Mouth and Nose Flashcards
Pt presents with white plaque on tongue.
Upon examination, the plaque scrapes off.
Oral Candidiasis (Thrush). Tx: Nyastatin or fluconazole
Pt is currently going through a bar exam with a lot stress. Her brother currently has similar symptoms.
Upon examination, there is a small, oval, bump with a gray base near her lip of her mouth.
Aphthous ulcer (canker sore). Tx: heals w/in 10-14 days - relieve pain symptoms
Pt has clusters of lesions near mouth.
Herpetic Gingivostomatitis
d/t HSV 1
Tx: Acyclovir & magic mouthwash
Pt presents with a clear tongue and noticed that the “bumps” on her tongue are gone. It is not painful.
Pt presents with sore throat.
Upon examination, there are no abscess, no exudates but conjucitivits
Viral pharyngitis
d/t rhinovirus, coronavirus, inufluenza
Tx: supportive- ibuprofen and acetaminophen
Pt presents with sore throat but not coughing.
Upon examination:
Group A Beta hemolytic strep
Upon examination, there are exudates, inflammation of the tongue, anterior cervical lymphnodes are swollen
Tx: clindomyacin, penicillin, azithromyocin, cephalosporin
Pt presents with sore throat, fever, N&V, rashes, and maliase
Scarlett Fever
Pt presets with sore throat with fever and cough.
Upon examination:
Acute Tonisilitis
Upon examination: white exudates, cervical lymph nodes are swollen, fever, vomiting
Tx: supportive - gargle w/ salt, ibuprofen and acetaminophen
Pt presents with hot potato mouth and sore throat.
Upon examination:
Peritonsillar abscess
d/t complication of acute tonsilitis (s aurues, h influnezae)
Upon examination: exudates, swollen tonsil, fever, pooling of saliva, cerval lymph nodes.
Tx: I&D, IV abx, tonsillectomy
Pt presents with pain in mouth that is exacerbated when salivating or swallowing. Feels that mouth is dry and dehydrated.
Upon examination: purulent discharge from affected area, stone is in the salivary gland
Salivary stone
d/t s aureus, s pneumoniae - underlying for sjogren syndrome
Tx: clinda, vanco, erythromycin
Rehydration, NSAID, improve oral hygiene
Pt presents with drooling in mouth, muffled speech, and neck is hyperextended.
Upon examination:
Epiglottitis Upon examination: thumbs up sign Tx: keeping airway open is the priority prednisolone for swelling empiric therapy
Pt has been to a football game w/ a cold and has been cheering for 4 hours. Her voice is hoarse and is having difficulty talking.
Tx: supportive - do not drink/smoke and rest w/ humidification
Pt presents with headache, earache, and fever.
Upon examination: parotid glands are swollen.
d/t mumps, coxsackie, or influenza
Tx: supportive
Pt presents with snoring and has lost sense of smell. She complains of constant runny nose and post nasal drip at night.
Upon examination: grape like smooth yellow polyps
Nasal polypsaspirin triad (nasal polposis, aspirin, and asthma)
Tx: nasal steroids (oral if severe), surgery if unable to reduce (but will come back)
Pt presents with cold w/ severe runny nose and nasal congestion. She has a scratchy throat and has exacerbated pain when pressure is on the sinus. mild-moderate turbinate erymetha yellow nasal d/c no epistaxis swollen lymph nodes
Acute viral rhinosinusitis
inflammation of nasal mucosa and paransal sinuses
d/t rhinovrrius, influenza
Tx: symptomatic: NSAIDs, saline irrigation, sudafed, antihistamines, guifensesin (expectorant)