Movement Flashcards
Vestibular nuclei
Revieve info from semicircular canals about position and linesr acceleration of head
What kind of movements governed by brainstem centres
Orientation of visual gaze
Medial vestibular nucleus
Neurones form medial vestibulospinal tract
Terminates in medial ventral horn of cervical cord
Refelx activation of neck muscles for head position
Lateral vestibular nucleus
Forms lateral vestibulospinal tract
Terminate in medial lower motor neuronal pools
Activate limb muscles to maintain balance for posture
Reticualar formation
Different levels involved in Control of eye movements Sleep Wakefullness Spatial and temporal coordination of limbs and trunk
Reticulospinal tract
Descending tract terminates in medial parts of grey matter
Influence local neuronal circuits
Coordinate axial and proximal limb muscles POSTURE
Superior colliculus
Gives out UMN that project via tectospinal/colliculospinal tract
To medial cell groups on cervical cord
Influence axial muscles of neck
Movements of head in response to visual info
Rubrospinal tract
From red nucleus descending into lateral white matter
Terminates in lateral refgions of ventral horn
Distal musculature of upper extremities
Where is primary motor cortex
In precetral gyrus of frontal lobe
Brodmanns area 4
In front lays premotor cortex (b6)
Where do UMNs originate
In layer V of motor cortex from pyramidal cells
Intial pathway of UMNs
Descend into corticospinal and corticobulbar tarcts
Pass through posterior limb if internal capsule
Enter cerebral peduncle
Run through base of pons and arise at ventral surface of medulla to form pyramids
What then happens to corticobulbar
Those that innervate reticular formation, red nuclues, vestibular nuclei, pontine nuclei etc leave at appropriate levels
What then happens to corticospinal
90% will decussate at pyramids to form LATERAL corticospinal
Undecussated will form ANTERIOR corticospinal and terminates either ipsilaterally or bilaterally
Lateral corticospinal tract
Terminates in layeral protions of ventral horn
Some axons synapse directly onto alpha motor neurone (only for muscles that supply forearm and hand)
Most will terminate in pools of local circuit neurones
Premotor cortex function
Concerned with using info from other cortical regions to select appropriate movements
30% axons from premotor cortex