Motivation Flashcards
What is the integrated response to bring the parameter back to its optimal value generally broken into?
- Humoral response: hypothalamic neurons respond to sensory signals by stimulating or inhibiting the release of pituitary hormones into the bloodstream
- Visceromotor response: neurons in the hypothalamus respond to sensory signals by adjusting the balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic outputs of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)
- Somatic motor response: Hypothalamic neurons (particularly within the lateral hypothalamus) response to sensory signals by inciting an appropriate somatic motor behavioural response
what is prandial state?
-The body’s energy stores being replenished during and immediately after consuming a meal, blood is filled with nutrients
-during this time, energy is stored in 2 forms: glycogen and triglycerides
describe the energy stored in glycogen form
-glycogen reserves have a finites capacity, they are found mainly in the liver and skeletal muscle
describe the energy store in triglyceride reserves
-found in adipose (fat) tissue, and they have virtually unlimited capacity
what is anabolism?
-the assembly of macromolecules such as glycogen and triglycerides from simple precursors is called anabolism (aka anabolic metabolism)
what is the postabsorptive state?
-the fasting condition between meals
-stored glycogen and triglycerides are broken down to provide the body with a continuous supply of the molecules used as fuel for cellular metabolism (glucose for all cells, and fatty acids and ketones for all cells other than neurons)
what is catabolism?
-the process of breaking down complex macromolecules is called catabolism or catabolic metabolism, its the opposite of anabolism
when is the system in proper balance? and what happens when the intake and storage of energy consistently exceeds usage or fails to meet the body’s demands
-when energy reserves are replenished at the same average rate that they are expended
-if the intake and storage of energy consistently exceed the usage, the amount of body fat, or adiposity, increases, eventually resulting in obesity
-if the intake of energy consistently fails to meet the body’s demands, loss of fat tissue occurs, eventually resulting in starvation
what is lipostatic hypothesis?
-the idea that the brain monitors the amount of body fat and acts to “defend” this energy store against perturbation
what gene is responsible for encoding the hormone telling the brain that fat reserves are normal? and how was this demonstrated?
-a gene called ob
-demonstrated by mice who lack both copies of the ob gene (aka ob/ob mice) overate
-to test this a parabiosis experiment was performed. when ob/ob animals were parabiosed with normal mice, their feeding behaviour and obesity were greatly reduced, as if missing hormone had been replaced)
(parabiosis is a long term anatomical and physiological union of two animals, as in Siamese twins. fusion can also be achieved surgically, thereby resulting in parabiosed animals sharing a common blood supply)
what is leptin?
-a hormone, the protein encoded by the ob gene
what does treating ob/ob mice with leptin do?
-completely reverses the obesity and the eating disorder
where is leptin released from and what does it do?
-released from adipocytes (fat cells), regulates body mass by acting directly on neurons of the hypothalamus that decrease appetite and increase energy expenditure
what lesions of hypothalamus cause anorexia and obesity?
-anorexia –> bilateral lesions of the lateral hypothalamus – severely diminished appetite for food –>lateral hypothalamic syndrome
-obesity –> bilateral lesions of the ventromedial hypothalamus –> overeating –> ventromedial hypothalamic syndrome
what happens when leptin molecules circulate in the bloodstream?
- Circulating leptin molecules, released into the bloodstream by fat cells, activate leptin receptors on neurons of the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, which lies near the base of the third ventricle.
- The arcuate neurons that are activated by a rise in blood leptin levels contain peptide neurotransmitters called alpha-MSH and CART, the levels of these peptides in the brain vary in proportion to the level of leptin in the blood.
describe the alphabet soup of naming peptides
-peptides are often named by their first discovered function, and these names can lead to confusion when other roles are recognised. Therefore, neuropeptides are usually referred to simply by their abbreviations. e.g., alpha-MSH stands for alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, and CART stands for cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript. like other neurotransmitters, the functional role of these molecules depends on the circuits in which they participate
what happens when there is excessive adiposity, high leptin levels and activation of the alpha-MSH/CART neurons of the arcuate nucleus?
