More Praxis Flashcards
A painting medium in which pigment is mixed with water-soluble glutinous materials such as size or egg yolk. Also called poster color, poster paint. …?
Tempera paint
Kathe Kollwitz is known for … ?
German Expressionist
An art technique involving extremely realistic imagery in order to create the optical illusion that the depicted objects appear in three dimensions… ?
Trompe l’oeil
Moore (sculptor) used these items for inspiration …?
Rocks, pebbles
What is a megalith?
huge stone
An opaque watercolor prepared with gum arabic …?
(Definition of
opaque - not able to be seen through; not transparent.)
Taj Mahal is this type of structure … ?
What is sturdier then earthenware, and waterproof even without being glazed?
What is mixed with acrylic paint to make glaze?
Gel medium
The relative darkness or lightness of a color ….?
A form of decoration made by scratching through a surface to reveal a lower layer of a contrasting color …?
________ is a process similar to kneading dough. It loosens the clay, circulating its moisture throughout.
Process of incising shallow grooves into surface of wet or leather hard clay in cross-hatch pattern before applying slurry/slip and joining pieces …?
hardbrick ….?
Hard, dense firebrick generally used only in high-stress areas of kiln (floor, burner ports, flues, bagwall) and for corrosive firing processes (salt, soda, wood).
insulating firebrick (IFB, softbrick) ….?
Porous firebrick with insulating values much higher than hardbrick.
High refractory secondary clays with minimal fluxes and usually fairly coarse particle size. Low shrinkage, buff- color, often non- plastic.
fire clay
Greenware ….?
Air-dry unfired clay
Harmful substance found in printmaking plastalina …?
an image produced from a photographic negative transferred to a metal plate and etched in ….?
a print resembling watercolor, produced from a copper plate etched with nitric ….?
intaglio ….?
Wikipedia -
Intaglio is the family of printing and printmaking techniques in which the image is incised into a surface, and the incised line or sunken area holds the ink. It is the direct opposite of a relief print.
Normally, copper or zinc plates are used as a surface or matrix, and the incisions are created by etching, engraving, dry point, aquatint, or mezzotints. Collagraphs may also be printed on intaglio plates.
Dry point ….?
Wikipedia -
Drypoint is a printmaking technique of the intaglio family, in which an image is incised into a plate (or “matrix”) with a hard-pointed “needle” of sharp metal or diamond point. Traditionally the plate was copper, but now acetate, zinc, or plexiglas are commonly used. Like etching, drypoint is easier for an artist trained in drawing to master than engraving, as the technique of using the needle is closer to using a pencil than the engraver’s burin.
Conceptual artists known for incorporating text into their work …?
Jenny Hollozwe
& also
Barbara Krugel
Statuettes that were mostly used for two purposes: to incarnate a spirit of the bush, and the second was to represent a spouse from the other world “Blolo Bla” or “ Blolo Bian”. ……?
African Baule Spirit Spouse Figures
Romanesque ….?
Known for stone. The term was invented by 19th century art historians, especially for Romanesque architecture, which retained many basic features of Roman architecture style - most notably round-headed arches, but also barrel vaults, apses, and acanthus-leaf decoration. Colours, now remaining bright only in stained glass and well preserved manuscripts, tended to be very striking, and mostly primary. It was in this period that stained glass became widely used.
A mosque. Famous in particular for its massive dome, it is considered the epitome of Byzantine architecture. Has pendentives.
Hagia Sophia
Basquiat is known for what?
Neo expressionist artist
Stepped Pyramid Temples are of which origin?
African Benin Sculpture is made of …..?
Who was the constructor of the Spiral Jetty?
Robert Smithson
The Great Serpent Mound was created by ….?
Adena Indians
Shade …?
color plus black
Tint …?
color plus white
Tools used in jewelry making …?
anvils, blocks, fine pliers, burnisher, file, saw, mandrels
Woven wall hanging of heavy handwoven fabric with pictorial designs ….?
What was the use of stain glass in a cathedral?
