ms 6 Flashcards
where is their legislations of the role of an RP mentioned?
Medicines act 1968 (as ammended by the health act 2006) and the Responsible Pharmacist regulation 2006
what are the key areas of the role of an RP?
secure the effective and safe running of a pharmacy display the notice Maintain pharmacy records Pharmacy procedures Absenses are recorded
how many RP could there be at one pharmacy retail store?
1 RP at one Pharmacy premises opened during the businesss/working hrs of that Pharmacy premises
what is the requirement of being a RP in a pharmacy store?
RP needs to be present in the store (notice) even if they go on a break
RP is appointed by the Pharmacy owner
what should the RP do in ensuring the safe and effective running of a Pharmacy store?
- Only take up the role of a RP if they are professionally competent
- Only one RP in charge at one Pharmacy premises at one time
- RP needs to be registered RPh
- Secure the safe and effective running of a Pharmacy business in question before they take any operational activities i.e they should question before taking the role of an RP i.e. services available such as PGDs, familiarise with SOPS
what information should be present when displaying the notice?
gphc reg number
declaration- that the named person is the RP in charge of that Pharmacy premises
where should the RP display the notice
in a location where members of the public can see it i..e not in a consultation room or in a staff room
what is a pharmacy record?
- a legal document that is amn ongoing record/audit trail of who is the RP at a given time and day
- shows who is RP at any given time and date
- an entry in the record may be made remotely as long as the Pharmacy records comply with the relevant professional and legal requirements
- should reflect absenses
how long should the pharmacy records be maintained?
rp and superintendent RPh should maintain an ongoing record for 5 years at the Pharmacy they are RP
how should the pharmacy records be made? (format)
written/paper or electronic
- if asked by the inspector should be readily available
- could back it up
what should the pharmacy records include?
- reflect absenses
- shows who is RP at any given time and date
- any changes to procedures made (rp should make entries to these changes personally)
what must the pharmacy record contain?
- the RP name
- RP gphc reg number
- date and time the RP became an RP
- the date and time the RP ceased being an RP
- absenses of the RP from the registered Pharmacy premises including
- –date of absence
- —time at which the absence commenced
- —time at which the RP returned to the registered Pharmacy premises (i.e. at lunch breaks)
what does establish pharmacy procedures include?
these form part of the quality framework for the safe and effective running od the registered pharmacy
cover a number of sops
what is SOPS?
standard operating procedures,
these form part of the quality framework for the safe and effective running od the registered pharmacy
for example
- complaint procedures,
- incident reporting
- procedures in place when an RP is absent
what format is pharmacy procedures avaliable?
electronic and hardback copy
what is the current law about the absence of an RP?
upto 2hrs absence during the pharmacy business hrs once signed in as the RP in that registered Pharmacy
what does a supervising pharmacist do?
related to the Physical presence of a Pharmacist overlooking the day to day activities in the Pharmacy and interfere when needed and or physically not present but aware of the activity (i.e. they may be in the stockroom)
what are the levels of supervision?
A1 Activities which
require a responsible pharmacist to be in charge of the premises (they may be absent for up to two hours per day), and
need to take place under the supervision of a pharmacist and the supervising pharmacist will need to be physically present at the premises.
A2 Activities which
require a responsible pharmacist to be in charge of the premises (they may be absent for up to two hours per day) and
take place under the supervision of a pharmacist but who may not need to be physically present at the premises.
A3 Activities which require a responsible pharmacist to be in charge of the premises (they may be absent for up to two hours) but does not require the supervision of a pharmacist.
A4 Activities which
does not require the responsible pharmacist to be in charge
does not require the supervision of a pharmacist.
what are A1 activities
A1 Activities which
require a responsible pharmacist to be in charge of the premises (they may be absent for up to two hours per day), and
need to take place under the supervision of a pharmacist and the supervising pharmacist will need to be physically present at the premises.
what are A2 activities?
A2 Activities which
require a responsible pharmacist to be in charge of the premises (they may be absent for up to two hours per day) and
take place under the supervision of a pharmacist but who may not need to be physically present at the premises.
what are a3 and 4 activities
A3 Activities which
require a responsible pharmacist to be in charge of the premises (they may be absent for up to two hours) but
does not require the supervision of a pharmacist.
A4 Activities which
does not require the responsible pharmacist to be in charge
does not require the supervision of a pharmacist.
give examples of a1 activities?
clincial and legal checking prescription sale and supply of a POM sale and supply of a P Sale and supply of a CD sale and supply of a PGD emergency supply of a medicine at the request of a healthcare professional. wholesale of a medicine
give an example of a a2 activity
generating a label assemling the label taking medicines to the dispensory accuracy checking labelling the container with the dispensing label
give an example of an a3 activitiy
sale of a gsl
processing a waste stock
give an example of an a4 activity
ordering stock receiving stock putting stock away except for CDs date checking cleaning receiving prescription from patients or collection from the surgery
what must a pharmacy record contain?
1.the responsible pharmacist name
2. responsible Pharmacist reg number
3. date when the RP signed in as a Responsible
Pharmacist in the registered Pharmacy premises which the RP signed out as a responsible
5.Pharmacist in the registered Pharmacy premises
—–date which the RP was absent
——time at which the absences commended
—–the time at which the RP returned as a RP at the registered Pharmacy premises