MRF/INR Flashcards
thoracolumbar MFR/INR
activating force
placing hands on either side of spine (thumbs inward) and rotating shoulders inward
lumbar ROM
INR: leg extension or arm motion
all MFR/INR MFR, assesment, and time
- asses flexion/extension, sidebending, rotation, tightness/looseness (tissue texture changes)
- asses ROM specific for area
- asses asymmertry
- ask patient about tenderness
- decide direct or indirect
- load tissues
MFR: breathing
timing: 20-60 sec
7. wait for creep to reoccur
8. reasses TART
prone reginal thoracic MFR
splay hands out on either side of spine and rotate parralel
lumbar ROM
INR: arm ab/ad
prone sacral base MFR
push down whichever way on sacrum
lumbar ROM
extend leg
cervical MFR
put finger pads on TART area and create traction (cup fingers)
cervical ROM
blink eyes or stick out tongue
hip region MFR
cup the thigh and move hands tissue whichever way
*just asses IR/ER and tightness/looseness*
leg ROM, knee ROM
knee flexion, hip extension
popliteal space MFR
use finger pads to spread open popliteal space
*just asses IR/ER and tightness/looseness*
knee ROM
rotate knee internally and externally
knee MFR
grab knee on both sides and squeeze inward
*just asses IR/ER and tightness/looseness*
knee ROM
knee flexion?
ankle MFR
grab ankle and manipulate it
ankle ROM
INR: dorsiflexion/plantarfelxion
plantar fascia MFR
make X with fingers and press on ball of foot
*no tissue texture assesment*
INR: plantar/dorsiflexion
glenohumeral & scapular MFR
grab back of arm with one hand and shoulder with the other– can move both arm and shoulder
*make sure to asses both arm and scapula*
shoulder ROM
INR: arm F/E, ab/ad/ ir/er
elbow MFR
rug burn strech. grab both sides of elbow and rotate opposite
elbow ROM
INR: pronation/supination
wrist MFR
rug burn. grab on both side of wrist and rotate opposite
wrist ROM
INR: clenching/unclenching fists
Still’s wrist
grab hand at thenar and hypothenar
*asses fascia in response to f/e, ulnar/radial deviation*
INR: clenching/ unclenching fists