Mouth, Eye, Nose, Ear, Scalp & Neck muscles Flashcards
what is the muscles which compresses cheeks? (M)
What is the muscle which depresses lower lip? (M)
Depressor labii superioris
What is the muscle that elevates the upper lip? (M)
Levator labii superioris
what is the muscle that elevates corner of the mouth? (M)
Levator anguli oris
What’s the muscle that elevates and protrudes lower lip? (M)
What is the muscle that compresses and purses lips? (M)
orbicularis oris
what is the muscle that draws the corner of the mouth to the side? (M)
the muscle that depresses corner of the mouth - (M)
Depressor anguli oris
muscle that retracts and elevates corner of mouth - (M)
Zygomaticus major
muscle that retracts and elevates upper lip - (M)
Zygomaticus minor
Muscle which pulls skin inferiorly and anteriorly; wrinkles brow - (E)
Corrugator supercilii
muscle which elevates upper eyelid - (E)
Levator palpebrae
muscle that closes eyelid - (E)
Orbicularis oculi
muscle that moves nose, changes position and shape of nostrils - (N)
Muscle which compresses bridge, depresses tip of nose; elevates corners of nostrils - (N)