-Humoral response –> increased secretion of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) and ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) –>these pituitary hormones act on the thyroid and adrenal glands and have the effect of raising the metabolic rate of cells throughout the body
-Visceromotor response –> increases tone of sympathetic division of the ANS, which raises metabolic rate, in part by raising body temperature
-Somatic motor response –> decreases feeding behaviour
-the alpha-MSH/CART neurons of the arcuate nucleus project their axons directly to the regions of the nervous system that orchestrate this coordinated response
how is humoral, visceromotor and somatic response activated?
-alpha-MSH/CART neurons trigger the humoral response by activating neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, which in turn causes the release the hypophysiotropic hormones that regulate the secretion of TSH and ACTH from the anterior pituitary.
-the paraventricular nucleus also controls the activity of the sympathetic division of the ANS with direct axonal projections to neurons in the lower brain stem and to preganglionic neuron in the spinal cord. Additionally, there is also a direct path for arcuate control of the sympathetic response: The alpha-MSH and CART neurons themselves project axons directly down to the intermediolateral gray matter of the spinal cord.
-finally, feeding behaviour is inhibited via connections of the arcuate nucleus neurons with cells in the lateral hypothalamus
what does the injection of alpha-MSH and CART into the brain do?
-Mimics the response to elevated leptin levels. Thus, these are said to be anorectic peptides; they diminish appetite
-the injection of drugs that block the actions of these peptides increases feeding behaviour.
-these findings suggest that alpha-MSH and CART normally participate in the regulation of energy balance, in part by acting as the brain’s own appetite suppressants
what does a fall in leptin levels cause?
-turning off the responses mediated by alpha-MSH/CART neurons
-stimulated another type of arcuate nucleus neuron, these neurons contain their own mix of peptides: NPY (neuropeptide Y) and AgRP (agouti-related peptide)
describe the connections and consequence of NPY/AgRP neurons activation
-NPY/AgRP neurons of arcuate nucleus also have connections with the paraventricular nucleus and lateral hypothalamus.
-the effects of these neuropeptides on energy balance are the opposite of the effects caused by alpha-MSH/CART neurons
-NPY and AgRP inhibit the secretion of TSH and ACTH, they activate the parasympathetic division of the ANS, and they stimulate feeding behaviour –> they are there referred to as orexigenic peptides
describe the relationship of AgRP and alpha-MSH
-antagonistic neurotransmitters
-both peptides bind to the MC4 receptor on postsynaptic neurons in the hypothalamus
-alpha-MSH activated the receptors and AgRP inhibits it
-activation of MC4 receptors on lateral hypothalamic neurons inhibits feeding; inhibiting the receptors stimulates feeding
What is the role MCH (melanin-concentrating hormone) in terms of lateral hypothalamus?
-one group of neurons in the lateral hypothalamus that receives direct input from the leptin-sensitive cells of the arcuate nucleus has yet another peptide neurotransmitter called MCH
-these cells have extremely widespread connections in the brain, including monosynaptic innervation of most of the cerebral cortex –> the cortex is involved in organising and initiating goal-directed behaviours, such as raiding the fridge.
-the MCH system is in a strategic position to inform the cortex of leptin levels in the blood and therefore could contribute significantly to motivating the search for food
-supporting this idea, the injection of MCH into the brain stimulates feeding behaviour. Moreover, mutant mice that lack this peptide exhibit reduced feeding behaviour, have elevated metabolic rate and are lean
what is the role of lateral hypothalamic neurons containing peptide orexin?
-this is a second population of lateral hypothalamus neurons with widespread cortical connections (MCH is the other one)
-these cells receive direct inputs from the arcuate nucleus.
