Motor System Flashcards
What are the inputs to the motor cortex and the outputs from the motor cortex? How is it organised? When is it active?
- The inputs are from the PMA, SMA and primary somatosensory cortex
- The outputs of the motor cortex are to the pyramidal tracts (corticospinal and corticobulbar)
Organised topographically into the homunculus - different body parts have disproportionate respresentation reflecting precision of control.
Active 100ms before movement.
What are the outputs of the premotor cortex? What is it’s function
Outputs are to the pyramidal tract
It codes the motor plan (visually guided movement) and the body set (changing the centre of gravity and postural muscles).
Is it active 800ms before onset of movement
What are the outputs of the supplementary motor area? What is its function. When is it active?
Outputs to premotor and motor cortex
Involved in planning of movement - codes the motor plan, especially complex bilateral movements.
Active 800ms before movement.
Describe the structure of the cerebellum.
The cerebellum is a highly folded region of the brain consisting of a grey matter cortex and a white matter core. It has three peduncles (superior, middle and inferior) which carry output fibres to and from the brainstem. In the core are three pairs of deep nuclei which generate projections to the brainstem.
What are the three zones of the cerebellum and what are their function?
- Vestibulocerebellum (archicerebellum) – receives input from the vestibular system and coordinates balance and ocular reflexes
- Spinocerebellum (paleocerebellum) – compares a “map” of motor output with a “map” of sensory feedback and does error correction on your movement
- Cerebrocerebellum (neocerebellum) – involved in movement planning and motor learning, especially visually guided movements and coordination of muscle activation
What is the function of the cerebellum and what are the inputs and outputs?
The cerebellum is important in the coordination and planning of movement, particularly learnt patterns of movement. Its outputs include the brainstem and thalamus, and it receives feedback from the brainstem.
What nuclei are found in the brainstem?
The brainstem contains both nuclei that are involved in the extrapyramidal tracts, such as the red nuclei and the olivary nuclei, and the cranial nerve nuclei that are involved in controlling the movement of the face.
What are alpha motor neurones? Where are the cell bodies? What is their conduction velocity, diameter, myelination?
Aα Motor neurons have their cell body in the ventral horn of the spinal cord – lamina IX (or the brainstem (Cranial nerve motor nuclei). Upper motor neurones control the activity of lower motor neurones, which act directly on muscle. They have a large diameter, and are myelinated. Their conduction velocity is 60ms-1.
Describe how uncontrolled movements are prevented and voluntary movements occur?
The system is controlled by the brain via descending inhibitory signals shutting them down, and is always under this inhibition from the upper motor neurones. This means there is no chance of uncontrolled limb movements. The cortex gives permission for movements to occur by removing this inhibition and it is this removal that results in voluntary movement.
How is greater control over fine movements allowed for?
Reflexes can be disynaptic, trisynaptic, and quadsynaptic by the set up of additional interneurones between afferent and efferent neurones.
These reflexes provide greater control to the finer movements of the body and are also inhibited by the descending tracts.
What can damage to descending neurones lead to?
Clonus - muscular spasm involving repeated, rhythmic contractions as signals are no longer inhibited and pass round and round interneurones.
What does an alpha motor neurone innervate?
An alpha motor neuron will innervate a group of extrafusal muscle fibres (normal skeletal muscle fibre), distributed evenly throughout the muscle to ensure distribution of the force of contraction. They are myelinated with large cell bodies and have a-α conduction velocity.
The alpha motor neuron and the group of fibres it innervates is called a motor unit.
How do number of motor units vary with muscles?
The number of motor units, and fibres per motor unit, depends on the function of the muscle. Muscles that require very precise control – such as the muscles that control eye movement – have many small motor units. Muscles that provide force but don’t need precise control such as gastrocnemius have fewer, much larger motor units.
What do gamma motor neurones innervate? What is their function? Where do they receive input? Structure?
Gamma motor neurones innervate the muscle spindles (intrafusal fibres), this keeps them taught during contraction so they can continue to detect stretch. They receive input from the reticular formation.
They have small diameter cell bodies and have a-γ conduction velocity. Activity in the gamma motor neuron causes contraction of the poles of the intrafusal fibre, which stretches the central zone and activates the peripheral process of the afferent neurone.
Describe a muscle spindle and their function
Muscle spindles are present in skeletal muscles, being more numerous in muscles that control fine movements. Each spindle consists of a connective tissue capsule in which there are 8-10 intrafusal fibres located in a connective tissue bag, known as fusical. Efferent innervation is provided to the polar ends of the intrafusal fibres, innervated by gamma motor neurons; consequently, muscle spindles detect changes in length of the muscle.
Describe golgi tendon organs, where they are, their function?
