Most Commons Flashcards
Most potent stimuli of pulmonary vasoconstriction
MC manifestation of R and L major fissures on CT
lucent band (LC dense)
MC cause of posterior tracheal stripe thickening
esophageal CA
MC process underlying the formation of an air bronchogram
MC mechanism causing atelectasis
bronchial obstruction
MC end result of chronic bronchial obstruction
MC form of atelectasis
MC cause of obstructive pneumonitis
retention of normal epithelial cells secretions (distal to the point of obstruction)
MC area/location of round/helical atelectasis
posterior portion of the lower lobe
MC SOL within a pulmonary lobe displacing a fissure
pulmonary CA
MC cause of pleural transgression
Actinomycotic infection
MC cause of cavity
tissue necrosis
MC form cause of tubular shadows
MC manifestation of pleural thickening
fibrosis or neoplasia
MC associated abnormality in hypoplasia
decreased volume of the hemithorax
MC cause of lung hypoplasia
SOL in the pleural cavity 2’ to congenital diaphragmatic hernia
MC cause of hypoplasia involving the GUT
Potter’s syndrome
MC type of CCAM
Type I or cystic form (Type II in Swischuck)
MC lobe affected in congenital bronchial atresia
Left upper lobe
MC cause of extrinsic airway compression producing neonatal lobar hyperinflation
anomalous vessel
MC abnormal origin of the lobar bronchi
tracheal origin of the right upper lobe bronchus (tracheal or pre-eparterial bronchus)
MC extralaryngeal communication of the normal tracheobronchial tree
MC group of anomalous pulmonary drainage
MC cause of general pulmonary oligemia due to diminished blood flow
congenital anomaly of the RV outflow tract (eg pulmonary stenosis, TOF, PTA IV and Ebstein’s anomaly)
MC life threatening infectious disease
MC route of infection in pneumonia
via the tracheobronchial tree
MC cause of abovementioned
aspiration/ inhalation of the microorganisms
MC cause of aspiration pneumonia
contaminated orophargyngeal/ gastric fluid
MC cause of pneumonia in adults
S pneumonia (2nd MC M pneumoniae)
MC cause of pneumonia in children
H influenza
MC pneumonia in patients with AIDS
Pneumocystic carinii
MC infectious agent in the lungs of patients with AIDS
MC AIDS related malignancy
Kaposi’s sarcoma (2nd MC NHL)
MC etiology of BPN
S aureus (previously S pyogenes)
MC form of S aureus pneumonia
acute purulent variety
MC clinical manifestation of B anthracis
localized cutaneous papule, ulcer or vesicle in site of initial infection
MC gram negative aerobic bacteria
Klebsiella pneumonia
MC location of Klebsiella pneumonia
posterior upper lobe or superior lower lobe
MC region of involvement in anaerobic bacterial pneumonia
posterior upper lobes and superior lower lobes
Most important factor to determine the degree of source of infectiousness
cavity formation
Mc form of extrapulmomary TB
MC cause of false positive diagnosis of malignancy in specimens obtained by TTNA
MC form of saprophytic aspergillosis
fungus ball or mycetoma
MC manifestation of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis
hemorrhagic infarction
MC form (clinical) of sporotrichosis
MC manifestation of Nocardiosis
airspace pneumonia
MC cause of clinically evident nonbacterial pneumonia
Mycoplasma pneumonia
MC complication of M pneumonia
Steven Johnson’s syndrome
MC cause of cold agglutinin production of all respiratory diseases
M pneumoniae
MC form of measles virus pneumonia
secondary bacterial pneumonia
MC cause of pleurodynia (Boerhaeve’s disease)
Coxsackievirus B
MC cause of “acute respiratory disease”
MC type of HSV in burn and immunocompromised patients
MC type of HSV in neonates (during 2 weeks of life)
MC involved organs in SLE
lungs and pleura
MC manifestation of SLE
pleural effusion (bilateral and small)
MC extrapulmoary manifestation of SLE
arthritis and arthralgia (95%)
MC thoracic manifestation of rheumatoid disease
pleural effusion
MC associated connective tissue disorder with Sjogren’s syndrome
rheumatoid disease
MC vessels in PAN
MC vessels in PAN
MC vessels in Takayasus
aorta and its branches
MC vessels in temporal arteritis
large vessel of head and neck
MC complication of bone marrow transplantation
infection 2’ to CMV
Most fatal malignancy in men
CA of the pulmonary airway and alveolar epithelium
Most important agents in the etiology of lung CA
smoking and asbestosis
MC etiology of pulmonary fibrosis in CA
progressive systemic sclerosis
MC epithelial pulmonary CA
