Motor Systems Flashcards
What is the function of the BASAL GANGLIA in the motor system?
enforcement of desired movement
suppression of undesired movements
What is the function of the CORTEX in the motor system?
planning, initiation of voluntary movement
integration of inputs
What is the function of the CEREBELLUM in the motor system?
timing/precision of fine movement
adjusting ongoing movements
motor learning
What is the function of the BRAINSTEM in the motor system?
control of balance/posture
coordination of head, neck, eye movement
What is the function of the SPINAL CORD in the motor system?
reflexes, rhythmic movements, motor outflow
What is the function of the MUSCLES in the motor system?
movement of body
sensory organs
What is a motor unit?
A single neuron and all of the muscle fibers it innervates
SMALLEST division of the motor system can control individually
Describe Slow-Twich (Type I) muscle fibers
- dark fibers (due to myoglobin)
- aerobic metabolism
- more myoglobin and MT
- contract slower
- less force
- RESIST fatigue
Describe Fast-Twitch (Type II) muscle fibers
-Pale fibers
-anaerobic metabolism
more glycolytic enzymes
-contract fast
-more force
Describe Fast Fatigue-Resistant muscle fibers
intermediate b/t fast and slow fibers
What determines muscle type? (Fast-twitch, slow-twitch, etc)
Never innervation. NOT muscle fiber
Describe Muscle Fiber Recruitment
small motor neurons–> slow-fatigue
then medium motor neurons–> fast fatigue-resistant
then large motor neurons–> fast fatigue
Identify the 3 parts of the spindle
intrafusal fibers, afferent sensory neuron, and gamma motor neuron
Describe the afferents of the Dynamic Bag fibers and Static bag, and nuclear chain fibers
Dynamic Bag fibers–> Type 1a afferent, phasic response only to CHANGE to length
Static bag fibers and nuclear chain fibers—> Type 1a AND Type II afferents, no phasic response, gradual response
What do Golgi Tendon organs measure? Which afferent fibers go to Golgi tendons?
Measure tension. Type Ib afferent fibers.
Describe the topographical organization the spinal cord
Medial–> Axial muscles
Lateral–> Distal muscles
Ventral–> Extensors
Dorsal–> Flexors