Golgi tendon organs are high-threshold receptors located at the junction of muscle and tendon, and the golgi tendon organ consists of a large myelinated fibre that enters the connective tissue capsule of a tendon and subdivides into many unmyelinated receptor endings that intermingle and encircle the collagenous fascicles. Active contraction of the muscle or stretching of the muscle activates the Golgi tendon organ, thus they are sensitive to increases in muscle tension caused by muscle contraction.
What does muscle force depend on?
- Frequency of activation of motor units
* Number and type of motor units activated
What is tetanus?
Tetanus is maximal contraction of the muscle (for example flexing in front of the mirror). It leads to cramp because contraction compresses the blood supply.
What are the classifications of motor units? What are their properties?
- S – slow contracting, highly fatigue resistant, low force, oxidative metabolism, well vascularized and red
- FR – faster contraction, fatigue resistant, low force, oxidative and glycolytic
- FF – fast contraction, fast to fatigue, high force, glycolytic metabolism, less vascularized and pale
What order are motor units recruited in? What mediates motor unit recruitment?
- Type S – increase frequency as increased force is required
- Before tetany of S is reached, employ FR
- When maximum force is needed recruit FF
Describe the generation of motor tone.
Motor tone is produced by a (involuntary) minimal force of contraction by the muscles. Motor tone is produced by the tonic contraction of lower motoneurones to their muscle fibres, resulting in background minimal contraction of the muscle. Muscle fibres contract randomly throughout the muscle to produce sufficient tone yet prevents muscles from becoming fatigued; an orderly recruitment pattern for additional muscle fibres when tone needs to be increased is caused by “size principle”, whereby the smaller motor units are recruited first and the larger motor unit recruited last. Feedback from muscle spindle afferents results in reflex contraction of the muscles in which the spindle itself innervates, allowing for muscle tone and an ability to judge passive displacements; muscle tone heavily relies on this muscle stretch reflex. Muscle tone rises and falls depending on the number and size of motor units recruited by the respective muscle stretch reflexes.
What is the reflex arc?
- Sense organ detects stimulus
- Afferent axon carries action potential to spinal cord
- There are one or more synapses in the spinal cord
- Efferent axon carries action potential
- To the effector – for example a muscle
Give samples of proprioceptors
- Muscle spindles (detect muscle stretch)
- Tendon organ (detects contractile tension)
- Joint receptors (detects joint movement)
- Skin (detects skin stretch during movement)
Describe the myotatic reflex (Stretch)
The myotatic reflex is the basis of the knee-jerk response, routinely tested during neurological examination. The primary receptor involved in the initiation of this reflex is the muscle spindle, whereby fast-conducting, large myelinated axons (group 1a afferents) provide the afferent response. As the muscle is stretched, action potentials are produced by the muscle spindle following its deformation; these then synapse directly with alpha-motoneurones in the spinal cord to innervate the extrafusal muscle fibres. This results in contraction of the homonymous muscle, such as the contraction of the quadriceps muscle following the patella tap test. An excitatory synapse is also made with an inhibitory interneurone in the spinal cord, which in turn makes an inhibitory synapse with the alpha-motoneurones innervating the antagonistic muscle.
Describe the flexion reflex.
The flexion reflex is primarily mediated by pain receptor (nociceptors) stimulated by noxious stimuli. When a noxious stimuli is applied and the free nerve endings are stimulated, the resulting impulses are conducted through myelinated afferent fibres (group 3 fibres) and unmyelinated afferent fibres (group 4 fibres). These fibres directly synapse with alpha-motoneurones in the spinal cord (normally polysynaptic so 3 or 4 interneurones are involved), resulting in contraction of ipsilateral flexor muscles. The net result is to withdraw the limb in response to the noxious stimuli.
Describe the pathways of upper motor neurones.
• Cell body in cerebral motor cortex or brainstem
• Remain entirely within CNS
• Connect with lower motor neurones
• Excitatory (small proportion) or inhibitory (larger proportion)
o Only one can predominate over the lower motor neurones at one time.
How are upper motor neurones divided?
o Pyramidal system has direct (monosynaptic) contact with lower motor neurones supplying distal muscles of extremities.
• Cortical efferents (cell bodies in the cerebral cortex)
o Extra-pyramidal system has indirect contact with the rest of the motor neurone pools.
• Brainstem/bulbar efferents (cell bodies in the sub-cortical brain areas)
Describe the pathway of lower motor neurones.
- Cell body in the ventral horn of spinal cord (lamina IX) or brainstem (cranial nerve) motor nuclei
- Leave CNS to innervate skeletal muscles
What are the pyramids tracts and what are their function? Where do they originate?
Lateral and ventral corticospinal, and the corticobulbar
Pass through the medullary pyramids.
They originate in the cerebral cortex.
Control voluntary movements.
Slow in development.