MPD Policy (Sections 1-2) Flashcards
The arrest authority within the jurisdiction of the Moore Police Department includes (22 O.S. § 196; 11 O.S. § 34-101):
a: In compliance with a valid, _____ _____ ____
b: Without a warrant; 1-9
a. confirmed arrest warrant.
- For a felony
- For a public offense committed or attempted in the officer’s presence
- When an officer has probable cause to believe a person was under the influence of alcohol or drugs when driving or in physical control of a vehicle involved in an accident
- When the officer, observing a recent injury, has probable cause to believe the person has, within the preceding 72 hours, committed an act of domestic abuse
- When the officer is acting on a violation of a court protective order
- When the officer has probable cause to believe the person has threatened another with serious injury or death
- When the officer has probable cause to believe that the person has committed retail larceny (22 O.S. § 1342)
- When a traffic offense for which an arrest is permissible is observed or perceived with electronic equipment by the officer or by another officer who communicates the same to the officer (47 O.S. § 16-114)
- An officer may effect an arrest or issue a traffic citation to any driver involved in a traffic collision when, based on personal investigation, the officer has probable cause to believe the person has committed a traffic related offense (47 O.S.§ 16-109.1)
The arrest authority of officers outside the jurisdiction of the Moore Police Department includes: a-e
a. Have the same powers and duties as police officers of another municipality upon request by the mayor, chief of police or the authorized designee of the municipality requesting their assistance.
b. Have the same powers and duties as law enforcement officers for a sheriff’s office upon request by a county sheriff or the authorized designee requesting their assistance.
c. Have the same powers and duties as law enforcement officers for the Oklahoma Highway Patrol upon request by a commissioned law enforcement officer of the Oklahoma Highway Patrol for their assistance.
d. May be deputized by the county sheriff.
e. May respond to requests from another jurisdiction for assistance in case of emergency.
Arrest Immunity
Typical categories of immunity include; a-e
a. Diplomatic Immunity
b. United States Senators and Representatives
c. Voters on Election Day
d. Oklahoma State Legislators
e. Member of the National Guard
____- Oklahoma Automated Criminal History System
____- Any person 18 years of age or older
____- The City of Moore
____- Employees and volunteers who are not certified Police Officers
____- Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training
____- Department/MPD
The Moore Police Department
____- Oklahoma Department of Human Services
____- Oklahoma Department of Public Safety
____- Any person employed by the department
____- Includes any collective bargaining agreement, memorandum of understanding, memorandum of agreement or any other employment contract or conditions of employment
Employee agreement
____- The Moore Police Department Policy Manual
____- indicates a permissive, discretionary or conditional act
Definitions \_\_\_\_- any person employed or appointed by the Moore Police Department, including; - full and part time employees - certified officers - communication employees - volunteers - reserve, auxiliary officers
____- Oklahoma Tax Commission, Motor Vehicle Division
____- Oklahoma Administrative Code
____- those employees, regardless of rank, who are certified peace officer employees of the Moore Police Department
____- Oklahoma Department of Transportation
____- Oklahoma Highway Patrol
____- Oklahoma Law Enforcement Telecommunications System
___- a member’s status during the period when he/she is actually engaged in the performance of his/her assigned duties
___- a written or verbal instruction issued by a supervisor
____- Oklahoma Statutes Annotated
____- Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation.
____- Any sheriff, police officer, federal law enforcement officer, tribal law enforcement officer or any other law enforcement officer whose duty it is to enforce and preserve the public peace. Peace officer also includes every United States Marshal, Marshals Service deputy or other federal law enforcement officer employed full-time as a law enforcement officer or acting under the authority of a Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs Commission who has been certified by the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (CLEET) and is authorized by federal law to conduct investigations and make arrests for a violation of federal law (21 O.S. § 99)
Peace Officer
____- the title of the classification held by an officer.
____- indicates a mandatory action
shall or will
____- Indicates a generally required or expected action, absent a rational basis for failing to conform
____- A person in a position of authority that may include responsibility for hiring, transfer, suspension, promotion, discharge, assignment, reward or discipline of other department members, directing the work of other members or having the authority to adjust grievances. The supervisory exercise of authority may not be merely routine or clerical in nature but requires the use of independent judgment
The term “____” may also include any person (e.g., officer-in-charge, lead or senior worker) given responsibility for the direction of the work of others without regard to a formal job title, rank or compensation.