It was a luxury item, and used by the Early Christian artists for allegorical purposes.
Era characterized by the words “heroic, turbulent, and poetic”?
Romantic Era
What is a common theme of Mexican murals?
social realism
What is the meaning of “AP” on an art product?
artist proof
What type of paper is used in the Book of Kelts?
parchment paper
What are the elements of design?
Shape, form, color, value, texture, space
What is the purpose of the principles of design?
What are the principles of design?
Considers the impact of the art being presented:
Emphasis, contrast, balance, harmony, rhythm, proportion, unity, and variety
Aperture …?
A circle shaped opening in a lens through which light passes to strike the film.
The size of the aperture is expressed as a
Examples: f/8 or f/11
The distance between the nearest and furthest objects in a photograph that are considered to be acceptably sharp. This is called …..?
Depth of Field
Shutter Speed ….?
Controls the duration of an exposure. - the faster the shutter speed, the shorter the exposure time.
Film Speed ….?
A measurement of a film's sensitivity to light. More sensitive (faster) films have higher ISO numbers and require less exposure in order to make a properly exposed picture.
A method of painting, which uses pigments melted with wax and fixed or fused to the painting surface with heat.
Product that extends the drying time, and paint. ….?
Paint Extender
The principle in oil painting that suggests each layer of paint should contain more oil than the one beneath. Awareness of this concept helps ensure permanence. ……?
fat over lean
meaning to rub a crayon or other tool onto paper or other material, which is placed onto a textured surface, in order to create the texture of that surface on the paper. This is called ….?
Croquis ……?
to make a quick sketch
Art, as sculptural constructions, having movable parts activated by motor, wind, hand pressure, or other direct means. This is called ……?
Kinetic art
Esquisse …..?
The first sketch of a picture or model of a statue.
What is the difference between water color and gouache?
Watercolor is transparent.
Gouache is opaque.
Isocephaly …..?
Having the heads of all figures on approximately the same level.
One of the small pieces used in mosaic work. This is called …..?
Two secondary colors make this color ….?
A skeletal framework built as a support on which a clay, wax, or plaster figure is constructed. This is called ….?
An Armature
______________ - second oldest medium after encaustic. It was used by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks and perfected by the icon painters during the last 100 years of the old Byzantine Empire (400 AD - 1202 AD).
Egg Tempera
What would not be seen in typical Western watercolor?
Black line
Early Greek statues characteristics include what?
They are facing forward and stiff
Borrows common images from advertising, the mass media and elsewhere, places them in new contexts. This type of art is called ….?
Appropriation Art
Example: Andy Warhol’s
Campbell Soup Cans
What can be added to plaster of paris to reduce density?
Pyramids found around Cancun would be whose?
Gouge and chisel. These are what ……?
carving tools
polystyrene and polyurethane. ……?
Two main types of foam plastic for sculpture.
method of dyeing fabric by covering certain sections with wax. This is called ….?
What is the most common oil in oil paints?
Linseed oil
Turpentine ……?
Paint thinner and brush cleaner
Glass fused over metal using high temperature. This process is called ….?
Art that helps improve our relationship with the natural world. This type of art is called ….?
Environmental Art
The art or technique of painting on a moist, plaster surface with colors ground up in water or limewater mixture. This is called ….?
What is the white coating made of substances such as chalk, plaster, and size that is spread over a surface to make it more receptive to paint?
What is
dry-brushing ……?
A painting technique in which, as the name suggests, a little bit of paint is put on a dry brush. When applied, it produces a broken, scratchy effect.
What movement (mid 1800s) began as a reaction against the mass-produced goods of the Industrial Revolution?
arts and craft movement
What invention allowed Romans to build large spaces?
Why was Islamic art small?
Possibly due to the warring time that took place during the reign of Muslim religion. art, although appreciated, was carried with and adorn like such items as books and purses.
Motif ……?
a dominant idea or central theme
How is charcoal made?
Charcoal is made from
fired willow tree branches.
