MSK1 Flashcards
what are some important observations in msk?
gait, carrying angle, pain, function, atrophy, asymmetry, deformity, footwear, color.
why is medication important? Esp steroids?
what about sexual hx?
gonorrhea reactive arthritis
if your patient has a score of 3 on motor examination they can…?
active full ROM against gravity (no resistance)
what is HLA-B27 antigen used for?
are x-rays useful in OA or RA?
OA in early dg and dz progression
what should you order if you suspect spondyloarthropathy?
sacroiliac films!
most common cause of neck pain?
where does trapiezus pain refer to?
temporal lobe, jaw, mastoid,
SCM pain may refer where and cause what automonic dysfunction?
above the eye, back of head, top of head. Auditory, corryza, lactorrhea, lactimation.
scalene pain moves where?
shoulder, upper arm, chest
when is the soonest time you can do an EMG/NCV nerve conduction study after neck injury?
1 month post onset
where are your C5, C6, C7, C8, T1, T2 dermatomes???
C5 shoulder, 6-top forearm/thumb/1st digit. 7- middle digit/hand, 8-4th and 5th digits/wrist, T1- forearm to elbow, T2-upper arm
what view is needed on x-ray to see C-7?
swimmer’s view
what kind of curve should be seen on cervical x-ray?
when do you order an MRI for degenerative disc disease?
neuro compromise is apparent
what are the main tx options for neck pain?
PT, NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, trigger point (trapezius)
pt has chronic arm and shoulder pain with unknown cause, and weakness/wasting of hand muscles, plus sensory disturbance of palmar 5th digit?
thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)
Dg? Tx?
cervical x-ray and electrodiagnostics. EMG w/ slow conduction. Tx surgical resection of band.
what nerve roots are compressed in TOS
C8 or T1
where does sciatica occur?
buttock, posterior thigh, posterolateral leg including malleolus, dorsum and sole
where do discs bulge?
posterior lateral
what test do you use for low back pain w/radiation?
straight leg raise
u/l LBP and buttock pain worse with standing in one position?
SI joint. Do compression test! Dg/tx- injection