Chemical control of brain and behaviour Flashcards
What are the 3 components of the nervous system that operate in expanded space and time?
-secretory hypothalamus –> directly secrete chemicals into the bloodstream.
-autonomic nervous system –> controlled neurally by the hypothalamus, ANS simultaneously controls the responses of many internal organs, blood vessels and glands
-The third component exists throughout the entirety within the CNS and consists of several related cell groups that differ with respect to the transmitter they use. All these cell groups extend their spatial reach with highly divergent axonal projections and prolong their actions by using metabotropic postsynaptic receptors. –>members of this component of the NS are called the diffuse modulatory system of the brain –> diffuse system regulates level of arousal and mood
where does the hypothalamus sit? and size
Below the thalamus, along the walls of the third ventricle. –> connected by a stalk to the pituitary gland which dangles below the base of brain, just above mouth
makes up less than 1% of brains mass
what does the hypothalamus integrate?
-somatic and visceral responses in accordance with the needs of the brain
-a lesion in hypothalamus –> disruptions of widely dispersed bodily functions
what is homeostasis with respect to the hypothalamus?
-the maintenance of the body’s internal environment within a narrow physiological range –> hypothalamus regulates these levels
what are the functional zones of the hypothalamus?
-each side has 3 functional zones:
-lateral, medial and periventricular
describe the connections of the functional zones of hypothalamus
the lateral and medial zones have extensive connections with the brainstem and the telencephalon and regulate certain types of behaviour, the periventricular zone receives much of its input from the other 2 zones
where does the periventricular zone of the hypothalamus lie?
-lie right next to the wall of the third ventricle
what cells groups constitute the periventricular zone of the hypothalamus?
-suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) –> lies just above the optic chiasm –> these cells receive direct retinal innervation and function to synchronize circadian rhythms with daily light-dark cycle
-other cells in this zone control the ANS and regulate the outflow of the sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation of the visceral organs
-the third group, called neurosecretory neurons, extend axons down toward the stalk of the pituitary gland –> command our attention
describe the pituitary gland in a living brain
-in a brain lifted out of the head, pituitary gland dangles below the base of the brain
-in a living brain pituitary gland is held in a cradle of bone at the base of the skull
why does the pituitary gland require this level of protection ?
it is the “mouthpiece” from which much of the hypothalamus “speaks” to the body
what are the lobes of the pituitary gland?
posterior and anterior –> hypothalamus controls the 2 lobes in different ways
describe the magnocellular neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus
-largest of the hypothalamus neurosecretory cells
-extend axons down the stalk of the pituitary gland and into the posterior lobe
- (ernst and Berter Scharrers) –> these neurons release chemical substances directly into the capillaries of the posterior lobe –> the substances releases into the blood by neurons are called neurohormones.
what do the magnocellular neurosecretory cells release?
-two neurohormones into bloodstream, oxytocin and vasopressin
describe oxytocin
-peptide containing a chain of 9 amino acids
-levels rise during sexual or intimate behaviours and promote social bonding
-crucial role during final stages of childbirth by causing uterus to contract and facilitating delivery of newborn –>also stimulates ejections of milk from mammary glands
describe vasopressin (aka antidiuretic hormone (ADH))
-peptide containing a chain of 9 amino acids
-regulates blood volume and salt concentration
-when body is deprived of water, the blood volume decreases and blood salt concentration increases –> these changes are detected by pressure receptors in the cardiovascular system and salt concentration-sensitive cells in the hypothalamus, respectively
-vasopressin-containing neurons received information about these changes and respond by releasing vasopressin, which acts directly on the kidneys and leads to water retention and reduced urine production
under conditions of lowered blood volume and pressure, communication between brain and kidneys…
occurs in both directions
what happens when there is low blood pressure?
Kidneys secrete an enzyme into the blood called renin. Elevated renin sets off a sequence of biochemical reactions in the blood. Angiotensinogen, a large protein released from the liver, is converted by renin to angiotensin I, which breaks down further to form another small peptide hormone, angiotensin II. Angiotensin II has direct effects on the kidney and blood vessels, which help increase blood pressure.
describe angiotensin II and subfornical organ
angiotensin II in the blood is also detected by the subfornical organ, a part of the telencephalon that lacks a blood-brain barrier. Cells in the subfornical organ project axons into the hypothalamus where they activate, among other things, the vasopressin-containing neurosecretory cells. In addition, the subfornical organ activates cells in the lateral area of the hypothalamus, somehow producing an overwhelming thirst that motivates drinking behaviour.
what part of the pituitary is the gland?
anterior lobe is the actual gland
what does the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland do?
