Mother, Any Distance Flashcards
What is the poem “Mother Any Distance about?”
a young person entering into a new house which symbolises a new beginning and the chance to be independent away from the comfort of his mother
What is the form of the poem MAD?
it is free verse which reflects the speakers search for independence and freedom
What is the structure of the poem MAD?
There is enjambment and caesura which suggests to separation, break in the relationship or the process of becoming independent
dependence to independence
What is special about the last line of the poem MAD?
it is on its own and breaks the pattern of a sonnet being 14 lines suggesting to the theme of independence and freedom and the poem being free verse
What is the context of the poem MAD?
it is from a 1933 collection called “book of matches” each poem should take 20 secs to read which is the time it takes to light a match and burn it out
Who wrote MAD?
Simon Armitage in 1963
Finish the quote: “You at the zero end…” MAD
“You at the zero end, me with the spool of tape”
Analyse the quote: “you at the zero end me with the spool of tape” MAD LINE 5
-umbilical cord imagery show the connection between mother and child at birth (lifeline to baby supplying nutrients) but eventually has to be cut (independence)
-“zero end” is beginning of relationship how his mother has always been there for him
Quotes on umbilical cord imagery for MAD:
“centimetres back to base”
“line still feeding out”
Finish the quote: “Anchor…” MAD
Analyse the quote: “Anchor.Kite.” MAD LINE 8
- caesura which shows how the son will have to be separated from mother
-Anchor is something that pulls you down and keeps you grounded but also stops you from making progress
-Kite sets you free, lets you explore and wander which links to the last line of the poem
-Mother is anchor son is kite
What is there a semantic field of in MAD and which quotes support this?
vastness of sons potential/new life and the intimidation of leaving what is common
“acres of walls”
“endless sky”
Finish the quote: “your fingertips…” MAD
“your fingertips still pinch”
Analyse the quote: “your fingertips still pinch” MAD LINE 11
-the mother still holds onto the son desperately and so is she hurting him or holding him back in the process?
- the son may feel small without his mother as he holds onto the memory of a small unit of measure
Finish the quote: “to fall…” MAD
“to fall or to fly”
Analyse the quote: “to fall or to fly” MAD
-links to anchor and kite
-cyclical structure with the word “span” (birds) in first line
-weighs the risk of separation and the courage it takes to not know what will happen but to do something either way
- poses question of whether son will thrive in independence?