-orexin is an orexigenic peptide (stimulates feeding behaviour)
describe what happens when with MCH and orexin when leptins levels on blood fall
-levels of both MCH and orexin rise in brain
-these 2 peptides are complementary, not redundant
- e.g., orexin promotes meal initiation, whereas MCH prolongs consumption
describe orexin and its relationship with sleep
-orexin aka hypocretin, plays very important role in regulation of wakefulness
-gene mutations that disable orexin (hypocretin) signalling not only lead to weight loss but also to excessive daytime sleepiness
-insomnia and obesity often comorbid
summarise hypothalamic response to blood leptin levels.
leptin levels rise when body fat is increase, they fall when body fat is decrease
-a rise in leptin levels stimulate the release of alpha-MSH and CART from arcuate nucleus neurons. These anorectic peptides act on the brain, in part by activating the MC4 receptor, to inhibit feeding behaviour and increase metabolism
-a fall in leptin levels stimulates the release of NPY and AgRP from arcuate hypothalamic area. These orexigenic peptides act on the brain to stimulate feeding behaviour and decrease metabolism
how is the regulatory process of the drive to eat and not eat regulated?
-drive to eat, increased by orexigenic signals generated in response to a period of fasting
-inhibited by satiety signals that occur when we eat and begin the process of digestion (i.e., the prandial period.)
-these satiety signals both terminate the meal and inhibit the feeding for some time afterwards
-During this postabsorptive (fasting) period, the satiety signals slowly dissipate, and the orexigenic signals build, until the drive to eat again takes over
What is the cephalic phase?
First phase
-The sight and smell of food triggers a number of physiological processes that anticipate the arrival of food. The parasympathetic and enteric divisions of the ANS are activated, causing the secretion of saliva into your mouth and digestive juices into your stomach.
What is the gastric phase?
Second phase
-These responses of the cephalic phase grow much more intense, when you start chewing, swallowing, and filling your stomach with food
What is the substrate phase?
third phase
-As your stomach fills and the partially digested food move into your intestines, nutrients begin to be absorbed into your bloodstream
what is ghrelin?
-highly concentrated in the stomach and is released into the bloodstream when the stomach is empty
-your growling stomach releases ghrelin (“ghrrrrrrelin).
-intravenous administration of ghrelin strongly stimulates appetite and food consumption by activating the NPY/AgRP - containing neuron of the arcuate nucleus (same neurons activated by a drop in leptin in the bloodstream
Describe gastric distention
-stretching of stomach wall is powerful satiety signal –> wall is richly innervated by mechanosensory axons, most of these ascend to the brain via vagus nerve (cranial nerve X (10))
-the vagal sensory axons activate neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract in the medulla –> these signals inhibit feeding behaviour
describe cholecystokinin (CCK) in relation to eating behaviour
-administration of CCK inhibits meal frequency and size.
-Present in some of the cells that line the intestines and some of the neurons of the enteric nervous system
-released in response to stimulation by certain types of food, especially fatty ones.
-major action of CCK as a satiety peptide is exerted on the vagal sensory axons
-CCK acts synergistically with gastric distension to inhibit feeding behaviour
-CCK is also contained within selected populations of neurons with CNS
Describe the role of insulin
-releases into the bloodstream by the beta cells of the pancreas
-Although glucose is always readily transported into neurons, glucose transport into the other cells of the body requires insulin –> important for anabolic metabolism when glucose is transported into liver, skeletal muscle, and adipose cells for storage as well as catabolic metabolism when the glucose liberated from storage sites is taken up as fuel by the other cells of the body –> thus, level of glucose in blood is tightly regulated by level of insulin.
- Blood glucose levels are elevated when insulin levels are reduced; blood glucose levels fall when insulin levels rise
Describe the release and inhibition of insulin
-during the cephalic phase, when you’re anticipating food, the parasympathetic nervous system innervation of the pancreas (delivered by the vagus nerve) stimulates the beta cells to release insulin. in response, blood glucose levels fall slightly, and this change, detected by the neurons of the brain, increases your drive to eat (in part, part activation of the NPY/AgRP neurons of the acruate nucleus)
-During the gastric phase, when food enters your stomach, insulin secretation is stimulated further by gastrointestinal hormones, such as CCK
-insulin release is maximal when the food is finally absorbed in the intestines and blood glucose levels rise, during the substrate phase.