Synthesize and secrete a wide range of hormones that regulate secretions from other glands throughout the body –> together constituting the endocrine system
what does the pituitary hormones act on?
gonads, thyroid glands, adrenal glands and mammary glands
what controls the anterior pituitary?
the secretory hypothalamus, under the control of neurons in the periventricular area called parvocellular neurosecretory cells.
–anterior pituitary was traditionally describe as body’s “master gland” –> but anterior pituitary controlled by hypothalamus so hypothalamus is true master gland of the endocrine system
how does the neurons in the periventricular area of the hypothalamus communicate with the anterior lobe?
-the parvocellular neurosecretory cells of the periventricular area do not extend all the way down into the anterior lobe, instead communicate with their targets via the bloodstream
-these neurons secrete what are called the hypophysiotropic hormones into a uniquely specialised capillary bed at the floor of the third ventricle
-these tiny blood vessels run down the stalk of the pituitary and branch in the anterior lobe –> this network of blood vessels is called the hypothalamo-pituitary portal circulation
-hypophysiotropic hormones secreted by the hypothalamic neurons into the portal circulation travel downstream until they bind to specific receptors on the surface of pituitary cells –> activation of these receptors causes the pituitary cells to either secrete or stop secreting hormones into the general circulation
Where are the adrenal glands located and what do they consist of?
-located above the kidneys
-consist of two parts, a shell called the adrenal cortex and a centre called the adrenal medulla
what does the adrenal cortex produce?
a steroid hormone, cortisol
what happens when cortisol is released into bloodstream?
-cortisol acts throughout the body to mobilise energy reserves and suppress the immune system, preparing us to carry on in the face of life’s various stresses
what is a good stimulus for cortisol release?
-stress, ranging from physiological stress, such as a loss of blood, to positive emotional stimulation, such as falling in love; to psychological stress, such as anxiety over an upcoming exam
What cells determine whether a stimulus is stressful or not?
-parvocellular neurosecretory cells that control the adrenal cortex determine whether a stimulus is stressful or not –> as defined by the release of cortisol
where do parvocellular neurosecretory cells lie?
-in periventricular hypothalamus
what do parvocellular neurosecretory cells release?
a peptide called corticotropin hormone (CRH) into the blood of the portal circulation
where does CRH travel to after being secreted into the portal circulation by the parvocellular neurosecretory cells?
-travels the short distance to the anterior pituitary, where, within about 15 seconds, it stimulates the release of corticotropin, or adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
what happens after ACTH is released?
ACTH enters the general circulation and travels to the adrenal cortex where, within a few minutes, it stimulates cortisol release
describe cortisol in blood
-blood levels of cortisol are, to some extend, self-regulated
-cortisol is a steroid, a class of biochemicals related to cholesterol –> is a lipophilic (“fat-loving”) molecule, which dissolves easily in lipid membrane and readily crosses the blood-brain barrier
How does the brain ensure cortisol levels don’t get to high?
in the brain cortisol interacts with specific receptors that lead to inhibition of CRH release, thus ensuring that circulating cortisol levels don’t get too high
describe prednisone
-synthetic form of cortisol
-frequently used to suppress inflammation, but when administered for several days, the prednisone circulating in the bloodstream fools the brain into thinking that naturally release levels of cortisol are too high and shutting down the release of CRH and the adrenal cortex
what happens when there is an abrupt discontinuation of prednisone?
-does not give the adrenal cortex enough tie to ramp up cortisol production and can thus result in what is called adrenal insufficiency
describe adrenal insufficiency
-can occur as a result of abrupt cessation of prednisone
-among the symptoms of adrenal insufficiency are severe abdominal pain and diarrhoea, extremely low blood pressure, and changes in mood and personality.
-feature of rare disorder called Addison’s disease –> degeneration of adrenal gland
What is Cushing’s disease?
-pituitary gland dysfunction that results in elevated levels of ACTH and consequently, cortisol.
-symptoms include rapid weight gain, immune suppression, sleeplessness, memory impairment, and irritability.
-symptoms of Cushings disease is common side effects for prednisone treatment
describe the myriad behavioural changes that are caused by the fluctuation of cortisol levels
-the myriad behavioural changes caused by this different level of cortisol may be explained by the fact that neurons with cortisol receptors are found widely distributed in the brain, not just in hypothalamus. in these other CNS locations, cortisol has been shown to have significant effects on neurons activity. Thus, we see that the release of hypophysiotropic hormones by cells in the secretory hypothalamus can produce widespread alterations in the physiology of both the body and the brain
what controls the autonomic nervous system?
What responses are produced by the sympathetic division of the ANS?
