Motivation Ch1 part 2 Flashcards
Pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain
Fading Influence of the Future
Future Incentives and Goals are more motivating as they draw near and less motivating when they are farther into the future
Positive or Negative Quality of the Incentive
Principle of Utility
Decision and actions are motivated by the usefulness of incentive to increase happiness or satisfaction and decrease unhappiness or dissatisfaction.
Targeted Intercentation
Motivating a person to realize the value of a particular activity.
Being Conscious of your internal body sensations like hunger or loneliness
The link between the biological and psychological need and the enviromental entities that satisfies the need
Selection by Consequences
The reinforcing consequences of behavior, acts to make the behavior more likely to occur
Pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain
Future Incentives and Goals are more motivating as they draw near and less motivating when they are farther into the future
Fading Influence of the Future
Positive or Negative Quality of the Incentive
Decision and actions are motivated by the usefulness of incentive to increase happiness or satisfaction and decrease unhappiness or dissatisfaction.
Principle of Utility
Motivating a person to realize the value of a particular activity.
Targeted Interventation
Being Conscious of your internal body sensations like hunger or loneliness
The link between the biological and psychological need and the enviromental entities that satisfies the need
The reinforcing consequences of behavior, acts to make the behavior more likely to occur
Selection by Consequences
What philosopher believed in hedonisms?