MOS 2181 9-10 Flashcards
A relatively permanent change in an employee’s knowledge or skill that results from experience
The process of generating and choosing from a set of alternatives to solve a problem
Decision Making
The knowledge and skills that distinguish experts from novices
Knowledge that is easily communicated and available to everyone
Explicit Knowledge
Knowledge that employees can only learn through experience
Tacit Knowledge
Four specific consequences used by organizations to modify employee behaviour
Contingencies of reinforcement
A reinforcement contingency in which a positive outcome follows a desired behaviour
positive reinforcement
A reinforcement contingency in which an unwanted outcome is removed following a desired behaviour
Negative reinforcement
An unwanted outcome that follows an unwanted behaviour
The removal of a positive outcome following an unwanted behaviour
The timing of when contingencies are applied or removed
Schedules of reinforcement
A schedule of reinforcement in which a specific consequence follows each and every occurrence of a certain behaviour
Continuous reinforcement
A schedule whereby reinforcement occurs at fixed time periods
Fixed-interval schedule
A schedule whereby reinforcement occurs at random periods of time
Variable-interval schedule
A schedule whereby reinforcement occurs following a fixed number of desired behaviour
Fixed-ratio schedule
A schedule whereby behaviours are reinforced after a varying number of them have been exhibited
Variable-ratio schedule
Theory that argues that people in organizations learn by observing others
Social Learning Theory
Employees’ observing the actions of others, learning form what they observe, and then repeating the observed behaviour (2)
Behavioural modelling
Behavioural modelling training
A predisposition or attitude according to which building competence is deemed more important by an employee than demonstrating competence
Learning orientation
A predisposition or attitude by which employees focus on demonstrating their competence so that others think favourably of them
Performance-prove orientation
A predisposition or attitude by which employees focus on demonstrating their competence so that others will not think poorly of them
Performance-avoid orientation
Decisions that are somewhat automatic b/c the decision maker’s knowledge allows him/her to recognize situation and the course of action to be taken
Programmed decisions
An emotional judgement based on quick, unconscious gut feelings
A change - sudden or evolving - that results in an urgent problem that must be addressed immmediately
Crisis situation
(One) [decisions] made by employees when a problem is new, complex, or not recognized
Non-programmed decision
A step-by-step approach to making decisions that is designed to maximize outcomes by examining all available alternatives
Rational decision-making model
The notion that people do not have the ability or resources to process all available information and alternatives when making a decision
Bounded rationality
What a decision maker is doing who chooses the first acceptable alternative considered
The tendency for people to see their environment only as it affects them and as it is consistent with their expectations
Selective perception
The faulty perception by decision makers that others think, feel, and act as they do
Projection bias ("I never do that - that's unethical") ("They'd never do that - that's unethical")
A theory that people identify themselves according to the various groups to which they belong and judge others according to the groups they associate with
Social Identity Theory
Assumptions made about others based on their social group memberships
Simple and efficient rules of thumb that allow one to make decisions more easily
The tendency for people to base their judgements on information that is easier to recall
Availability bias
The tendency for people to judge others’ behaviours as being due to internal factors such as ability, motivation, or attitudes
Fundamental Attribution Error
When one’s attributes one’s own failures to external factors and success to internal factors
Self-serving bias
Used by decision makers to attribute cause; whether other individuals behave the same way under similar circumstances
Used by decision makers to attribute cause; whether the person being judged acts in a similar fashion under different circumstances
Used by decision makers to attribute cause; whether this individual has behaved this way before under similar circumstances
A common decision-making error, in which the decision maker continues to follow a failing course of action
escalation of commitment
A systematic effort by organizations to facilitate the learning of job-related knowledge and behaviour
The exchange of knowledge between employees
Knowledge Transfer
Groups of employees who learn from one another through collaboration over an extended period of time
Communities of practice
Occurs when employees retain and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and behaviours required for the job after training ends
Transfer of training
An organizational environment that supports the use of new skills
Climate for transfer
The process by which information and meaning is transferred from a sender to a receiver
The exchange of information and meaning when one or more individuals are physically present, and where communication occurs without the aid of any mediating technology
face-to-face communication
A form of communication win which messages are sent and received using written and spoken language
Verbal Communication
Any form of information exchange that doesn’t involve spoken or written words
Nonverbal communication
The exchange of information and meaning using an electronic, digital medium
Computer-mediated communication
Describes websites and applications through which users actively interact, create, collaborate, and communicate
Web 2.0
A popular method of exchanging written digital messages from an author to one or more recipients
A communication medium that permits real-time, live interaction and discussion between remote individuals or groups via satellite or Internet
A highly flexible Web 2.0 applications that allows people to quickly exchange verbal information, and collaboratively solve problems, learn, manage projects, and create knowledge
The ability of communicators to encode and interpret messages
Communicator competence
Disturbing or distracting stimuli that block or interfere with the transmission of a message
The amount and depth of the information transmitted in a message
Information Richness
Different ways men and women tend to process and interpret information and communicate with others
Gender differences
A state in which individuals can express themselves freely without being observed, recorded, or disturbed by other, unauthorized individuals or groups
Communication that flows from the top to the bottom of the vertical channel
Downward communication
Communication that flows from the bottom to the top of the vertical channel
Upward communication
Communication that flows among members of work groups, teams, or functional units who reside at the same level in the organization
Horizontal Communication
A communication network in which any member can send and receive messages from any other
All-channel network structure
A communication network in which members send and receive messages from individuals who are immediately adjacent to them
Circle network structure
A communication network in which information is passed from member to member from one end of the chain to the other
Chain network structure
A communication network in which on member controls the flow of information between one set of members and another
Y network structure
A communication network in which all communications between members is controlled by a single member
Wheel network structure
Spontaneous and emergent patterns of communications that result from the choices individuals make on their own
Informal communication networks
The primary informal communication network within an organization
Messages that travel along the grapevine that lack evidence as to their truth or validity
Rumours about other people
A form of downward communication in which the supervisor provides information to a subordinate about his or her job performance
Supervisor feedback
A conversation initiated by one or more people to gather information and evaluate the qualifications of the applicant for a job
Job interview
The extent to which the selection procedure (ex. job interview) is free from random error
The extent to which the selection procedure (ex. job interview) predicts future job performance
predictive validity