Motor System Flashcards
Evidence suggests that the primary motor cortex is organized on the basis of_____.
Elemenatry lexicon of movements
Disruption of movement sequences, in the absence of muscle weakness, would follow lesions of the_____.
Basal Ganglia
Neurons that respond both when the subject performs an action and when the subject observes the action being performed are called_____ neurons.
Mirror Neurons
The planning of motor movements seems to be the primary responsibility of neural circuits in the______.
Prefrontal Cortex
motor system
usually reserved for those parts of
the nervous system that take part most directly in producing movement
and for the spinal cord neural circuits that issue commands to muscles
through the peripheral nerves
posterior cortex
specifies movement goals and sends sensor information from vision, touch, and hearing
into the frontal regions via multiple routes
prefrontal cortex
generates plans for movements that it passes along to the premotor and motor cortex
premotor cortex
houses a movement repertoire, its own lexicon, that among other things recognizes
other’s movements and selects similar or different actions
Difference between the M1 and premotor
The lexicon of the primary motor cortex M1, or also Brodmann’s area 4
consists of more elementary movements than premotor lexicon, including
hand and mouth movements.
When a movement goal arises in the posterior cortex…….
there are two toutes for action. If a movement is relatively simple, then the
premotor and motor cortex execute the action. If planning is required,
the temporal and prefrontal cortices make decisions and then the
premotor and motor cortices execute the appropriate movements
Motor Homunculus
In his work, Penfield summarized the results of his motor studies
using cartoons of body parts to represent the area of M1 and the
premotor cortex where stimulation caused those parts to move.
The motor Homunculus is upside down relative to the actual
body, with the feet located dorsally within the central fissure and
head located ventrally just above the lateral fissure.
Penfield located a secondary Homunculus in the supplementary motor
There may be as many as 10 Homunculi within the motor and premotor cortices.
Michael Graziano and Ethological Categories of Movement
In 2009, Michael Graziano used trains of electrical stimulation of 0.5
seconds in conscious monkeys. He found that stimulating elicits action
that he calls Ethological Categories of Movement, meaning that each
region represents three types of organizations: the body part to be
moved, the spatial location to which the movement is directed, and the
movement’s function.
Why are Ethological Catergories of Movement important?
This motor representation shows that many
cortical maps of the body exist, but each map represents a different
action. The part of space in which an action is to take place and that
action’s intended function.
TF: The motor cortex is not the only region from which movements can be
True. Similar functional movements can be elicited by electrically
stimulating the parietal cortex because parietal topography mirrors the motor homunculus and to
guide reaching to a target, the visual cortex has to identify both the location of an object and the object itself. Based on information about the object location, the visual cortex instructs the parietal arm region about the object’s location, and the hand region about how to shape the digits to grasp the object
TF:A large part of learning to move entails learning how to use pre-organized
movement patterns to achieve both skill and strength.
True: Part of the role of the neocortex in movement must thus be to blend together motor
reflexes to form learned skilled actions.