How many zones of safety are there?
Zone I
Zone II
Zone III
Zone IV
What is Zone I?
area outside the MR facility which is freely accessible to the public
What is Zone II?
an area between full public access and the more restricted areas of the MRI Facility
What is Zone III?
the area where access by unscreened non mri personnel or ferromagnetic objects could result in serious injury or even death
-the mr control room
-access to Zone III & the area within Zone III is to be controlled by, and under the supervision of MR personnel
What is Zone IV?
the scan room
MR personnel are separated into
Level I and Level II personnel
What is Level I personnel?
those who have passed minimal safety education to ensure their own safety as they work within Zone III
What is Level II personnel?
those who have more extensively trained and educated in the broader aspects of MR safety issues, including issues related to the potential for thermal loading or burns and direct neuromuscular excitation
Screening for patient and non-MR personnel is take place outside
Zone III
Only ____personnel may allow non-MR personnel access into Zone IV
Level II
While in Zone IV, non-MR personnel are to be:
directly supervised and accompanied by Level II personnel
True or False: if there is a medical emergency, the patient is to first be removed from Zone IV to a predetermined MRI safe location.
true. the emergent removal of the patient must be accomplished before emergency personnel can respond
The current labeling (recognized and used by the FDA) for implants and devices places items into one of three categories:
MR Safe
MR Unsafe
MR Conditional
MR Safe
items which pose no known hazards in all MRI environments. examples include glass, wood, and plastic
MRI unsafe
- items known to pose hazards in all MRI environments. examples include ferromagnetic objects such as standard o2 cylinders