50 mg
- closely related to thyroid
- may be ectopic
- 4 glands on upper and lower poles of each lobe of the thyroid gland
- supernumerary glands not uncommon
- chief cells and oxyphill cells
- supplied by blood from the inferior thyroid arteries (thyroid surgery)
How does parathyroid development occur?
- from the dorsal part of the third pharyngeal pouch arses parathyroid III which becomes the inferior parathyroid gland
- occasionally parathyroid III or accessory parathyroid tissue formed from either the third or fourth pharyngeal pouches will be carried into the mediastinum by the migrating thymus
- parathyroid IV arises from the dorsal portion of the fourth pharyngeal pouch and migrates caudally, but ultimately becomes the superior parathyroid
What are causes of hypercalcaemia?
- hyperparathyroidism
- cancer
- cancer
- hypervitaminosis D: exogenous, granulomatous disease, William’s Syndrome
- increased bone turnover: acromegaly, thyrotoxicosis
- primary hyperparathyroidism
- malignancy (PTHrP)
- vitamin D related
- renal failure
What is primary hyperparathyroidism?
- commonest cause of elevated PTH and calcium levels
- 0.5-5 per 1000
- older than 40 years
- female-to-male ratio of 3:1
- 85% of cases are single adenoma
- ## 15% caused by diffuse hyperplasia
What is secondary hyperparathyroidism?
compensatory hyper functioning of the parathyroid glands caused by hypocalcaemia or peripheral resistance to PTH
- chronic renal insufficiency
- calcium malabsorption
- vitamin D deficiency
- deranged vitamin D metabolism
What is tertiary hyperparathyroidism?
occurs following previous secondary HPT in which the glandular hyper function continue despite correction of the underlying abnormality
- renal transplantation
What are hormonal causes of the hypercalcaemia of malignancy?
- PTH; small cell lung cancer
- PTH-RP; lung, lymphoma, multiple myeloma
- Osteoclast-activating factor; lymphoma, multiple myeloma
- Metastatic solid tumours; breast, lung, kidney, prostate
What are granulomatous diseases?
Macrophages express 1 alpha hydroxyls and activate vitamin D
- sarcoidosis
- tuberculosis
- berylliosis
- coccidioidomycosis
- histoplasmosis
What are signs and symptoms of hypercalcaemia?
Stones, bones and psychic moans
What investigations might be done for hypercalcaemia?
- calcium
- phosphate
- U&E magnesium
- vitamin D
- Urinary calcium excretion
- Myeloma screen
What investigations would be done for increased PTH?
- SestaMIBI scan
- Ultrasound of neck
- USS renal tract
What investigations would be done for decreased PTH?
- bone scan
- localisation of primary
What are possible treatments for hypercalcaemia?
- saline rehydration
- frusemide
- pamidronate infusion
- calcitonin
- prednisolone
- dialysis
- IV phosphate (not used anymore)
- mithramycin (not used anymore)
What is the treatment for hyperthyroidism?
- surgery
- medical; observation, bisphosphonates
What are causes of hypocalcaemia?
- low PTH/action
- hypoparathyroidism
- high PTH
- vitamin D deficiency (renal disease, liver disease)
- pseudo-hypoparathyroidism
- pseudo-pseudo-hypoparathyroidism
- poor dietary Ca
- malabsorption
- chelation; massive blood transfusion
What can cause impaired PTH secretion or action?
- primary hypoparathyroidism: congenital, autoimmune
- secondary hypoparathyroidism: after neck surgery or trauma, radio iodine
- neonatal
- hypomagnesemia
- hypermagnesemia
What can cause impaired vitamin D synthesis or action?
- poor dietary vitamin D intake
- malabsorption
- liver disease
- renal disease
- hypomagnesemia
What can cause calcium chelation or precipitation?
- blood - citrate
- ethylene glycol
- pancreatitis
- rhabdomyolysis
- chemotherapy
What are signs and symptoms of hypocalcaemia?
