Motivating Workers Flashcards
What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
The theory that there are five levels of human needs that employees need to have fulfilled at work which are in a hierarchy.
What are Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in order?
- Physiological
- Safety
- Belonging/social needs
- Self-esteem/self-fulfilment
- Self-actualisation
What is McGregor’s X and Y theory?
X theory describes that employees do not want to work and must be strictly supervised while Y theory says that employees enjoy work and are committed to achieving goals which they want to achieve.
What is motivation?
Motivation is the willingness of an individual to work.
What is Herzberg’s motivational theory?
That there are hygiene factors (the factors which are necessary for people to work, but do not actually motivate employees). He also believed that there were motivating factors (factors connected with the job itself and motivate employees).
What are examples of hygiene factors?
- Pay
- Satisfactory working conditions
- Helpful organisational policies
What are examples of motivational factors?
- How interesting a job is
- Prospects for promotion
- Added responsibility
According to Herzberg’s motivational theory, how can a business improve employee’s motivation?
By improving the nature and content of the employee’s job.
Why do people work?
- Money - people need money in order to satisfy their needs and wants.
- Security - people like having a secure job, perhaps with promotion prospects. It also gives employees the ability to plan for the future.
- Job satisfaction - people may feel like they are contributing to society and they may enjoy doing their job.
- Self-esteem - people may gain a higher self-esteem through work.
- Belonging - people may like to belong to a workgroup.
What did Maslow’s motivational theory say?
That workers are motivated by attempting to meet each need in his hierarchy in ascending order. Employees could only be motivated by the first need they had not yet fulfilled and could not be motivated by any need they had already fulfilled or was higher than the one they were fulfilling. Maslow said that firms should offer incentives to help employees fulfil their needs.
What are financial incentives?
Financial incentives are incentives that are designed to motivate employees that have monetary value. They include:
- Time work
- Productivity agreements
- Piece work
- Performance related pay
- Bonuses
- Profit sharing
- Share ownership
- Commission
- Fringe benefits
What is time work?
Where workers are paid according to how many hours they work.
What are productivity agreements?
Where businesses agree to increase employees pay in return for their increased productivity.
What is piece work?
Where employees are paid according to how many pieces or units of work they produce. This can often lead to poorer quality products as quality may be sacrificed for speed.
What is performance related pay?
Where an employee’s pay is based off an assessment of how well they do their job.
What are bonuses?
Where employees are paid a bonus sum of money in recognition of their contribution to a business’s success.
What is profit sharing?
Where employees receive an additional payment based on how well a business performs, if employees expect to share in profits, they will be motivated to aim to increase those profits by working hard.
What is share ownership?
Where employees can purchase shares in a business at advantageous price.
What is comission?
Where a employee is paid a percentage of the sales that an employee makes for a business.
What are fringe benefits?
Things like company cars, health insurance and holidays.
What are non-financial incentives?
Incentives designed to motivate employees that do not have a monetary value but they are connected with the job or well being of the employee.
What is job enrichment?
Where an employee is given a larger variety of tasks which require more skill. This is usually in the form of promotion. The employee may gain a greater feeling of responsibility.
What is job rotation?
Where employees are able to switch jobs at a variety of times. They are usually motivated by this as they gain more skills and it gives them opportunities for career development.
What is job enlargement?
Where employees are given a greater variety of similar tasks. This can make an employees job more interesting.
What are appraisal schemes?
Ways to find out the needs of an employe, a well done appraisal can make an employee feel valued and motivated.
What should the incentives that a business should use depend on?
- The costs to the business.
- The type of business. For example, piece work cannot be implemented in every business.
- Employees may be motivated differently from other employees.
What are net earnings?
The earnings of an employee after tax.