Monochrome printing ……?
seen as meditative art. The use of ONE COLOR.
use this to mount a black and white photo on ……?
rice paper
What is the BEST resolution in a digital photo?
3x5 300 pixels
A 2 dimensional art that has string, photos, and others ……?
Any forcefulness that gives importance or dominance (weight) to some feature or features of an artwork. This is called ….?
When the regular repetition of particular forms or elements occurs in a work of art.
It suggests motion.
This is called ….?
the colors are next to one another on the color wheel …..?
analogous colors
produced by mixing a primary and secondary color……?
intermediate colors
What art and design principle is concerned with the arrangement of one or more elements in a work of art so that they appear symmetrical (even) or asymmetrical (uneven) in design and proportion?
First skyscraper ….?
Home Insurance Building in NYC
When they created art with focus of family or society, they were criticized for their limited subject matter, yet the confines of society allowed their lives to include little else ……?
restrictions of female artists in the 19th century
What does the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty have in common?
Eiffel Tower -
Marks the centennial celebration of the French Revolution.
Statue of Liberty -
Iconic symbol of freedom and of the United States.
French gave the Statue of Liberty to the US.
The central area of a church is called ….?
List the names of Titan’s
key works.
Punishment of Tythus,
Venus of Urbino
Thomas Gainsborough ……?
a British portrait and landscape painter.
The Blue Boy
The Column of Trajan (Trajan’s Column) is notable for what ….?
its continuous frieze
Artist influenced by Japanese prints ……?
Degas and Cassett
Rothko, Warhol, and Litchenstein
They were what type of artists?
Pop artists
Rene Magritte
is known for what?
strange juxtaposition and use of scale
Compare and contrast Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian Columns.
Doric columns-
Sturdier (thicker and stronger) than Ionic.
Least decorated of the three.
Ionic columns-
Tallest and thinnest of the three.
Tend to have scrolls at top.
Corinthian columns-
Similar to Ionic in size, but at top have elaborate floral designs.
The Holy Trinity
shows what type of symmetry?
symmetrical balance
an effect of contrasting light and shadow created by light falling unevenly or from a particular direction on something.
This is called ……..?
is the traditional size for fabric support on panels. It seals porous fabric and isolates it from ground or oil paints.
Rabbit Skin Glue
in art, the perception of depth in nature as enhanced by haze in the atmosphere; how the appearance of objects is altered over distance by the effects of the air between the viewer and the object.
This is called ……?
Atmospheric perspective
Aerial perspective
A ratio between two portions of a line in which the lesser of the two is to the greater as the greater is to the sum of both. Ancient Era ratio between two portions of a line in which the lesser of the two is to the greater as the greater is to the sum of both. Ancient Egyptian and Grecian proportions still used today. This describes what ……?
golden section
this architect’s famous
Prairie House
Was influenced by Japanese art and buildings.
Frank Lloyd Wright
famous for large portraits of friends
David Hockney
the appearance of things relative to one another as determined by their distance from the viewer
Linear perspective
In linear perspective parallel lines that recede into the distance appear to get closer together or converge.
(#61) -------------------------- Other types of perspective: One-point perspective, Two-point perspective, Three-point perspective
only a single point of a volume is closest to the viewer, and all planes seem to recede to one of three vanishing points.
This describes ……?
Three point perspective
a style of abstract painting in which dominates form and texture. ………?
Artist: Helen Frankenthaler, Mark Rothko, Clifford Still, Sam Gilliam
Color Field
The position Buddah is often sitting in is called ….?
Lotus position
Harlem Renaissance artist who photographed Harlem ……?
Van Der Zee
painter and printmaker of Romantism. Held in high regard by later critics for his expressiveness and creativity, and for the philosophical and mystical undercurrents within his work.
William Blake
The Song of Los.
The Lovers Whirlwind.
Ancient of Days.
Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (The Young Ladies of Avignon)
is inspired by what?