- parenthesis
- laryngospasm
- bronchospasm
- tetany
- seizures/halucinations/confusion
- muscle cramps
- short of breath
- chvostek sign
- trousseau sign
- prolonged Q-T interval on ECG
What investigations might be carried out for hypocalcaemia?
- calcium
- phosphate
- U&E
- magnesium
- vitamin D
- 1,25, di OH vitamin D
- malabsorption; B12, folate, coeliac screen
- amylase
What is the treatment of hypocalcaemia?
- treat underlying cause; discontinue offending drugs, correct other electrolyte disorders
- oral (enteral): up to 2g per day
- vitamin D supplementation
What is the treatment and signs of severe hypocalcaemia?
- IV 10ml 10% calcium gluconate diluted in 200ml N saline over 10 minutes
- carpopedal spasm
- fitting
- arrhythmia
- calcium
What is the treatment of vitamin D deficiency?
- calcium and vitamin D tablets 800-1000 IU daily
- vitamin D injection 300,000 IU every 6 months
- alpha calcidol (1alpha hydroxyl vitamin D) 0.25-1mg daily
What is pseudohypoparathyroidism?
Post receptor defect of PTH receptor; Ca2+, PO4, via D hydroxylation, PTH
- body habits; short stature, obesity, round face
- mental deficit
- brachydactyly
- ectopic calcification
What are the functions of calcium?
- bone growth and remodelling
- secretion
- muscle contraction
- blood clotting
- co-enzyme
- stabilisation of membrane potentials
- second messenger/stimulus response coupling
What are the functions of phosphate [H2PO4- and HPO42-]?
- element in: high energy commands e.g. ATP, second messengers e.g. cAMP
- constituent of: DNA/RNA, phospholipid membranes, bone
- intracellular anion
- phosphorylation (activation) of enzymes
What is the distribution of phosphate in the body?
50% free (controlled by kidneys and effects of PTH and FGF23)
50% bound
skeleton: 90%
intracellular: 9.97%
What is the distribution of calcium in the body?
skeleton: 99%
intracellular: 0.01%
extracellular: 0.99% (2.2-2.58mmol/l)
ionised Ca2+ 45% (controlled by PTH and vitamin D)
bound to plasma proteins (45%) and ions e.g. phosphate, lactate, HCO- (10%)
What are the basic stages of bone remodelling?
- differentiation of stem cells to osteoclasts
- resorption of bone
- mopping up debris by macrophages/mononuclear cells
- laying down of new osteoid and minerals by osteoblasts
Cycle: –>resorption–>reversal–>formation–>resting–>
How is osteoclast differentiation initiated by RANK ligand?
osteoblast stimulates the differentiation of osteoclasts by the production of RANK ligand.
This activates the RNAK receptor on the osteoclast precursor and via activation of nuclear kappa beta stimulates gene transcription and differentiation of osteoclasts.
OPG binding to RANK inhibits differentiation.
In what pattern/way is bone laid down?
Along lines of stress
How does bone act as an endocrine organ?
- osteocytes produce fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23)
- osteoclasts produce uncarbonated osteocalcin (uOCN)
- FGF23 acts on kidney to decrease synthesis of active vitamin D and to increase excretion of inorganic phosphate (Pi)
- uOCN acts on pancreatic beta cells to increase insulin production and secretion, on adipocytes to increase adiponectin and on muscle to increase insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake
What is the synthesis of PTH?
- signal sequence - 31 to -6 cleaved in ER
- hexapeptide -6 to 1 removed in golgi apparatus
- 1-84 intact hormone, fragments formed in secretary granules just prior to secretion
- sandwich assay (2 antibodies) detect whole hormone not fragments
- only 1-34 amino acids requires for full biological activity
- long N-terminally truncated PTH also in circulation
- ratio fo fragments to full length PTH increases when plasma Ca2++ is high
- T1/2 2-4 minutes for long fragments
- only 20% of circulating PTH is the full length PTH
How does intracellular calcium vary with plasma proteins and pH?