When there is only one department member on-duty, that person may also be the ____, except when circumstances reasonably require the notification or involvement of the member’s off-duty ____ or an on-call ____.
The Chief of Police is responsible for administering and managing the Moore Police Department. There are two bureaus in the Department:
Operations Bureau
Support Services Bureau
The Command Staff generally includes the ____, ____, ____, and ____ designated by the Chief of Police.
Chief of Police
Assistant Chief of Police
and any other person(s) designated by the Chief of Police
The Operations Bureau is commanded by an assigned __1__, whose primary responsibility is to provide __2__, __3__ and __4__ for the Operations Bureau.
- major
- general management
- direction
- control
The Operations Bureau consists of the __1__, __2__, and __3__.
- Patrol Divisions
- Special Field Services
- and other divisions/ units as assigned
The Support Services Bureau is commanded by an assigned __1__, whose primary responsibility is to provide __2__, __3__ and __4__ for the Support Services Bureau.
- major
- general management
- direction
- control
The Support Services Bureau consists of the __1__, the __2__, and __3__.
- Criminal Investigations Division,
- the Support Services Division,
- and other divisions/ units as assigned.
Succession of Command
Except when designated as above, the order of command authority in the absence or unavailability of the Chief of Police is as follows: 1-5
- The Assistant Chief of Police
- The Operations Bureau Commander
- The Support Services Bureau Commander
- The senior on-duty Shift Commander
- The senior on-duty Supervisor
Unity of Command
The principles of unity of command ensure efficient __1__ and __2__ within the Department. Generally, each member shall be accountable to __3__ at any time for a given assignment or responsibility. Except where specifically delegated authority may exist by policy any __4__ may temporarily direct any subordinate if an operational necessity exists.
- supervision
- control
- one supervisor
- supervisor
Internal Inspections
__1__ are responsible for ensuring that __2__ and __3__ inspections are conducted for reviewing and evaluating the operations of programs under their command.
- bureau commanders
- line
- staff
Internal Inspections
The focus of the inspections should include __1__ to the department’s __2__ and __3__, __4__, and __5__, as well as adequacy of resources and staffing or other subject matter as directed by the Chief of Police or the authorized designee.
- adherence
- goals
- mission statement
- policies and procedures
- performance targets
Internal Inspections
Line inspections should be conducted randomly by personnel who supervise the program being inspected and include: 1-4
1. Announced or unannounced inspections of facilities, equipment, uniforms, procedures and performance capabilities.
2. An assessment of compliance with the program’s goals, mission, policies and procedures, and target performance levels.
3. A written report noting any serious or recurring deficiencies.
4. A written plan to correct any identified deficiencies.
Internal Inspections
Staff inspections should be conducted as needed at the direction of the Chief of Police by personnel who do not directly supervise the program being inspected and include: 1-4
- Announced formal inspections of facilities, equipment, uniforms, procedures and performance capabilities.
2. An assessment of compliance with the program’s goals, mission, policies and procedures, and target performance levels.
3. A written report of the program’s performance level, including notation of any serious or recurring deficiencies.
4. A written plan to correct any identified deficiencies.
Strategic Planning
The Department should prepare a strategic plan that is reviewed and updated annually. The plan should include:
1. Department goals and division objectives 2. Personnel needs 3. Training needs 4. Equipment needs 5. Facility needs 6. Maintenance needs 7. Operation expenditure needs
General Orders
General Orders will be used to __1__ policies of the Moore Police Department when an __2__ need to __3__ a policy or procedure exists, in order to best meet the mission of the Department.
- modify
- immediate
- adapt
General Orders
Applicable __1__ and other __2__ should be considered before a General Order is issued.
- employment agreements
2. alternatives
General Orders
General Orders will be incorporated into the __1__, as required, upon __2__.
- Policy Manual
2. approval
General Orders
General Orders will modify __1__ or create a __2__ as appropriate and will be __3__ if incorporated into the manual.
