Mountain Formation (study Plate Tectonics Too) Flashcards
What are the four types of mountains?
- Fold mountain
- Block mountain
- Volcanic mountain
- Residual mountain
How are mountains formed?
- Folding
- Faulting
- Volcanic activity
What is a saddle?
A broad and flat pass in a ridge between two mountains
What is a hill
A landmass under 200 m in height
What is a mountain range?
A line or chain of mountains
What is a mountain’s summit?
It’s highest point
What is a col?
A depression/low point in a mountain range providing a pass from one side to the other
What is a knoll
A low detached rounded hill
What is a pass?
A gap in a mountain range, allowing a passage through it
What is a ridge?
A long narrow upland with steep sides
What is the difference between folding and faulting?
Folding is caused by large scale earth movements when convergent plate margins push towards each other causing the crust to be slowly folded as it is being compressed whereas faulting occurs when earth’s movements create tension along forces that pull the crust apart
What are the two types of folds?
Sync line (downwards) and anticline (upwards)
Study diagrams showing faulting and folding
E.g. Rift valleys (pg 14) and asymmetrical fold (pg 12)
Study diagrams showing faulting and folding
E.g. Rift valleys (pg 14) and asymmetrical fold (pg 12)
Examples of fold mountain ranges around the world
- The Himalayas found between Nepal and China
- The alps found in Europe
- The Andes found in South America
- The Pyrenees found on the border of France and Spain
- The Rockies in Canada (passes through Albrta, Yukon,British Colombia)
- The blue mountains in Jamaica
- The central and northern ranges of Trinidad
- Highest mountain in South America; Aconcagua 6962m
What are faults
Fractures in the earth’s crust, created as the earth’s crust is pulled apart
What is a fault plane?
The line of separation where rocks are displaced vertically or horizontally
Types of faults
- Normal fault: caused by tension forces moving in opposite directions
- Tear fault: occurs when rocks move past each other with little vertical movement
- Reverse fault: caused by compression when forces push rocks towards each other
Block mountains
Formed when the earth’s crust cracks. This causes faulting created by tension or compression forces. Blocks of land are faulted upwards or downwards. This can cause the earth’s crust to lengthen or shorten
What are volcanic mountains
Mountains formed by volcanic activity. Materials ejected from a volcanic eruption gradually build a cone shaped volcanic mountain. The shape of the cone depends on the type of lava produced.
Types of lava
Basic lava: forms a wide cone or shield volcano e.g Mavna Loa, Hawaii
Acidic lava: forms a steep-sided cone or composite volcano e.g. Soufriere Hills, Montserrat
What are residual mountains
The reduced mountain form remaining after a mountain form is exposed to weather elements and erodes
Some mountains reduce to low level landforms called peneplanes
What is a plateau
High land area with a generally flat surface which descends on all sides
What is a plain
A part of the landscape which is flat to gently undulating
What is a mountain?
A landmass over 600 m high that have steep slides with distinct peaks. (They make up a large proportion of the earth’s surface