Adeno CA (35-40%)
Most important roentgenographic feature that distinguishes benign from malignant nodules
MC pleural manifestation in pulmonary CA
pleural effusion
MC symptom referable to the respiratory tract
MC cardiac involvement in CA
MC polypeptide hormone produced by pulmonary neoplasms
Most important factor in the prognosis of patients with pulmonary Ca
stage of the disease on the time of presentation
MC roentgenographic picture in carcinoid tumor
bronchial obstruction
MC subtype of tracheo-bronchial gland tumor
adenoid cystic carcinoma
MC manifestation of 1’ NHL
reticulonodular simulating lymphangitic carcinomatosis
MC intrathoracic manifestation of 2’ NHL
mediastinal hilar LADP
MC roentgenographic sign of leukemia in the thorax
mediastinal/hilar LADP (2nd MC pleural effusion)
MC ST sarcoma of the lung
leiomyosarcoma (2nd MC fibrosarcoma)
MC neurogenic tumor in the lungs
NF (2nd MC schwannoma)
MC in situ arterial thrombosis (cause)
MC site of chemodectoma (paraganglioma)
ascending or transverse aortic arch
MC clinically significant emboli to the lungs
bland thrombi
MC underlying condition that predisposes to infarction
MC source of fat emboli
MC source of fat emboli
MC antecedent of embolism
trauma (2nd MC external cardiac massage after accidental fractures)
MC site of air entry in systemic air embolism
pulmonary veins
MC cause of systemic air embolism
penetrating thoracic trauma
MC cause of multiple pulmonary thromboemboli occurring over a period of months
precapillary pulmonary HTN
MC cause of postcapillary pulmonary HTN
diseases of the left side of the heart causing failure
MC cause of pulmonary aneurysm
congenital cardiovascular disease, infection and trauma
MC location of pulmonary artery aneurysm
pulmonary trunk and its branches
Most important cause of cardiogenic edema
LV decompensation
MC neurogenic edema associated with pulmonary edema
head trauma
MC post ictal pulmonary edema
seizures 2’ to epilepsy and expanding SOL, IC
MC cause of acute pharyngitis and tonsillitis
Beta streptococci
MC cause of acute epiglottitis
H influenza
MC cause of bilateral vocal cord paralysis
injury to the superior laryngeal nerve 2’ to thyroidectomy
MC tracheal neoplasm
MC substance causing airway effect in a dose dependent fashion in workers
cotton dust (byssinosis)
MC isocyanate causing asthma
toluene diisocyanate (TDI)
Most significant factor in the development of COPD
cigarette smoking
MC infection causing clinical excacerbations of COPD
rhinovirus and myxovirus (during epidemics)
MC form of emphysema
centrilobular emphysema
MC form of emphysema seen pathologically
irregular emphysema (irregular emphysema MC seen pathologically)
Most dependable sign of pulmonary overinflation
flattening of the HD
MC form of bulla, associated with pneumothorax
Type II
MC lethal genetically transmitted abnormality in the whites
cystic fibrosis
MC etiologic agent in lipid pneumonia
mineral oil
MC pulmonary complication of blunt chest trauma
pulmonary parenchymal contusion
MC findings in fracture of the trachea and bronchi
MC site of aortic rupture
aortic isthmus (2nd MC is avulsion of the innominate artery)
MC cause of strangulated diaphragmatic hernia
MC pulmonary complication of surgery
MC mechanism of post op atelectasis
mucus plugging from retained secretions 2’ to decreased HD function
MC roentgenographic abnormality in the post op thorax
pleural effusion
MC cause of post op pneumothorax
lack of communication with the drainage tube
MC NGT abnormality
coiling of the NGT
MC complication of venous catheterization
MC consequence of venous perforation
unilateral pneumothorax
MC pulmonary complication in pulmonary arterial catheters
pulmonary artery occlusion
MC clinical situation associated with perforation
cardiac surgery
Most important factor in assessment of radiation injury of the lung
volume of irradiated lung
MC serious pulmonary complication of DM
MC form of joint involvement in sarcoidosis
migratory arthralgia + erythema, LADP, fever
MC form and manifestation of rheumatoid disease in the thorax
pleural effusion
Mc cause of exudative pleural effusion
MC cause of chylothorax
neoplasm (lymphoma) (2nd MC trauma)
MC lung abnormality with 1’ spontaneous pneumothorax
MC pleural ST neoplasm
lipoma (benign tumor)
MC 1’ mediastinal neoplasm
lymphoma (2nd MC thymoma)
MC mediastinal germ vell tumor
teratoma (2nd MC seminoma)
MC mesenchymal tumor of the mediastinum
lipoma (?)