- existing policies
- new policy
- rescinded
General Orders
Supervisors will ensure that all General Orders are __1__. General Orders should be numbered __2__ and incorporate the __3__ of issue. All members will be notified when a General Order is __4__ or has been __5__ into the Policy Manual.
- disseminated appropriately
- consecutively
- year
- rescinded
- formally adopted
General Orders
Command staff shall __1__ review General Orders to determine whether they should be __2__ into the Policy Manual, and, as appropriate, will recommend necessary __3__ to the Chief of Police.
- periodically
- formally incorporated
- modifications
General Orders
Only the __1__ or the __2__ may approve and issue General Orders.
- Chief of Police
2. authorized designee
General Orders
All __1__ shall be provided access to the General Orders. Within __2__ days of issue, each member shall __3__ that he/she has been provided access to and has had the opportunity to review the General Orders. Members shall seek __4__ as needed from an appropriate supervisor for any provisions they do not fully understand.
- members
- twenty
- acknowledge
- clarification
Emergency Ops Plan
The __1__ shall notify the local Emergency Management Director of all significant events occurring in the jurisdiction (63 O.S. § 683.11).
Upon request by the __2__, all department personnel shall cooperate and extend services and facilities to the maximum extent practicable (63 O.S. § 683.18).
- Chief of Police or the authorized designee
2. Governor and/or a state emergency management organization
Emergency Ops Plan
The Emergency Operations Plan can be activated in a __1__. For the Moore Police Department, the __2__ or the __3__ may activate the Emergency Operations Plan in response to a major emergency.
- number of ways
- Chief of Police
- highest ranking on-duty supervisor
Emergency Ops Plan
Upon activation of the Emergency Operations Plan:
a. The __1__ should be contacted as soon as possible.
b. All personnel should operate under the __2__.
c. The __3__ or the __4__ should contact the __5__ to assist with mutual aid response from local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.
- City of Moore Emergency Management Department
- National Incident Management System (NIMS)
- City of Moore Emergency Management Director
- Chief of Police or the authorized designee
- Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management
Emergency Ops Plan
In the event that the Emergency Operations Plan is activated, all __1__ of the Moore Police Department are subject to __2__ to service. Employees may also be subject to recall during __3__ as deemed necessary by the __4__.
- employees
- immediate recall
- extraordinary circumstances
- Chief of Police or the highest ranking on-duty supervisor
Emergency Ops Plan
Failure to __1__ to an order to report for duty when required, in an __2__ may result in __3__.
- promptly respond
- emergency situation
- discipline
Emergency Ops Plan
Copies of the Emergency Operations Plan are available on the __1__ and the __2__. All supervisors should familiarize themselves with the Emergency Operations Plan and __3__ members will play when the plan is implemented. The __4__ Commander should ensure that department members are familiar with __5__ they will play when the plan is implemented.
- City of Moore web page
- Emergency management office
- the roles
- Command Staff Bureau
- the roles
Emergency Ops Plan
The Department should __1__ on the Emergency Operations Plan for __2__ and other appropriate personnel. __3__ should familiarize themselves with the Emergency Operations Plan and __4__ when the plan is implemented.
- provide training
- all supervisors
- all supervisors
- personnel responsibilities
The objectives of the training program are to: 1-4
- Enhance the level of law enforcement service to the public.
- Increase the technical expertise and overall effectiveness of department members.
- Provide for continued professional development of department members.
- Ensure compliance with CLEET rules and regulations concerning law enforcement training.
It is the responsibility of the Training Coordinator to __1__, __2__, __3__ and __4__ a training plan and to __5__ that mandated CLEET basic and continuing education training and department-required training is __6__ all members as needed or required.
- develop
- review
- update
- maintain
- ensure
- completed by
The training plan should include the __1__ associated with each type of training.
- anticipated costs
The plan should include a __1__ and __2__ method for recording and logging of all training for all members.
- systematic
2. detailed
Federally mandated training: 1
- National Incident Management System (NIMS) training
State-mandated training: 1-3
1. Officers must successfully complete certified basic law enforcement training or the equivalent (70 O.S. § 3311; 70 O.S. § 3311.5; OAC 390:15-1-1; OAC 390:15-1-3).
