Moses 1-4 quiz Flashcards
The Israelites were?
Fruitful and multiplied.
Then a new king who knew nothing of Joseph did what?
Rose to power in Egypt.
The new king feared what?
That the Israelites would join with Egypt’s enemies.
Pharaoh commanded what to who?
He commanded to kill Hebrew baby boys to Hebrew midwives.
When Moses couldn’t be hidden longer what did his mother do?
the woman made a basket of papyrus daubing it with bitumen and pitch.
where did she place the basket?
in the reeds of the nile river.
the basket was seen by whom?
the pharaoh’s daughter
he saw an _______ striking a ______, on of his _________.
when pharaoh heard that moses had killed the egyptian he..?
sought to sley moses
where did moses go?
midian and sat by a well.
Moses agreed to stay with the man who then gave moses his daughter__________ to be his wife.
Did they have a son?
Yes and they named him Gushom.
Moses kept the flock of his father in law _____ who was priest in Midian.
He led the flock to the mountain of God called?
The angel of the lord appeared to Moses in a flame of fire out of a ?
God said what?
that he would deliever the israelites from the egyptians and bring them to a land flowing with milk and honey.
God’s answer:
I AM has sent me to you. the lord god of your fathers the god of abraham, the god of isaac, an dthe god of jacob.
God’s answer 2:
He told him aaron was going with him and that he would be like a spokesman to moses and moses would be like god to aaron.
What was pharaohs answer:
How many days journey into the desert did Moses and aaron want to go?
God told moses and aaron what?
that pharaoh would not listen to them , therefore he would lay his hand on egyot with mighty acts of judgemnt to bring his people out of egypt.
Pharaoh did what?
he hardened his heart and did not listen to moses and aaron.