Increased plasma proteins and alkalosis = decreased iCa2+
decreased plasma proteins and acidosis = increased iCa2+
How does the calcium sensing receptor work (CaSR)?
- circulating calcium levels sense by Ca2+ receptor - when calcium levels are high
- Gai inhibits constitutive activity of AC cyclase; cAMP and PKa production reduced
- Gaq increases IP3 pathway. Intracellular concentrations of Ca2+ rise, PKA falls and PTH secretion is inhibited. Low levels of calcium decrease IP3, increase PKA and increase PTH secretion.
What are the actions of PTH?
- stimulate osteoblasts to produce M-CSF and RANK ligand –> increased bone resorption
- increase Ca2+ reabsorption in the distal convoluted tubule
- increase phosphate excretion
- increases 1-alpha hydroxylase in the proximal tubule
What are the actions of PTH on bone?
- production of M-CSF and RANKL
- osteoclast differentiation
- bone resorption, increased calcium and phosphate
- release of growth factors to stimulate maturation of osteoblasts and new bone formation
What are the actions of PTH in the kidney?
- activity of the cAMP/PKA pathway stimulates inception of epithelial Ca2+ channels in the luminal membrane of the distal convoluted tubule. Entry driven by the steep electrochemical gradient between the filtrate and the cytoplasm.
Calcium is bound and transported to the basolateral surface by calbindin.
PTH also stimulates the sodium calcium exchanger and the calcium ATPase
What are symptoms of hypercalcaemia?
NEUROLOGIC: decreased concentration, confusion, fatigue, stupor, coma
RENAL: polyuria, polydipsia, nephrolithiasis, nephrocalcinosis, distal renal tubular acidosis, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, acute and chronic renal insufficiency
MUSCULOSKELETAL: muscle weakness, bone pain, osteopenia/osteoporosis
CARDIOVASCULAR: shortening of the QT interval, bradycardia, hypertension
GASTROINTESTINAL: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, bowel hypo motility and constipation, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer disease
What are the actions of Vitamin D in calcium homeostasis?
- increases Ca2+ absorption in the gut
- requires CaBP’s - synthesis stimulated by Vitamin D
- synergises with PTH on bone
- inhibits PTH synthesis
- inhibits 1a-hydroxylase
How does paracellular transport of calcium across the epithelial cells of the intestine occur?
diffusion through tight junctions dependent on concentration gradient - does not require energy
How does transcellular transport of calcium across the epithelial cells of the intestine occur?
at apical region calcium enters the cell through a selective calcium transporter (TRPV), binds to calbindin, transported across cell and extruded at the basolateral membrane by a sodium-calcium exchanger and a Ca2+/ATPase transporter.
What are typical signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?
- aches and pains in bones
- proximal myopathy
- mild hypocalcaemia - secondary hyperparathyroidism
- hypophosphataemia and hyperchloaemic acidosis
- bone deformities - osteomalacia
What are pathological conditions associated with abnormalities of the ECM?
- arthritis
- osteoporosis/osteopetrosis
- cancer
- diabetes
- ageing
- various genetic diseases
- scars/fibrosis
What is the ECM made up of?
- ground substance components (e.g. glycoproteins, proteoglycans)
- fibrous proteins (eg collagen, elastin)
How does the 3D organisation of the collagen fibrils determine the mechanical properties of tissues?
tendon/ligaments: parallel bundles
bone: spirals
cartilage: meshwork
What is the structure of collagen?
triple helix of 3 alpha chains (“super-helix”). Alpha chains are typically 3 amino acid repeats (GLY-x-y, where X is often proline and Y is often hydroxyproline).
How are collagen fibrils formed?
Triple helices cross-link to form a fibril (diameter 10-300nm)
Most common fibrillar collagens: I, II, III, V, IX
About Collagen IV (vs fibrillar collagens)…
- lack regular glycine = ‘loose’ helix; increased flexibility, sensitivity to digestion with proteases
- terminal peptides are to cleaved
- assemble Nehad to head and ultimately form a sheet
What affects synthesis of the extracellular matrix?