(not all the responses)
-increased HR and BP, depressed digestive functions and mobilised glucose reserves
What responses does the parasympathetic division of the ANS produce?
returning your body back to normal levels
-HR slows, BP drops, digestive functions work harder, and stop sweating
describe the speed and accuracy of the ANS compared to the somatic motor system
-unlike the somatic motor system, whose alpha motor neurons can rapidly excite skeletal muscles with pinpoint accuracy, the actions of the ANS are typically multiple, widespread and relatively slow
-in addition, unlike the somatic motor system, which can excite its peripheral targets, the ANS balances synaptic excitation and inhibition to achieve widely coordinated and graded control
what comprises the total neural output of the CNS?
-the somatic motor system and the ANS
what task does the ANS have?
-complex task of commanding every other tissue and organ in the body that is innervated with the exception of the somatic motor system
what are similarities and differences between the somatic motor system and the ANS
Similarity-both systems have upper motor neurons in the brain that send commands to lower motor neurons, which actually innervate the target structures outside the nervous system
difference-the cell bodies of all somatic lower motor neurons lie within the CNS in either the ventral horn of the spinal cord or the brain stem –>the cell bodies of all autonomic lower motor neurons lie outside the CNS, within cell clusters called autonomic ganglia. the neurons in these ganglia are called postganglionic neurons. postganglionic neurons are driven by preganglionic neurons, whose cell bodies are in the spinal cord and brain stem. Thus, the somatic motor system control its target (skeletal muscles) via a monosynaptic pathway, while the ANS influences its targets (smooth muscles, cardiac muscle, and glands) using disynaptic pathway
where do the preganglionic axons of the sympathetic division emerge in the spinal cord?
-only from the middle third of the spinal cord (thoracic and lumbar segments)
where do the preganglionic axons of the parasympathetic division emerge in the spinal cord?
only from the brainstem and the lowest (sacral) segments of the spinal cord
where does the preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic division lie? and where do they send their axons?
-lie within the intermediolateral gray matter of the spinal cord.
-send their axons through the ventral roots to synapse on neurons in the ganglia of the sympathetic chain, which lies next to the spinal column, or within collateral ganglia found within the abdominal cavity
where does the preganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic division lie? and where do they send their axons?
they lie within a variety of brain stem nuclei and the lower (sacral) spinal cord, and their axons travel within several cranial nerves as well as the nerves of the sacral spinal cord
which division of the ANS travels farther?
-the parasympathetic preganglionic axons travels much farther than the sympathetic axons because the parasympathetic ganglia are typically located next to, on or in their target organs
describe the innervation of the ANS
- innervates glands, smooth muscle and cardiac muscle
The ANS:
-innervates the secretory glands (salivary, sweat, tear, and various mucus-producing glands)
-innervates the heart and blood vessels to control blood pressure and flow
-innervates the bronchi of the lungs to meet the oxygen demands of the body
-regulates the digestive and metabolic functions of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and pancreas
-regulates the functions of the kidney, urinary bladder, large intestine, and rectum
-is essential to the sexual responses of the genitals and reproductive organs
-interacts with the body’s immune system
when is the sympathetic divisions most active? and what is it summarised as?
-during a crisis, real or perceived
-the 4 Fs –> fight, flight, fright and sex
what does the parasympathetic division facilitate?
various non-four-F processes, such as digestion, growth, immune responses and energy storage
do all tissues receive innervation from both divisions of the ANS?
-no, for example, blood vessels of skin and the sweat glands are innervated (and excited) only by sympathetic axons –> and lacrimal (tear-producing) glands are innervated (and excited) only by the parasympathetic input
describe the enteric division
-the enteric division is a division of the ANS, sometimes called “little brain”
-its the lining of the oesophagus, stomach, intestines, pancreas, and gallbladder
-control many of the physiological processes involved in the transport and digestion of food, from oral to anal openings
-contains about 500 million neurons (same number as the entire spinal cord)
what are the 2 networks of the enteric division?
-myenteric (Auerbach’s) plexus and submucous (Meissner’s) plexus
-both consisting with sensory nerves, interneurons, and autonomic motor neurons
Why is the enteric division referred to as a “brain”?
-it can operate with a great deal of independence. Enteric sensory neurons monitor tension and stretch of the gastrointestinal walls, the chemical status of the stomach and intestinal contents, and hormone levels in the blood.
-but not entirely autonomous –> receives input indirectly from the “real” brain via axons of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions
describe the role of nucleus of the solitary tract and its connection with the hypothalamus
-located in the medulla and connected with the hypothalamus, the nucleus of the solitary tract is another important centre for autonomic control
-some autonomic functions operate well even when brain stem is disconnected from all structures above it, including hypothalamus
-solitary nucleus integrates sensory information from the internal organs and coordinates output to the autonomic brain nuclei
what is the primary transmitter of peripheral autonomic neurons?
