Extraocular muscles 2 Flashcards
What do we need to do in order to determine the strength or weakness of the eye muscle ?
-that we move the eye muscle in the position of gaze where it is been maximally used
as for e.g
if looking at biceps , when they are relaxed it is really hard to determine their strength or weakness but when they are tensed it is much easier too. Just like with the eye.
How can you determine the subtle weakness of the eye muscle even more ?
-the further you manage to move the eye into the position of gaze where it is maximally used
When looking to the right what do we say to px ?
When looking to the left what do we say to px?
When looking UP what do we ask px ?
When looking down what do we ask px ?
What do you ask px when looking down into the right IN THE RIGHT EYE ?
What do you ask px when looking up to the right IN THE RIGHT EYE ?
What position of gaze is not good in order to determine the EOM weakness ?
primary gaze -
- as the muscles are barely working at this position of gaze-we wouldnt be able to detect a subtle weakness.
- if right eye was right and up we wouldn’t know which one was weak as all muscles are equally innervated .
- secondly -
Why is direct elevation and direct depression not a good position of gaze to determine which EOM are weak?
because for e.g if you ask -px to look up and their right eye doesnt look up , you dont know which muscle is weak as there are 2 muscles that are working
How many muscles of the right eye are pulling into dextroversion ?
only one muscle maximally used - RLR
How many muscles of the left eye are pulling into dextroversion ?
only one muscle maximally used- LMR
What are good secondary positions of gaze to ask px to look at when determining a weak EOM?
direct dextroversion and direct laeoversion.
-this because one muscle is maximally used in each eye therefore this is where you can look for the weakness of one of the muscles if one is not working.
What happens if they right lateral rectus is weak in the right eye ?
the eye moves inwards- esotropic
What happens if the right medial rectus is weak in the right eye ?
the eye moves outwards - exotropic
What happens if MR is weak ?
MR- aDduction - the eye would become exotropic
What happens if LR is weak ?
LR- aBduction- the eye would become esotropic
What are the muscles that are maximally used in the tertiary positions ?
- only one muscle of each eye is being maximally used
What tertiary position of gaze is useful to bring px into to determine muscle weakness ?
dextrodepression and laevodepression
e. g if you wanted to investigate RIR weakness - bring px into dextrodepression- as this is where the RIR is being used
e. g if wanted to see if there was a RSO weakness - bring px in laevodepression-as this is where the RSO muscle is being used.
What actions do each muscle have in primary position ?
-when their head is straight and eyes are straight
-for e.g if you asses this superior rectus muscle , and in primary position this muscle has 3 actions
1st action- elevation
in order to determine the last 2 actions (2nd=incycloduction and 3rrd = Adduction- need to see RADSIN)
-so superior rectus is a rectus muscle therefore the secondary action is going to be adduction and the final action comes from the SIN part - superior rectus is intort- so therefore is going to be incycloduction.
What does RADSIN stand for ?
R- recti (means rectus)
AD - aDduct- (action means adduction)
SIN- superior intort- ( which action means incycloduction)
What would happen to eye if SR was weak ?
- if fail to elevate eye - means it is hypotropic
- if the eye failed intort/incycloducted - the eye would become extorted/excycloducted.
- if the eye failed to aDduct- - the muscle would not pull into the nose - the eye would abduct- therefore the eye will be exotropic
What deviation would you see in primary position if SR was weak ?
Deviation would be :
- Hypotropic
- Extorted
- Exotropic
What action does the superior rectus has when it is being maximally used in the right and left eye?
RSR(right) and LSR(left)
RSR- is where it is maximally used in dextroelevation
LSR- is where it is maximally used in laevoelevation
-maximally used when that eye is looking away from the nose.
What do you ask px when looking UP into the left IN THE LEFT EYE ?
What actions do the SR have when they are looking away from the nose ? angle
from last weeks lecture :
- when eyes are abDucted (away from nose) by 23 degrees ,the muscle axis of rotation coincides with the x axis and the x axis always controls vertical actions therefore when eyes are abducted by 23degrees- we turn SR into a pure elevator
- However if the SR are weak , they will be unable to elevate the eyes therefore would depress them
- Deviation would be hypertropic
What would be the deviation. if px has a right superior rectus weakness on dextroelevation?
right eye fail to elevate
-becomes hypertropic on dextroelevation