-primary stimulus for inuslin release is increases blood glucose levels
-the rise in insulin, coupled with the elevated blood glucose levels, is a satiety signal and causes you to stop eating
how does insulin act to inhibit feeding behaviour compared to other satiety signals
-other satiety signal communicate with brain mainly via vagus nerve
-bloodborne insulin acts to inhibit feeding behaviour by acting directly on the arcuate and ventromedial nuclei of the hypothalamus
-it appears that insulin acts in much the same way as leptin to regulate feeding behaviours
what is the drive reduction of wanting food?
We eat because we are hungry and we want food, i.e., satisfying a craving
Describe electrical self-stimulation
-where animals repeatedly deliver electrical stimulation by way of the lever. Sometimes they would shun food and water for this stimulation since it gave them positive feelings
-appeared to provide a reward that reinforced the habit of pressing the lever
What areas of the brain were found to be most effective sites for self-stimulation and what does it mean? and give evidence
-most effective sites were along the trajectory of dopaminergic axons arising in the ventral tegmental area, projecting through the lateral hypothalamus to several forebrain regions
-drugs that block dopamine receptors reduced self-stimulation, suggesting that the animals were working to stimulate the release of dopamine in the brain –> this idea was further supported when researchers discovered that animals will press a lever to receive an injection of amphetamine, a drug that releases dopamine in the brain
where does most of the dopamine projections for the brain come from?
from the ventral tegmental areas to the forebrain
how does an animal act with food when it is dopamine deprived? and when there is stimulation of dopamine axons
-acts as if it likes food but does not want food
-lacks the motivation to seek food, even though it may seem enjoyable when available
-stimulation of the dopamine axons in the lateral hypothalamus of normal rats appears to produce a craving for food without increasing the food’s hedonic impact. (some highly addictive drugs, cocaine, amphetamine for example, act directly on the dopamine synapses on brain
describe reward prediction
-events that are “better than expected” cause dopamine neurons to come to life, those that are “worse than expected” cause them to be inhibited, and those that occur “as expected” cause no change in firing, even if these events still provide hedonic reward.
-behaviours that cause expected or better-than-expected outcomes are repeated; those with outcomes that are worse than expected are not.
describe the type of learning that is related to dopamine and eating
-smelling or seeing food can predict meals, this type of learning is integral to the body’s “cephalic” preparation for ingestion of a meal. Dopamine is intimately involved in the mechanism behind this learning.
-synaptic connections that are active during and shortly before the rise in dopamine are persistently changed to store this memory
-while this type of learning is beneficial under normal circumstances, it is hijacked during exposure to addictive drugs, often with devastating consequences. They act on the central dopaminergic system in brain
describe serotonin and its role eating and mood.
-Measurements of serotonin in the hypothalamus reveal that levels are low during the postabsorptive period, rise in anticipation of food, and spike during a meal, especially in response to carbohydrates
-serotonin is derived from the dietary amino acid tryptophan, and tryptophan levels in the blood vary with the amount of carbohydrate in the diet
-the rise in blood tryptophan and brain serotonin is one likely explanation for the mood-elevating effects of carbs
-this effect of carbs on mood is particularly evident during periods of stress, possibly explaining the food-seeking behaviour –> drugs that elevate serotonin levels in the brain are powerful appetite suppressants (e.g., dexfenfluramine), but have side effects
-abnormalities in brain serotonin regulation are believed to be one factor that contributes to eating disorders
-defining characteristics of anorexia nervosa is a compulsion to maintain body weight at an abnormally low level
- while bulimia nervosa is characterised by frequent eating binges, often compensated for by forced vomiting
-these eating disorder commonly accompanied by depression which is linked to lowered levels of serotonin levels
what are the 2 different physiological signals that stimulate drinking behaviour?
