Курмелев Movie - THE CONSTANT GARDENER Flashcards
стать достоянием общественности / предать огласке
To Make smth public
исчезнуть из поля зрения,
to go off the radar
являться соучастником / быть замешанным в чем-либо
покориться чьей-либо воле
to bend to one’s will
выражать сожаление
to convey regrets
использовать свои связи
to pull your strings
перевозить контрабандой запрещенный товар
to smuggle smth in as illicit goods
сдерживать / держать кого- либо в узде
to rein smb in
проводить вскрытие,
to conduct the postmortem
искупать вину
Expiate guilt
по чьему-либо
приказу / поручению / распор яжению / требованию,
at the behest of someone
остаться безнаказанным
To get away with smth(murder)
следить за / не спускать глаз с / присматривать за кем- либо,
to keep an eye on smb
привести убедительный довод
to make a valid point
злодейское убийство;
murder foul
using the most modern and recently developed methods, materials, or
State of the art
an agreement between two or more countries, businesses, or people that
is only made for political or economic reasons
someone who is used in a scientific test to see how successful or safe a
new product, system, etc. is
Guinea pig [ˈgɪnɪ pɪg]
to state officially that someone who has been blamed for something is not guilty
To Exonerate from
completely new and different, especially in a way that leads to great improvements;
to try to find out information about other people’s private lives, business, etc., in a way that annoys them,
poke into something
to protect someone against a disease by putting a weak form of the disease into their body using a needle
To inoculate
a clever but dishonest way to get money
A scam
always following the behavior and attitudes that most people in a society consider to be normal, right, and socially acceptable, so that you seem slightly boring.
to be too bad to be improved or saved by anyone
the state of being kept from evil or of improving morally:
The political leadership in that state is so corrupt that it’s beyond redemption (= it will always be morally bad).
to mutilate
to damage something severely, especially by violently removing a part:
Her body had been mutilated beyond recognition.
A vile promise
мерзкое обещание
tormented state of mind
Tortured soul - мучительное состояние души
A depressed region
High unemployment rates; (ii) Significant declines in non-farm employment; (iii) High delinquency rates of real estate assets at insured depository institutions; and (iv) Evidence indicating declining real estate values.
to enjoy record profit
заработать самый большой доход из ранее заработанных
diplomatic credentials
бумаги которые разрешают проводить дип работу в другой стране
to spare the details
не вдаваться в подробности
ravenous (for)
алчный / жадный до чего-то
a dodgy client
изворотливый клиент
to do penance
совершить покаяние
informed consent
осознанное согласие
a valid point
обоснованный довод