MC mediastinal abnormality
LN enlargement
MC cause of SVC syndrome
MC lymphoma in the mediastinum
MC CA causing SVC syndrome
small cell CA
MC benign lesion causing SVC syndrome
chronic sclerosing mediastinitis
MC cause of azygos/ hemiazygos vein dilatation
cardiac decompensation
MC cause of superior intercostals vein dilatation
cardiac decompensation
MC acuse of unilateral diaphragmatic elevation
neoplastic invasion (2nd MC paralysis of unknown etiology)
Most reliable roentgenographic maneuver to confirm HD paralysis
sniff test
MC diaphragmatic herniation in the adults
hiatus hernia
MC form of diaphragmatic hernia in the pediatrics
Bochdalek hernia
MC 1’ neoplasm of the HD
MC cause of inferior rib notching
coarctation of the aorta
MC cause of superior rib notching
chronic paralytic poliomyelitis (formerly); quadriplegia 2’ to cervical cord injury (at present)
MC acquired cause of pectus carinatum
MC cause of septic arthritis of the sternoclavicular and sternochondral joints
S aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
MC benign tumor of the chest wall
MC malignant neoplasm of the chest wall
fibrosarcoma and malignant fibrohistiocytoma
MC lesions of the ribs
metastatic lesions
MC lesions of the sternum
MC lesions of the clavicle
metastatic lesions
MC non neoplastic tumor of the thoracic skeleton
fibrous dysplasia
MC benign lesion of the thoracic skeleton
MC malignant neoplasm of the thoracic skeleton
MC rib anomaly
cervical ribs (rest are anterior bifurcations)
MC accessory fissure
inferior accessory fissure
MC site of anomalous supernumerary bronchus
R upper lobe
MC location of ectopic thyroid
MC associated CHD with CPVS (scimitar syndrome)
MC location of mediastinal bronchogenic cysts
paratracheal and carinal
MC type opf CCAM
CCam Type I
MC lobes affected by infantile lobar emphysema
L upper lobe and r middle lobe
MC symptomatic vascular ring
double aortic arch (2nd MC right aortic arch w/ L subclavian artery)
MC cause of bronchiolitis
RSV respiratory syncitial virus
MC pathogen in the 1st 3 months
RSV and Chlamydia
MC postnatal acquired infections
bacterial/fungal (Beta strep)
MC prenatal infection
MC cause of epiglottitis
H influenza type B
Mc subglottic mass in infants and young children
MC laryngeal tumor in childhood
recurrent laryngeal respiratory papillomatosis (juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis)
MC involved area of the abovementioned
MC radiographic manifestation of an acutely aspirated endobronchial FB
air trapping
MC tumor-like mass in 16 yo and below
plasma cell granuloma
MC pulmonary blastoma in children
MC initial radiographic manifestation of Askin tumors
pleural tumor or effusion
MC cause of broncholithiasis
Mc life threatening infections in AIDS
MC non TB mycobacterial infection in AIDS
Mycobacterium avium intracellulare (MAC)
MC fungal pathogen in AIDS
MC fungal pathogens causing pulmonary disease in AIDS
Cryptococcus, histoplasmosis and coccidiomycosis
MC community acquired pneumonia in AIDS
Streptococcus pneumoniae and H influenza
MC neoplasm in AIDS
kaposis sarcoma
MC pathogen in lung transplant
MC fungal disease in bone marrow aplasia
IPA (invasive pulmonary aspergillosis)
MC cause of non acquired tracheal widening
Mounier Kuhn syndrome
MC indication for tracheal resection and reconstruction
post intubation injuries
MC tracheal filling defects
MC occurrence of TEF in adults
complication of intrathoracic malignant (60%)
MC location of congenital bronchial atresia
upper lobes
Most mild form of bronchiectasis
Most severe form of bronchiectasis
MC cause of bronchiectasis
MC form of emphysema