-one way is the decrease in blood volume, or hypovolemia
- the other is an increase in the concentration of dissolved substances (solutes) in the blood, or hypertonicity
-these 2 stimuli trigger thirst by different mechanisms
describe thirst trigger by hypovolemia
-is called volumetric thirst
-decreased blood volume also releases vasopressin in posterior pituitary by the magnocellular neurosecretory cells
-vasopressin (aka antidiuretic hormone (ADH)) acts directly on the kidneys to increase water retention and inhibit urine production
-The release of vasopressin associated with volumetric thirst is triggered by two types of stimuli –> First, a rise in blood levels of angiotensin II occurs in response
to reduced blood flow to the kidneys. The circulating angiotensin II acts on the neurons of the subfornical organ in the telencephalon, which in turn directly stimulate the magnocellular neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus to release vasopressin –> Second, mechanoreceptors walls of the major blood vessels and heart signal the loss of blood pressure that accompanies a loss of blood volume. These signals make their way to the hypothalamus via the vagus nerve and the nucleus of the solitary tract.
- In addition to this humoral response, reduced blood volume (1) stimulates the sympathetic division of the ANS, which helps correct the drop in blood pressure by constricting arterioles, and (2) powerfully motivates animals to seek and consume water. lateral hypothalamus has been implicated in inciting the behavioural response, but this is poorly understood.
describe thirst trigger by hypertonicity
Hypertonicity is sensed by neurons in yet another specialized region of the telencephalon lacking a blood–brain barrier, the vascular organ of the lamina terminalis (OVLT). When the blood becomes hypertonic, water leaves cells by the process of osmosis. This loss of water is transduced by the OVLT neurons into a change in action potential firing frequency.
- The OVLT neurons (1) directly excite the magnocellular neurosecretory cells that secrete vasopressin, and (2) stimulate osmometric thirst, the motivation to drink water when dehydrated. Lesions of the OVLT completely prevent the behavioural and humoral responses to dehydration (but not the responses to loss of blood volume).
describe what occurs as a result of a loss of vasopressin-secreting neurons
-The motivation to drink and the secretion of vasopressin from the hypothalamus (and the retention of water by the kidneys) normally go hand in hand. However, selective loss of the vasopressin-secreting neurons of the hypothalamus produces a curious condition called diabetes insipidus, in which the body works against the brain. As a consequence of the loss of vasopressin, the kidneys pass too much water from the blood to the urine. The resulting dehydration stimulates the strong motivation to drink water; however, the water absorbed from the intestines passes quickly through the kidneys into the urine. Thus, diabetes insipidus is characterized by extreme thirst coupled with frequent excretion of a large amount of pale, watery
urine. This condition can be treated by replacing the missing vasopressin.
what is the humans body temperature
-37 degrees and deviations from this temperature interfere will cellular functions
- neurons that change their firing rate in response to small changes in temperature are found throughout the CNS
what is the most important neurons for temperature homeostasis and describe its role
-Most important neurons for temperature homeostasis found clustered in the anterior hypothalamus. These cells transduce small changes in blood temperature into changes in their firing rate. Humoral and visceromotor responses are subsequently initiated by neurons in the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus; somatic motor (behavioural) responses are initiated by the neurons of the lateral hypothalamic area. Lesions in these different regions can selectively abolish different components of the integrated response.
-A fall in temperature is detected by cold-sensitive neurons of the anterior hypothalamus. In response, TSH is released by the anterior pituitary. TSH stimulates
the release of the hormone thyroxin from the thyroid gland, which causes a widespread increase in cellular metabolism. The visceromotor response is constricted blood vessels in the skin and piloerection (goose bumps). An involuntary somatic motor response is shivering (to generate heat in the muscles), and, of course, the other somatic response is to seek warmth. A rise in temperature is detected by warm-sensitive neurons of the anterior hypothalamus. In response, metabolism is slowed by reducing TSH release, blood is shunted toward the body periphery to dissipate heat, and behaviour is initiated to seek shade. In some mammals, an involuntary motor response is panting—in humans, it is sweating—which helps cool the body