mount & umount Flashcards
The mount command serves to attach the filesystem found on some device to the big file tree.

- a, –all, Mount all filesystems mentioned in fstab
- c, –no canonicalize, Don’t canonicalize paths.
- f, –fake, Dry run
- F, –fork, Fork off for each device. Use with -a.
- T, –fstab <path>, Alternative file to /etc/fstab</path>
- i, –internal-only, Don’t call the mount.<type> helpers.</type>
- l, –show-labels, Show fs labels.
- o, –options <list>, comma sep. list of mount options.</list>
- O, –test-opts <list>, Limi the set of fs.</list>
- r, –read-only
- t, –types <list>, limit the set of fs types.</list>
- v, –verbose
- w, –rw, –read-write
–source <src></src>
–target <target></target>
-n, –no-mtab
–source <src>, Specify source.</src>
–target <target>, Specify target.</target>
-n, –no-mtab, Don’t write to /etc/mtab
mount [SOURCE]
- L, –label <label>, Synonym for LABEL</label>
- U, –uuid <uuid>, Synonym for UUID</uuid>
LABEL=<label>, Specifies device by fs label.</label>
UUID=<uuid>, Specifies device by fs UUID.</uuid>
PARTLABEL=<label>, Specifies device by partition label.</label>
PARTUUID=<uuid>, Specifies device by partition UUID.</uuid>
<device>, Specifies device by path.</device>
<directory>, Mountpoint for bind mounts.</directory>
<file>, Regular file for loopdev setup.</file>
- B
- M
- R
- B, –bind, Mount a subtree somewhere else.
- M, –move, Move a subtree to somewhere else.
- R, –rbind, Mount a subtree and all submounts somewhere else.
–make-shared, mark a subtree as shared.
–make-slave, mark a subtree as slave.
–make-private, mark a subtree as private.
–make-unbindable, mark a subtree as unbindable.
–make-rshared, recursively mark a whole subtree as shared.
–make-rslave, recursively mark a whole subtree as slave.
–make-rprivate, recursively mark a whole subtree as private.
–make-runbindable, recursively mark a whole subtree as unbindable.
The umount command detaches the mentioned file system(s) from the file hierarchy.

- a, –all
- A, –all-targets
- c, –no-canonicalize
- d, –detach-loop
-f, –force
- i, –internal-only
- n, –no-mtab
- l, –lazy, Detach fs now, clean later.
- O, –test-opts <list></list>
- R, –recursive
- r, –read-only
- t, –types <list></list>
- v, –verbose
- q, –quiet
- N, –namespace <ns></ns>