Motor Tone and Coordination (Lecture) Flashcards
What does a motor assessment include?
ROM (active and passive)
Flexibility (muscle length)
Strength (individual or muscle groups, based on spinal nerve root innervations, innervations ie myotomes, function, or task activity)
tone and deep tendon reflexes (DTR)
coordination (movement control/smoothness)
involuntary movements (tics, tremors, ballistic, and choreic movements)
define tone
what is tone important for (incl 3 main areas) and what is it necessary for?
what is the continuum of muscle tone?
Define hypotonia and what conditions it is commonly associated with
Define hypertonia and what conditions it is often associated with
What are 2 types of hypertonicity?
define spasticity and what conditions is it typical for?
define rigidity and what diseases it is most common for
compare spasticity and rigidity in terms of: pattern of muscle involvement, nature of tone, and clinical significance
Spast = extensors and flexors at different times
Rigidity = more core
define pyramidal vs extrapyramidal tract
Extrapyramidal: part of the motor system causing involuntary movements - modulate and regulate (indirect control) ventral horn cells
Pyramidal: tracts of the motor cortex that reach their targets by traveling through the “pyramids” of the medulla - directly innervate motor neurons of the spinal cord or brainstem
what is a tonic response?
Tonic response = resistance to passive stretch
how would you grade a low tone muscle response?
A muscle is said to have low tone when there is no or little resistance to passive lengthening, it may also feel soft on palpation. There is no other grading of low tone; only qualitative.
how is muscle tone typically assessed?
¢Muscle tone is typically tested clinically by moving limb segments through range (passive mvmt) and judging or grading the amount of resistance to the lengthening movement.
how would you grade a high tone/spasticity response?
often graded clinically using the Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS); other scales exist but MAS is clinically widespread.
describe how to carry out a test for spascticity using the modified ashworth scale
note: for spasticity or high tone only!
* ie just lengthen the muscle!
what is the rating scale for the modified ashworth scale?
what are the 2 superficial reflexes? - what conditions are these assocaited with?
1) Babiniski or plantar reflex
2) Hoffman’s reflex
*note these are associated with upper motor neuron conditions