MSK Flashcards
definition seronegative arthitides
inflammatory rheum disease, inflammation of axial and peripheral joitns and enthesitis (inflammtion where tnedon meets bone)
extra articular features seronegagive
anterior uveiitis and bowel lesions
3 conditions under umbrella sero -ve
ank spond, rieter’s, enteropathic, psoriatic, behcet’s, Junior idiopathic
RF sero -ve
fam hx, HLA b27
3 symptoms sero -ve
inflammatoy back pain, stiff in morning, sacroiliitis, enthesitis, sausage fingers, urethritis,
Inv for sero -ve
ESR and CRP, urte, RF, antinulcear, serology testing, xray sacroiliac joints (inflammation), bamboo spine, sqauring of vertebrae
management sero -ve
physio, NSAIDS< DMARDS, joint replacement
pathophys of Pagets
inc bone turnover, inc activity of osteoclasts, new bone weak and brittle
symptom pagets
bone pain, at night, bone deformity (bowing tibia, kyphosis, bossing skull), deafness and tinnitus
inv for pagets
raised ALP, normal ca and po4
xray - skull - cotton wool pattern - multifocal sclerotic patches
management pagets
orthotics, sticks, walkers
(is rickets when childern)
inadeqaute mineralisation VIT D!!!!, results in loss of skeletal mass
symptoms osteomalaci
pain, prox muscle weakness, skeletal deformity - vertebrae a skull, change in gait, fractures
bloods osteomalacia
high alk phos, FBC
xray - looser’s zones
management osteomalacia
vit D supps, dietary get ou in sun