-same transmitter used at skeletal neuromuscular junctions –> acetylcholine (ACh)
what do the preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions release? and its effect
ACh, the immediate effect is that the ACh bind to nicotinic ACh receptors (nAChR), which are ACh-gate channels and evokes a fast excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) that usually triggers an AP in the postganglionic cell. similar mechanism of the skeletal neuromuscular junction, and drugs that block nAChRs in muscle, such as curare, also block autonomic output
does ganglionic ACh also activate muscarinic ACh receptors (mAChR)?
yes, mAChR are metabotropic (G-protein-couple) receptors that can cause both the opening and the closing of ion channels that lead to very slow EPSPs and IPSPs. These slow mAChR events are usually not evident unless the preganglionic nerve is activated repetitively
in addition to ACh, what else do some preganglionic terminals release?
-a variety of small, neuroactive peptides such as neuropeptide Y (NPY) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)
what is the effects of peptides?
-modulatory, they do not usually bring the postsynaptic neurons to firing threshold, but they make them more responsive to fast nicotinic effects when they do come along
what do postganglionic cells in the sympathetic and parasympathetic division use are transmitters?
-postganglionic parasympathetic neurons release ACh –> local effect
-postganglionic sympathetic division uses norepinephrine (NE) –> -far reaching effect
describe the effects of parasympathetic ACh in contract with sympathetic NE
-parasympathetic ACH has a very local effect on its target and acts entirely through mAChRs.
-in contract, sympathetic NE often spreads far, even into the blood where it can circulate widely
What are sympathomimetic drugs?
-drugs that promote that actions of norepinephrine or inhibit the muscarinic actions of acetylcholine, they cause effects that mimic activation of the sympathetic division of the ANS
-for example, atropine, an antagonist of mAChRs, produces signs of sympathetic activation, such as dilation of the pupils
What are parasympathomimetic drugs?
-drugs that promote the muscarinic actions of ACh or inhibit the actions of NE, they cause effects that mimic activation o the parasympathetic division of the AND
-for example, propranolol, an antagonise of the beta-receptor for NE, slows the heart rate and lowers blood pressure
what are certain principles the diffuse modulatory systems have in common?
-typically, the core of each system has a small set of neurons (several thousand)
-neurons of the diffuse system arise from the central core of the brain, most of them from the brainstem
-each neuron can influence many others because each one has an axon that may contact more thena 100,000 postsynatic neurons spread widely across the brain
-the synapses made by many of these systems release transmitter molecules into the extracullar fluid, so they can diffuse to many neurons rather than be confined to the vicinity of the synaptic cleft
What transmitter is used by neurons in the locus coeruleus that’s in the pons?
Noradrenaline (or norepinephrine)
roughly how many neurons do we have in the locus coeruleus? and synapses
-each locus coeruleus has about 12,000, we have 2 one on each side
-just one of its neurons can make more than 250,000 synapses
what part of the brain does the locus coeruleus innervate?
-Just about every part of the brain –> all of the cerebral cortex, the thalamus, hypothalamus, olfactory bulb, cerebellum, midbrain and the spinal cord
What are the locus coeruleus cells involved in? and when is it activated?
-involved in the regulation of attention, arousal, sleep-wake cycle, learning, memory, anxiety, pain, mood, and brain metabolism
-new, unexpected, nonpainful sensory stimuli
where are the serotonin-containing neurons mostly clustered?
-within the 9 raphe nuclei
which parts of the raphe modulate what
-those more caudal, in the medulla, innervate the spinal cord, where they modulate pain-related sensory signals
-those more rostral, in the pons and midbrain, innervate most of the brain in much the same diffuse way as do the LC neurons
when do raphe nuclei cells fire the most? and most quiet
-during wakefulness, when an animal is aroused and active, most quiet during sleep
what are the raphe neurons involved in?
