MSK path 1 Flashcards
Granulomatous / destruction of internal elastic membrane; Aorta & major branches
large arteries
Giant Cell (temporal) arteritis (GCA)
Granulomatous of aorta, females <50 y/o
Ischemic bowel disease, pulmonary, coronary, renal arteries also affected
large arteris
Fibrinoid necrosis
NO GLOMERULONEPHRITS BUT it does affect the kidneys (renal involvement severe HTN (RBCs in urine , NOT CASTS)
Many stages evident in biopsy
Wrist and Foot drop due to ulnar & common fib involvement
Polyarteritis Nodosa (PAN)
Mucucutaneous lymph node syndrome
Coronary artery involvement
Children (tx: IgG and AsA)
Kawasaki Diseasea
Limited – only respiratory
Systemic – involves renal arteries (glomerulonephritis – focal segmental)
Wegeners aka
Ganulomatosus w/ polyangiitis (GPA)
Eosinophilic granulomatosus, respiratory tract
Asthma, Eosinophilia
Fibrinoid necrosis but w/ NO GRANULOMAS
Hypersensitivity vasculitis
p-ANCA more than -ANCA , can have immune complexes (mistake on Pandout)
glomerulonephritis (75%) + pulmonary hemorrhage
also has neuropathy: wrist/ foot drop
All lesions about the same stage
Microscopic Polyangiitis
IgA deposits in small vessels
Palpable purpura – legs to buttocks/ arthritis, abdominal pain, glomerulonephritis
Henoch-Scholein purpura
HS rxn to tobacco component in heavy smokers
Can involve nerves and veins severe pain & chronic ulcerations (stop smoking before progression to frank gangrene)
Thromboangiits Obliterans (Burger’s disease)
Rotator Cuff Tendinitis - primary cause of pain
Extensor radialis brevis
Pain w/ supination and wrist extension
Laterial epicondylitis
Tennis elbow
Flexor carpi radialis
Pain w/ pronation & wrist flexion
Medial epiconylitis
Golfer/ pitchers elbow
Flexor tenosynovitis (flexor digitorum, superficialis)
Trigger Fingers
Inflammation of the sheaths of the extensor pollicis brevis & abductor pollicis brevis
De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
Burning or tingling in hand usually at night
Median nerve compression in carpal tunnel
*median nerve may also be compressed at the pronator teres)
Thenar atrophy, Tinel’s sign, Phalen test
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Does communicate with the joint Point tenderness over greater trochanter, worsened w/ external rotation and abduction Worsen when lying on same side Difference in leg length can cause this Lateral thigh pain above the knee
Trochanteric Bursitis
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (L2-L3) entrapment diffuse lateral thigh pain (sites of compression = inguinal ligament, insertion of psoas
Meralgia paresthetica
40% communicate with the knee; may rupture medial ankle ecchymosis
seen from behind the patient
Popliteal cyst (Baker’s cyst)
Superficial to kneecap swelling
Always consider sepsis
Prepatellar Bursitis
may rupture Thompson sign
Achilles Tendinitis
Women in high heeled shoes! Pain in 3rd/4rth toes due to entrapment of interdigital plantar nerves
Morton’s neuroma
Prominence of metatarsal head on either side of the foot
Excessive proliferation of skin & bones at distal extremities – excessive collagen desposition
Full syndrome – periostitis of long bones
Chest malignancy & lung infections
Hypertrophic Osteoarthopathy
Younger patients, outer membrane IA inactivates compliment
Tenosynovitis of wrists, ankles, fingers, toes – migratory arthralgia
Often follows menstruation
Better to culture GU or pharynx where bug originally came from
Staph aureus #1
GAS #2
Salmonella in Sickle cell pts
N gonorrhea
Most common viral arthritis
Parvovirus (B19)
Catcher Crouch Syndrome – lumbar radiculoneuropathy
Arthritis-urticaria syndrome
Explosive arthritic of the knee
Hepatitis B
Cryoglobulinemia vasculitis, palpable purpura over lower legs
Type II and III
Hepatitic C