Motor Fusion Flashcards
What is motor fusion ?
ability to maintain sensory fusion and single vision despite having over a range of vergence movements (maintenance of sensory fusion as you move your eyes around over a range of vergence movements)
Stimulus to fuse is retinal disparity (diplopia)
Why is motor fusion tests good ?
tells the strength of teamwork of both eyes
-the stronger your binocular single vision the higher the motor fusion
What are the 3 tests which can test motor fusion ?
- Prism Fusion Range
- 20 dioptre base out (Prism Reflex Test )
- Synoptophore
You will not carry it out yourself
Why is motor fusion important ?
if motor fusion is present then know that px has good prognosis
-if motor fusion is absent then know that px has poorer prognosis
What is the good prognosis if px has motor fusion ?
-our treatment will be to restore them to straight eyes with BSV
What is the poorer prognosis if px has no motor fusion?
Cant restore BSV completely
-aim to look cosmetically bettwe
What are the different ways that motor fusion is referred to ?
Fusional Reserves
Fusional Amplitudes
Prism Fusion Range(PFR)
Prism Vergences
Why does motor fusion measure the strength of the teamwork between the 2 eyes ?
- px uses fovea of both eyes to focus on an image of a tree - the px has normal straight eyes
- Now measuring motor fusion
- put a prism infront of right eye - base OUT PRISM
- base OUT prism infront of one eye- move the image towards the apex
- Px will now see 2 trees- double vision
what would happen if this px (from previous example) had weak motor vision ?
breaks down form hetrophoria into tropia
- this px would say they see double and it would stay double
- px is about to decompensate as they have poor motor fusion
What would happen If this px from the previous example had good motor vision ?
The px will compensate
-the px will move their eyes to compensate for diplopia
-the right eye will move in towards the nose, the cornea moves in towards nose
-cornea moves left into the nose and fovea swivels towards right
-the fovea will go back onto the 2nd image - avoiding double vision
-so by moving right eye in towards nose (into left) will stop double vision AS FOVEA MOVES
-the teamwork is better
-however due to herings law when right eye moves to left , the left eye also has to move to the left
-we will have double vision again- so not ideal
-so then the left eye will move BACK (so overcomes the prism on the other eye
) in so will be corrected
-the more prism the px can overcome the stronger the teamwork of eyes and less likely they break down into heterotropiaa.
What does one eye do?
one eye never works by itself
How will the left eye resolve its double vision (in previous example) ?
left eye finally moves into right - resolving the double vision.
What will happen if you put base OUT prism infront of one eye ?
the eyes will end up converging.
-both eyes move inwards
What happens if px can overcome higher and higher prism ?
- the stronger the teamwork between eyes and the less they will break down into heterotrophia
how can we remember the apex ?
the apex is like an arrow that it points in the direction the eye will move
-base out- convergence
How can you conduct this test objectively ?
-where you look at their eyes and you determine when they are no longer overcoming the prism bar (e.g if put base out t- at the breaking point their eyes no longer converge and the eye diverges and moves out )
How can you conduct this test subjectively ?
when you ask the px to report when it goes into 2 and stay into 2 images
What else can PFR determine?
objectively at near
Why do you do the test either subjectively or oibjectively ?
Some patients will not report diplopia either suppress, don’t appreciate diplopia, too young so can’t talk, had a stroke
What happens if you can use more prism to avoid diplopia?
- The higher your amplitude/reserve motor fusion
- The better your BSV (team work between eyes)
- The less likely you are to decompensate