Learning and Conditioning Flashcards
What is learning?
Any relatively permanent change in the behaviour, feelings or thoughts as a consequence of prior experience.
Adaptation of the individual to the environment.
What are the three types of learning?
Explain auditory learning.
Auditory learners learn best by hearing the concept explained to them. These learners are also adept at remembering pitches andlearning coupled with music.
Explain visual learning.
These individuals learn by seeing the material or by observing behaviours. E.g those with photographic memories.
Explain kinesthetic learning.
These people learn best by doing something tactile - touching things and doing things with their hands.
What behaviours aren’t learned?
Orienting reflexes (facilitate our ability to learn from our environment e.g. we turn towards the source of an abrupt noise to see if we are in danger)
Habituation (we tune out familiar stimuli)
What occurs in dishabituation?
We tune into a novel stimuli
What is an instinct?
A complex pre-programmed behaviour. However, it might involve some degree of learning, e.g. imprinting. It is normally irreversible.
What is classical/Pavlovian conditioning?
Type of learning - a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a reflexive response that was originally evoked by a different stimulus.
Define an unconditioned stimulus and an unconditioned response.
Stimulus that already elicits a response
Response that doesn’t have to be learned
Define an conditioned stimulus and a conditioned response.
Previously neutral stimulus
Learned response elicited by conditioned stimulus
What are the phases in classical conditioning? (4)
Acquisition – learning phase during which a CR strengthens and occurrence of response increases
Extinction – gradual weakening of the CR tendency. i.e. Multiple presentations of CS without the US.
Spontaneous recovery – reappearance of a response that has been extinguished, and without any environmental promoting.
Savings – response comes back if US and CS coupled again
What are the different types of timings in classical conditioning? (5)
Standard pairing Delay conditioning Simultaneous conditioning Trace conditioning Backward conditioning
What is stimulus generalization?
Response to a specific stimulus is associated with other similar stimuli
What is stimulus discrimination?
Response to one stimulus and not another