Motivation - Performance Management Flashcards
Performance management is:
Measuring an individuals performance in a given job against pre-determined work standards and involves designing a formal system to allow observation, monitoring, analysis, and target setting
What are the main objectives of performance management
Motivate performance
Help individuals develop their skills
Build a performance culture
Determine who should be promoted
Give employees a chance to make suggestions or discuss problems
Identify training needs
Eliminate individuals who are poor performers
Help implement business strategies
What does performance management assist in making decisions on
Employee training
Employee development
What are the benefits of performance management for managers
Opportunities to learn about employees’ hopes, fears, anxieties and concerns relating to both their present job and their future
A chance to clarify and reinforce important goals and objectives
A mechanism for measuring hanged in employees’ work performance
An opportunity to motivate staff by recognizing achievements
What are the benefits of performance management for employees
An opportunity to receive feedback on how performance is viewed by the company
An opportunity to communicate views about the job
An opportunity to discuss career options
Recognition of tasks carried out well and objectives achieved
A basis for identifying training and development needs (PDP)
What are the 3 main ways of conducting a performance appraisal interview
Tell and sell approach
Tell and sell approach
Problem-solving approach
What is the tell and sell approach
Directive and authoritative in nature, top-down
Manager telling employee
Attempting to convince employee of the fairness of the assessment
Little opportunity for the employee to participate
Little commitment to follow up action
Not recommended as good HR practice
What is the tell and listen approach
Similar to tell and sell, but some attempt made to involve the employee
Manager communicates their evaluation of performance to employee & actively encourages employee’s response
Still ineffective
What is the problem-solving approach
Appraisal process is jointly conducted by the manager and the employee
Manager asks the employee to discuss their performance against agreed targets & to express any problems that may be affecting work behavior
Evaluation takes place at the end of the interview & takes account of the employees’ contribution
List the methods of performance appraisal
360-degree feedback
Paired comparison
Critical incident
Performance or objectives-oriented systems
Assessment centre
What is ranking, what are the advantages and disadvantages
Appraiser ranks employees from best to worst
Advantages: simple, facilitates comparison
Disadvantages: little bias for decisions, degrees of difference not specified, subjective
What is free form, what are the advantages and disadvantages
General free written appraisal by appraiser
Advantages: flexible
Disadvantages: subjective; difficult to compare
What is self-assessment, what are the advantages and disadvantages
Appraises evaluate themselves using a particular format or structure
Advantages: participative; facilitates discussion; promotes self-analysis
Disadvantages: danger of lenient tendency; potential source of conflict between appraiser and appraisee