Most important factor in the development of pneumonitis
MC cause of lipid pneumonia
mineral oil for constipation in adults
MC cause of lipid pneumonia in pedia
cod liver oil aspiration
MC cause of hemodynamic pulmonary edema
L heart failure
MC form of pulmonary edema (hemodynamic)
elevated capillary hydrostatic pressure
MC sources of pulmonary emboli
MC lobe affected in pulmonary infarction
lower lobes
MC affected areas in aspiration pneumonia
R mid to lower lobes
MC pulmonary viral infection in the immunocompromised
MC site of abscess formation
posterior segment of the upper lobe (R>L) (2nd MC is superior segment of the lower lobe)
MC malignant lung tumor based on cell type
adeno CA
MC cell type in women and smokers
adeno CA
MC type of lung CA causing hypercalcemia as paraneoplastic syndrome
small cell CA (SCCA?)
MC cause of Pancoast syndrome
MC cause of SVC syndrome
small cell CA
MC cause of Cushing’s syndrome and SIADH
small cell CA
MC single radiographic sign of bronchogenic CA
MC form of mets in bronchogenic CA
lymphangitic mets
MC CT finding in the lung
areas/masses of consolidation/nodules
MC benign lung tumor
MC finding in SLE (pulmonary/thoracic)
pleural effusion
MC thoracic finding in RA
MC pulmonary change
interstitial pneumonia
MC 2’ finding infection in pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
MC associated stricture in tracheal/bronchial injury
MC radiographic finding in tracheobronchial injury
SQ and mediastinal emphjysema
MC injured heart chamber
MC cause of lung opacification on ICU CXR
MC location of a malpositioned CVP catheter (central venous catheter)
internal jugular vein
MC misplacement of NGT
incomplete insertion and tube coiling
MC reason for pneumonectomy in the US
non small cell ca
MC indication for bilateral lung transplantation
cystic fibrosis
MC performed thoracic surgical procedure in the US
coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)
MC cause of acute mediastinitis
esophageal rupture and post op infection 2’ to median sternotomy
MC plain radiographic picture of mediastinal hemorrhage
mediastinal widening
MC germ cell tumor in the mediastinum
tertomas (2nd MC seminoma)
MC primary malignant germ cell tumor
MC non seminomatous germ cell tumor
MC anterior primary mediastinal tumor
thymic hyperplasia
MC primary neoplasm of the anterior mediastinum
MC type of infrathoracic foregut cyst
bronchogenic cyst
MC location of pericardial cysts
anterior CP angle
MC neurogenic tumors
neurilemomma (schwanomma) (2nd MC neurofibroma)
MC mediastinal tumor <5 yo
MC cell type in esophageal CA (excluding the GE junction)
squamous cell CA
MC clinical manifestation of pleural disease
pleural effusion
MC causes of bronchopleural fistula
necrotizing pulmonary infections and surgical lung resections
MC cause of chylothorax
neoplasm (75% 2’ to lymphoma)
MC form of trauma causing chylothorax
cardiac surgery
MC benign pleural neoplasm
lipoma (2nd MC pleural fibrosarcoma)
MC form of pleural metastases
pleural effusion
MC acuse of pleural malignancy
bronchogenic CA
MC neoplasm to arise in the ST of the chest wall
breast CA
MC cause of rib destruction 2’ to chest wall masses arising within a rib
metastases or myeloma
MC cause of destructive rib masses in children
Ewings sarcoma and metastatic neuroblastoma
MC cause of Pancoast tumor
lung CA
MC disturbance of the diaphragm
singultus (hiccups)
MC benign tumor of the diaphragm
MC malignant tumor of the diaphragm
MC causes of anterior tracheal indentation
anomalies of the innominate artery and anomalous left common carotid artery
MC vena cava abnormalities
idiopathic dilatation of the SVC
MC L to R shunts in the adults