- Officers of the Department shall annually complete no less than 25 hours of continuing law enforcement training accredited or approved by CLEET, including two hours on mental health issues (70 O.S. § 3311.4; OAC 390:25-1-1 et seq.).
- Reserve officers of the Department shall annually complete no less than eight hours of continuing law enforcement training accredited or approved by CLEET, including one hour on mental health issues (70 O.S. § 3311.4; OAC 390:25-1-1 et seq.).
Every new employee shall receive __1__ training including the department’s __2__, __3__, __4__, __5__, __6__, and __7__ of the employee.
- job-specific
- role,
- goals,
- policies,
- procedures,
- responsibilities,
- rights
The __1__ is responsible for the __2__, __3__ and __4__ of all training records. Training records shall be retained in accordance with the established __5__ and state law (OAC 390:25-1-7).
- Training Coordinator
- creation,
- filing
- storage
- records retention schedule
Electronic Mail
Members forfeit any __1__ with regard to emails accessed, transmitted, received or reviewed on any department or city email system (see the Information Technology Use Policy for additional guidance).
- expectation of privacy
Electronic Mail
Messages transmitted over the email system are restricted to __1__, or shall only contain information that is essential for the __2__ of business-related tasks or for communications that are __3__ to the business, administration or practices of the Department.
- official business activities
- accomplishment
- directly related
Electronic Mail
Email messages addressed to the __1__ are only to be used for __2__ that are of particular interest to all users. In the event that a member has questions about sending a particular email communication, the member should seek __3__ from a supervisor in his/her chain of command.
- entire Department
- official business-related items
- prior approval
Electronic Mail
Email may, depending upon the __1__, be a public record under the __2__ and must be managed in accordance with the established records __3__ and in compliance with __4__.
The City of Moore __5__ Department shall ensure that email messages are retained and recoverable as outlined in the Records Maintenance and Release Policy.
- individual content
- Oklahoma Open Records Act
- retention schedule
- state law
- Information Technology (IT)
Admin Communications
The Moore Police Department will appropriately communicate __1__ within the organization to its members. Both electronic and non-electronic __2__ will be professional in appearance and comply with the __3__, signature and disclaimer guidelines, as applicable.
- significant events
- administrative communications
- established letterhead
Admin Communications
__1__ may be issued periodically by the Chief of Police or the authorized designee to announce and document all; 2-8
- Personnel Orders
- promotions,
- transfers,
- hiring
- appointment of new members,
- separations,
- individual and group awards and commendations,
- other changes in status.
Admin Communications
To ensure that the __1__ and __2__ are not misused, all official external correspondence shall be on department letterhead. All department letterhead shall bear the signature element of the __3__. This section does not apply to pre-approved form letters (ie. investigation letters, forms used by the Records Division, and alarm permits). All __4__ and use of letterhead requires approval of a __5__. __6__ may not be used for personal purposes.
- letterhead
- name of the Department
- Chief of Police
- official correspondence
- supervisor
- Department letterhead
Admin Communications
__1__ and other communications necessary to ensure the __2__ of the Department shall be issued by the __3__ or the authorized designee (see the General Orders Policy).
- General Orders
- effective operation
- Chief of Police
Supervisor Staffing Levels
The Moore Police Department will ensure that __1__ is available to __2__ of its members and to __3__ of the Department.
- proper supervision
- meet the needs
- achieve the goals
Supervisor Staffing Levels
The __1__ should be balanced with the __2__ for flexibility and discretion in assigning members to meet supervisory needs. While __3__ is desirable, the paramount concern is to __4__ of the Department.
- needs of its members
- needs of the Department
- balance
- meet the needs
Supervisor Staffing Levels
Minimum staffing levels should be established by the __1__ for each Bureau and __2__.
- Bureau Commanders
2. work group
Supervisor Staffing Levels
The __1__ should support proper __2__, __3__, compliance with any __4__ and activity levels to __5__ of members and __6__ of the Department.
- Supervision Staffing Levels
- supervision
- span of control
- employment agreement
- meet the needs
- the goals