more phrases that didnt even win you 1st at regionals lmao Flashcards
Vultus est index animi
The face is the mirror of the soul
vulneratus non victus
bloodied but unbowed
vox populi vox dei
the voice of the people is voice of god
vox et praeterea nihil
empty words
voluptates commendat rarior usus
all pleasure’s no pleasure
volo, non valeo
I am willing, but unable
volenti non fit iniuria
to a willing person no wrong is done
volens et potens
willing and able
vixere fortes ante Agamemnona
we don’t have a monopoly on all that is good
vive, vale
vive ut vivas
live that you may live
vivere parvo
little income, that is
vive hodie
live today
long live…
vivamus, mea Lesbia, atque amemus
let’s live it up
vita non est vivere sed valere vita est
life is more than merely staying alive
vitam regit fortuna non sapientia
it’s mostly a matter of luck
vitam impendere vero
to devote one’s life to the truth
vis inertiae
the power of inactivity
vis consili expers mole ruit sua
discretion is the better part of valor
virtutis fortuna comes
good luck is the companion of courage
virtus probata florescit
grace under pressure
virtus post nummos
keep your eye on the bottom line
vir sapit qui pauca loquitur
know when to hold your tongue
viri infelicis procul amici
success has many friends
viribus unitis
with forces united
viribus totis
with all one’s strength
virginibus puerisque canto
i chant to maidens and to boys
Vinculum matrimonii
the bond of matrimony
vincit veritas
truth wins out
vincit qui se vincit
first we must learn to overcome our own bad habits
vincit qui patitur
patience wins out
vincam aut moriar
i wil conquer or die
vigilate et orate
watch and pray
vi et armis
by force of arms
video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor
even though i know better, i keep on doing the wrong thing
victis honor
let’s hear it for the losers
veritas simplex oratio est
the language of truth is simple
veritas odium parit
truth breeds hatred
verbatim et litteratim
accurately rendered
velis et remis
an all- out effort
vel caeco appareat
it’s obvious
varium et mutabile semper femina
la donna e mobile
of various persons
varia lectio
a variant reading
vanitas vanitatum, omnis vanitas
everything man does is in vain
valete ac plaudite
let’s hear it for the cast
valeat quantum valere potest
take it for what it’s worth
vae soli
woe to the solitary men
vade retro me, satana
get thee behind me, Satan
ut supra
as cited above
uti possidetis
we stole it fair and square
uti non abuti
treat with respect
ut infra
as cited below
ut fata trahunt
at the mercy of destiny
uteumque placuerit Deo
howsoever it shall please god
usus promptos facit
practice makes perfect
usque ad nauseam
even to the point of nausea
usque ad aras
even to the altars
unus vir nullus vir
two heads are better than one
unguibus et rostro
will all one’s might
una salus victis nullam sperare salutem
knowing there is no hope can give one the courage to fight and win
ultra vires
beyond legal authority
ultimum vale
farewell for the last time
ultima forsan
it’s later than you think
ubi solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant
they create desolation and call it peace
ubi mel ibi apes
honey attracts bees
ubi bene ibi patria
i owe my allegiance to the country in which i prosper
tu quoque
you too
tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito
yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them
totus teres atque rotundus
well- rounded
toto caelo
diametrically opposite
totis viribus
with all one’s powers
totidem verbis
in so many words
timeo hominem enius libri
i fear the man of one book
timeo Danaos et dona ferentes
when an enemy appears freindly, watch out
testis unus, testis nullus
one witness, no witness
terra es, terram ibis
“dust thou art, to dust thou shalt return”
teres atque rotundus
te nosce
know thyself
tenere lupum auribus
to take the bull by the horns
tenax propositi
tempus omnia revelat
so wait
tempus ludendi
a time for playing
tempus edax rerum
time, the devourer of all things
tempus abire tibi est
make way for someone else
temporis ars medicina fere est
time is a great healer
tempori parendum
one must keep abreast of the times
tempora mutantur nos et mutamur in illis
times change and we change with them
telum imbelle sine ictu
an ineffectual argument
tarde venientibus ossa
for latecomers, the bones
tangere ulcus
to touch a sore
tam facti quam animi
as much in deed as in intention
taedium vitae
tacent, satis laudant
silence is praise enough
suum cuique pulchrum
love is blind
sutor, ne supra crepidam
cobbler, stick to your last
sursum corda
heard in the mass
supremum vale
farewell for the last time
suo tempore
at one’s own time or at its own time
sumptus censum ne superet
live within your own means
summum nec metuas diem nec optes
neither fear nor wish for your last day
summum ius summa iniuria
extreme law, extreme injustice
summum bonum
the highest good
summa sedes non capit duos
there’s only room for one at the top
sub quocunque titulo
under whatever title
sub iudice
before the courts
suaviter in modo, fortiter in re
he does what has to be done, but with the necessary compassion
sua cuique voluptas
to each his own
stultorum calami carbones moenia chartae
no graffiti, please
stillicidi casus lapidem cavat
slow and steady does it
stans pede in uno
spolia opima
how sweet it is!
spectatum veniunt, veniunt spectantur ut ipsae
they wish as much to be seen as to see
sol lucet omnibus
the sun shines for everyone
soli Deo gloria
glory to god alone
socius criminis
a partner in crime
si vis me flere dolendum est primum ipsi tibi
if you wish me to weep, you yourself must first feel grief
sit non doctissima coniux
a roman formula for a happy marriage
siste viator
stop, traveler
si sic omnes
why couldn’t it last forever?