Motor Systems Flashcards
Which regions of the cortex are involved in motor control?
All of the frontal lobe
What happens to the cortical region’s role in movement as you move more and more anatomically anterior?
It becomes more and more complex and abstract.
What is area 4?
What anatomical landmark is it immediately anterior to?
Primary motor cortex - the lowest level of motor hierarchy
Central sulcus
What do local lesions to area 4 cause?
Paralysis or paresis of specific muscle groups
What do strokes involving occlusion of the middle cerebral artery affect? Is the effect contra or ipsilateral?
Almost all of one side of the frontal lobe
They produce severe motor disability in all parts of the contralateral body (except the lower limb as this region of motor cortex is supplied by anterior cerebral artery).
Which is more severe - blockage of M1 or M3 (parts of the MCA)? Why?
Blockage of M1, as it is more proximal and affects the blood supply to the basal ganglia (via the lenticulostriate arteries) as well as the blood supply to the motor cortex.
What is area 6? What is area 8?
Premotor cortex
Supplementary motor cortex
Damage to areas 6 and 8 leads to what clinical syndrome? Explain this syndrome.
Patients with apraxia have normal reflexes and no muscle weakness but have difficulty performing complex motor tasks.
What else can damage to areas 6 and 8 cause?
Does damage to one side produce mild or severe symptoms? Why?
Lesions of this cortex may also impair motor responses to visual or other sensory cues.
Only minimal symptoms - the contralateral area may be able to take over some functions.
Frontal eye fields and Broca’s area are adjacent to what area?
What two special motor systems do they control?
Premotor area
Extraocular eye muscles and the muscles regulating speech
What does damage to Broca’s area lead to?
Motor aphasia - patient has difficulty verbalising word strings such as complex sentences.
What is oculomotor apraxia?
How do patients compensate?
Patients have difficulty moving their eyes horizontally and moving them quickly to follow a moving object, due to problems with the programmes controlling voluntary eye movements.
Patients have to turn their head in order to compensate.
What is one cause of oculomotor apraxia?
Bilateral lesions of the frontal eye fields
Frontal eye fields control…
Voluntary eye movements
What does saccade mean?
Rapid eye movements between fixation points.
What 3 areas contain the somatosensory cortex? Where does this lie?
Areas 1, 2 and 3 (parietal lobe)
Immediately posterior to the central sulcus
How many % of the corticobulbospinal tract arises from the somatosensory cortex?
What do these axons do?
They send commands down to the spinal cord that modulate sensory input and they can modulate reflexes.
What are areas 9 and 10? What do they do?
Dorsolateral pre-frontal cortex
Planning of movement - we evaluate different possible future actions and decide which is best (executive functions).
Which areas have the most complex relationship with movement?
Areas 9 and 10
What does a dorsolateral frontal lesion cause? (4)
Personality changes
Lack of ability to plan
Poor memory for verbal (left hemisphere) or spatial (right) information
What is a common test for frontal lobe function?
Wisconsin card sorting test
What cortex is commonly damaged by road traffic accidents/blows to the head that cause contusions?
Frontal cortex (impact with frontal bone)
What is area 11?
Orbitofrontal cortex
What is the orbitofrontal cortex concerned with?
Control/inhibition of motor responses associated with the limbic system - e.g. hunger, thirst, sexual drive
What type of behaviour is caused by orbital damage?
Pseudo-psychopathic (due to disinhibition)/acquired sociopathy = ORBITAL PERSONALITY
What does puerile mean?
Childish, silly, immature
Which areas feed into the corticobulbospinal tract? (5)
Areas 1, 2 and 3 Area 4 Areas 6 and 8 Frontal eye fields Broca's
Which areas feed into areas 6 and 8? (2)
Area 9 and 10
Area 11
What area does 6 and 8 feed into?
Area 4 - primary motor cortex
What do both the basal ganglia and cerebellum project on to (route for motor commands)?
Motor thalamus projects onto…?
Motor thalamus (VL thalamic nucleus) Motor cortex
The corticobulbospinal tract courses through what structure on its way to the brainstem? What is it especially vulnerable to damage by here?
Internal capsule
What are the two components of the corticobulbospinal tract?