-intimately involved in the control of sleep-wake cycles, as well as the different stages of sleep
-also implicated in the control of mood and certain types of emotional behaviour
what are the main dopaminergic cells that have characteristics of the diffuse modulatory systems
-substantia nigra in the midbrain and ventral tegmental area of the midbrain
describe the role of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra
-these cells project axons to the striatum, where they facilitate the initiation of voluntary movements –> degeneration of the dopamine-containing cells in the substantia nigra is all that is necessary to produce the progressive, motor disorders of Parkinson’s disease
describe the role of dopaminergic neurons of the ventral tegmental area
-axons from these neurons innervate a circumscribed region of the telencephalon that includes the frontal cortex and parts of the limbic system
what are the dopaminergic projections from the midbrain called and its general functions
-mesocorticolimbic dopamine system –> evidence indicated that its involved in a “reward” system that somehow assigns value to, or reinforces, certain behaviours that are adaptive
what are the 2 major diffuse modulatory cholinergic systems in the brain
-basal forebrain complex
-pontomesencephalotegmental complex (in brainstem)
where do the basal forebrain complex cholinergic neurons lie?
-scattered among several related nuclei at the core of the telencephalon, medial and ventral to the basal ganglia
-best known of these are the medial septal nuclei, which provide the cholinergic innervation of the hippocampus, and the basal nucleus of Meynert, which provides most of the cholinergic innervation of the neocortex
what is the function of the cells of basal forebrain complex?
-remains mostly unknown
-among the first cells to die during the course of Alzheimer’s disease, which is characterised by a progressive and profound loss of cognitive functions
-implicated in regulating general brain excitability during arousal and sleep-wake cycles
-may also play a role in learning and memory function
where does the pontomesencephalotegmental complex mainly act on?
-On the dorsal thalamus, where together with the noradrenergic and serotonergic systems, it regulates the excitability of the thalamic sensory relay nuclei –> these cells also project up to the telencephalon, providing a cholinergic link between the brain stem and basal forebrain complexes
what are psychoactive drugs?
-compounds with “mind-altering” effects
-all act on CNS
-most do so by interfering with chemical synaptic transmission
-many abused drugs ac directly on the modulatory systems, particularly noradrenergic, dopaminergic, and serotonergic systems
What do hallucinogens produce?
- produce hallucinations
- LSD produces a dreamlike state with heightened awareness of sensory stimuli, often with a mixing of perceptions such that sounds can evoke images, images can evoke smells, and so on.
(not drugs of abuse because doesn’t manipulate dopaminergic system)
Describe the history of hallucinogens
-the use of them goes back thousands of years
-hallucinogenic compounds are contained in a number of plants consumed as part of religious ritual, for example the psilocybe mushroom by the Maya and peyote cactus by the Aztec
-modern era of hallucinogenic drug use was unwittingly ushered in at the laboratory of Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann –> lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
describe LSDs potency
-extremely potent, a dose of 25 microgram is sufficient to produce a full-blown hallucinogenic effect
What does LSD act on?
-chemical structure of LSD (and the active ingredients of psilocybe mushrooms and peyote) is very close to that of serotonin, suggesting that it acts on the serotonergic system
-LSD is a potent agonist at the serotonin receptors on the presynaptic terminals of neurons in the raphe nuclei. activation of these receptors markedly inhibits the firing of raphe neurons
-thus, one known CNS effect of LSD is a reduction in the outflow of the brains serotoninergic diffuse modulatory system
Can we conclude that LSD produces hallucinations by silencing the brain’s serotonin systems?
-No, for one silencing neurons in the raphe nuclei by other means (i.e., destroying them) does not mimic the effects of LSD in experimental animals, furthermore animals still response as expected to LSD after their raphe nuclei have been destroyed
What does current research suggest about how LSD causes hallucinations?
-suggests LSD causes hallucinations by superseding the naturally modulated release of serotonin in cortical areas where perceptions normally are formed and interpreted
what common features do cocaine and amphetamines share?
-are simulants
-both exert their effects at synapses made by dopaminergic and noradrenergic systems
-both drugs give users a feeling of increased alertness and self-confidence, a sense of exhilaration and euphoria, and a decreased appetite
-both are sympathomimetic –> they cause peripheral effects that mimic activation of sympathetic division of the ANS (increase HR, BP, dilation of pupils and so on)
-both block catecholamine uptake (actions of catecholamine released into the synaptic cleft are normally terminated by specific uptake mechanisms)
-both have behavioural action of psychological dependence (addiction)
Where is cocaine extracted from?
From the leaves of the coca plant
What are the differences between cocaine and amphetamines?
-recent research suggests that cocaine targets DA reuptake more selectively
-and amphetamine blocks NE and DA reuptake and stimulates the release of DA
-thus these drugs can prolong and intensify the effects of release of DA or NE
Why is cocaine and amphetamines addictive?
-users will develop powerful cravings for prolonging and continuing drug-induced pleasurable feelings
-these effects are believed to result specifically from the enhanced transmission in the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system during drug use –> this system may normally function to reinforce adaptive behaviours, by short-circuiting the system, these drugs instead reinforce drug-seeking behaviour