Motor neurone disease Flashcards
Most common form of motor neurone disease
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the most common and well-known specific motor neurone disease
Other important forms of motor neurone disease
Progressive bulbar palsy is the second most common form of motor neurone disease. It affects primarily the muscles of talking and swallowing.
Other types of motor neurone disease to be aware of are progressive muscular atrophy and primary lateral sclerosis.
Is there a genetic component to motor neurone disease
There is a genetic component and many genes have been linked with an increased risk of developing the condition. Taking a good family history is important as around 5-10% of cases are inherited.
Other risk factors for motor neurone disease
Increased risk with smoking, exposure to heavy metals and certain pesticides.
Presentation of motor neurone disease
Insidious, progressive weakness of the muscles throughout the body affecting the limbs, trunk, face and speech.
The weakness is often first noticed in the upper limbs.
There may be increased fatigue when exercising.
They may complain of clumsiness, dropping things more often or tripping over.
They can develop slurred speech (dysarthria).
Signs of lower motor neurone disease
Muscle wasting
Reduced tone
Fasciculations(twitches in the muscles)
Reduced reflexes
Signs of upper motor neurone disease
Increased tone or spasticity
Brisk reflexes
Upgoing plantar responses
Management of MND
Riluzole can slow the progression of the disease and extend survival by a few months in ALS. It is licensed in the UK and should be initiated by a specialist.
Edaravone is currently used in the United States but not the UK. Recent studies suggest it has the potential to slow the progression of the disease and it may come in to use in the future.
Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) used at home to support breathing at night improves survival and quality of life.
Features of non-medical management of MND
Effectively breaking bad news
Involving the multidisciplinary team (MDT) in supporting and maintaining their quality of life
Advanced directives to document the patient’s wishes as the disease progresses
End of life care planning
Patients usually die of respiratory failure or pneumonia
Features of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
typically LMN signs in arms and UMN signs in legs
in familial cases the gene responsible lies on chromosome 21 and codes for superoxide dismutase
Presentation of primary lateral sclerosis
UMN signs only
Presentation of progressive muscular atrophy
LMN signs only
affects distal muscles before proximal
carries best prognosis
Presentation of progressive bulbar palsy
palsy of the tongue, muscles of chewing/swallowing and facial muscles due to loss of function of brainstem motor nuclei
carries worst prognosis
Respiratory care for MND
non-invasive ventilation (usually BIPAP) is used at night
Features which may point to an alternative diagnosis as opposed to MND
doesn’t affect external ocular muscles
no cerebellar signs
abdominal reflexes are usually preserved and sphincter dysfunction if present is a late feature
What might nerve conduction studies show in MND
The diagnosis of motor neuron disease is clinical, but nerve conduction studies will show normal motor conduction and can help exclude a neuropathy