African masks
What art historian/collector was responsible for the success of artists such as
Meyer Schapiro
common characteristics are the flying buttress, copious amounts of stained glass windows, vast amounts of statuary, and many vaulted roofs.
This describes ……?
Gothic Cathedrals
this architect’s mantra was “less is more”
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Kandinsky, Gorky, Hoffman, Graham, Pollock, Willem de Kooning, & Philip Guston all fit into what type/category of artists?
Abstract Expressionist Artists
Known for its massive quality, it’s thick walls, round arches, sturdy piers, groin vaults, large towers and decorative Arcadians. Each building has clearly defined forms and they are frequently of very regular, symmetrical plan so that the overall appearance is one of simplicity. Small windows.
Example: Durham Cathedral
This describes what type of architecture?
Romanesque architecture
a school, style, or method of painting, adopted chiefly by 17th-century Spanish and Neapolitan painters, especially Caravaggio, characterized by large areas of dark colors, usually relieved with a shaft of light.
monochromatic painting in shades of gray …..?
The action of constructing ramparts with gaps for firing guns or arrows …….?
The capital building was built in what architectural style?
The activity of drawing a graphic representation of a design. This is called …..?
Liquid in which pigments are suspended to form paint. ……?
Gray made by mixing complements ……?
Chromatic gray
What is used to stop paper from absorbing paint in water based painting?
In oil painting, the technique of brushing one layer of paint on top of another in a way that reveals some of the under color. This is called ……?
The art of working raised and ornamental designs in threads of silk, cotton, gold, silver, or other materials, upon any woven fabric, leather, paper, etc., with a needle. This is called ……?
The process of building the palace of Versailles was the beginning of this artistic movement?
Works of art and programs, funded by the US Treasury Dept, created to help provide economic relief to the citizens.
This describes what type of art?
Depression art
Artists: Eli Jacob, Jack Markow, James Turnbull, Diego Rivera, Thomas Benton
term used for Buddhist temple ….?
How does Islamic art differ from European art?
Islamic art has focused on the depiction of patterns and Arabic calligraphy, rather than on figures, because it is feared by many Muslims that the depiction of the human form is idolatry and thereby a sin agains God, forbidden in the Quran.
form of painting in which tiny dots of primary colors are used to generate secondary colors. …..?
It is very similar to Divisionism, except that where Divisionism is concerned with color theory, Pointillism is more focused on the specific style of brushwork used to apply the paint.
Georges Seurat,
Paul Signac,
Henri Edmond Cross
Chinese architect who designed
Pyramide du Louvre (Louvre Pyramid)
I.M. Pei
Drawing on personal experiences, including her marriage, her miscarriages, and her numerous operations; her works often are characterized by their stark portrayals of pain.
She combined elements of the classic religious Mexican tradition with surrealist renderings.
Frida Kahlo
Among the most prominent characteristics of his work are his use of chiaroscuro, the theatrical employment of light and shadow derived from Caravaggio.
Sculptor. Major work was
“The Thinker.”
Naturalist, less concerned with monumental expression than with character and emotion. Departing with centuries of tradition, he turned away from the idealism of the Greeks, and the decorative beauty of the Baroque and neo-Baroque movements. His sculpture emphasized the individual and the concreteness of flesh, and suggested emotion through detailed, textured surfaces, and the interplay of light and shadow.
Brushes used in oil painting ……?
Bright, round, flat, and filbert.
Can be cleaned with turpentine.
Ferrule -
the metal part of brush
Name the printmaking techniques.
Woodblock, Relief Printing, Lithography, Screen printing, Intaglio-Etching, Dry Point, Photogravure
Name the stones used for carving.
Soapstone, slate, sandstone, marble, limestone, granite
Genre of painting based on using the camera and photographs to gather information, creating a painting that appears to be very realistic like a photograph.
Considered one of the greatest printmakers of all time. Working with both woodcuts and copper engravings, he attained a level of detail that is virtually unsurpassed.
Albrecht Durer
Prints: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The Knight, Death, and the Devil, Melencolia, Saint Jerome