- increased TGFbeta (transforming growth factor beta)
- increased PDGF (platelet derived growth factor)
- decreased glucocorticoids
- decreased age
What affected degradation of the extracellular matrix?
- increased MMPs, matrix metalloproteinases
- decreased TIMPs, tissue inhibitors of MMPs
What are examples of the matrix in normal health?
- embryo implantation, throughout development
- tissue homeostasis = constant remodelling
- pregnancy
What are examples in the imbalance of extracellular matrix in disease?
- arthritis/osteoporosis/osteopetrosis
- tumour invasion and metastasis
- scurvy
- ageing
- scarring/fibrosis
- many genetic diseases
What is the function of MMP1 (collagenase)?
MMPs are involved in the breakdown of extracellular matrix in normal physiological processes, such as embryonic development, reproduction, and tissue remodeling, as well as in disease processes, such as arthritis and metastasis. Specifically, MMP-1 breaks down the interstitial collagens, types I, II, and III.
What are symptoms of scurvy?
- pale skin
- loss of teeth
- sunken eyes
What are examples of diseases caused by mutations in collagen genes?
- osteogenesis imperfecta (type I collagen mutation)
- achondrogenesis (type II collagen mutation)
- ehlers-danlos syndromes (type III or V collagen mutation)
About elastin…
- imparts elastic properties to tissues
- like collagen, is proline and glycine rich
- synthesised as a precursor –> troop-elastin (~72 kDa)
- after secretion, cross-linked to form elastic fibres
About elastic fibres…
- elastic fibres are more than just elastin
- elastin ‘core’ covered by a sheath of microfibrils
- microfibrils composed of glycoproteins, namely fibrillar
- microfibrils essential for integrate of elastic fibres (and contribute to assembly and organisation)
What is elastin degradation influenced by?
- elastase
- alpha1-anti-trypsin (inhibits elastase)
What is the relationship between elastin synthesis and hypertension?
There is increased elastin synthesis in hypertension.
- 50% of the mass of large vessel walls consists of elastin (80% elastin and collagen)
- in hypertension, there is increased synthesis and deposition of elastin and collagen in vessel walls
- vessel walls are thickened
- diameter of vessel is reduced
- turnover of elastin (and collagen) is slow, so it is difficult to treat/recover
Why is there increased degradation of elastin in pulmonary emphysema?
- loss of elastin = reduced elasticity of the lungs
- sometimes due to deficiency in alpha1-anti-trypsin, which normally inhibits elastase.
- too much elastase = excessive degradation
What are problems caused by mutations in elastin?
- cutis laxa
- marfan syndrome (can be caused by mutations in the fibrillin gene)
What is cartilage?
- avascular tissue, lacking innervation
- low metabolic activity and proliferation capacity (displaying both interstitial and appositional growth)
- chondrocytes embedded in extravascular matrix of collagen and proteoglycan (may be seen in lacunae, a histological artefact)
What types of cartilage are there?
- HYALINE CARTILAGE: type II collagen: embryonic skeleton, articularjoints, costal cartilage, respiratory passages
- ELASTIC CARTILAGE: elastin: ears, larynx, epiglottis
- FIBROCARTILAGE: type I collagen: annulus fibrosus, pubic symphysis, sites of repair or articular cartilage
By what process is the cartilage of the neonatal skeleton replaced with bone?
endochondral ossification
What is the basic structure of proteoglycans?
protein core with carbohydrate side chains
What are the stages of proteoglycan biosynthesis?
- translation in the RER
- GAG synthesis by glycosyl transferases in the golgi
- sulfotransferases in the golgi
- secretion and matrix assembly
How is sulphate taken in in the diet?
- methionine and cysteine
- inorganic sulphate
- including glucosamine sulphate and chondroitin sulphate
What is assimilated in sulphate metabolism?
- proteins (incorporation of methionine and cysteine)
- glutathione, S-adenysl methionine, taurine, CoA etc
- sulphated macromolecules e.g. proteoglycans (via PAPS, activated sulphate)