Motor Development Flashcards
Primitive, Postural and Locomotor reflexes
- Primitive reflex= a reflex exhibited by a normal infant but not by a normal adult. eg, Moro, grasping, Tonic neck, Babinski, Stepping and Swimming reflex.
- Survival reflex. Thought required to aid survival. Most remain throughout life but some disappear. eg breathing, rooting, sucking, swallowing, pupillary reflex, etc.
- Postural reflex-for body’s subconscious maintenance of posture.
- Locomotor reflexes-involuntary modifications of movements produced by sensory signals from recepors in limbs and body.
motor skills
voluntary muscle movements.
- Gross motor skills-involve muscles of torso and larger limb muscles.
- Fine motor skills-involve the small muscles throughout the body, particularly tongue, hands and feet.
cephalocaudal principle
tendency for upper parts (head) to develop motor skils before lower parts (feet).
proximodistal principle
tendency for central parts of body to develop motor skills before far ones. ie can wave arm before can grasp with fingers.
1st 15 months
a) by 4 weeks can lift head when lying on stomach
b) by 5 months can roll from side to side
c) by 5-9 months can sit up
d) at 6-7 months can “bicycle”with legs in air
e) by 7 months can rotate body
f) by 10 months can stand with assistance
g) 50% can stand without assistance by 12 months
h) 13 months most can walk well alone
g) 15 months can walk backwards.
Neonatal Behavioural Assessment Scale
used on infants 3 days to 4 weeks. Assesses multiple facets, including tempermaent, mouth hand coordination, muscles maturity, cuddliness and startlability.
Apgar Scale Score
APGAR=Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity and Respiration. Score given to newborns soon after birth to determine if extra medical care is required.
Bayley Scales of Infant Development
Assessment given to infants 1 month to 3.5 years to assess development.Perceptual and motor assessment. Scores age appropriate tasks of play, following instructions, language, attention to detail, motor skills. Aims to identify need for further aid.
Denver Developmental Screening Test
Tests children up to 6 years on social, adaptive, language and motor skills.
Milestones 2.5-5.5 years
a) 2.5-3.5 years; runs in straight line, jumps with both feet in air, copies a circle, scribbles, can use utensils basically, can stack a few small blocks.
b) 3.5-4.5 years; walking stride 80% of adult, runs at 1/3rd adult speed, throws and catches large ball but with stiff arms, can do large buttons, makes simple representational drawings.
c) 4.5-5.5 years;can balance on 1 foot, run reasonable distance, can swim for short distance,use scissors, draw people, copy simple letters and numbers, build complex structures with blocks.
Tadpole figures
Earliest people drawings, fairly universal, eg age 3-4 years. Limbs come from head.
cerebral palsy
permanent disability, appears early in childhood. Symptoms include poor coordination, weak muscles, stiff muscles, tremors, possible problems with hearing, swallowing, speech, sometimes seizures, sometimes problems with thinking and reasoning. Problem is stable over time. Due to damage to or abnormal development of brain controlling movements. Usually occurs during pregnancy, but sometimes shortly after.Multiple risk factors including genetics, birth trauma, teratogens such as rubella and toxoplasmosis.
skills 7-12 years
a) by age 7 can toe shoelaces themselves
b) by age 8 can use left and right hands independently
c) by year 3 switching to cursive wriring
d) by 12, manual dexterity approaches that of adulthood.
achievement motivation
motivation to reach new goals
Areas where motor development problems can occur:
motor planning problems, perceptual motor integration problems, neurological dysfunctions, sensory integration dysfunction.
problems with movement coordination, judgement of movement,processing and memory. Often learning difficulties but not intellectual impairment. 10% affected.
4:1 boy:girl.Immaturity of neuron development, no gross lesions. Often improve with specific therapies but no cure. Symptoms include poor balance, poor posture, fatigue, clumsiness, differences in speech, perception problems, poor hand-eye coordination.