More Organizational Psych Cards Flashcards
Taylor’s Scientific Management
Improve work productivity through:
- Use scientific methods to identify best way to do job
- Divide jobs into most elementary components
- Piece-rate incentive system (pay depends on output)
3 fundamental assumptions about worker in Taylor’s Scientific Management theory
Motivation affects performance
Most worker motivated exclusively by $$$ incentives
Avg worker needs constant supervision
Weber’s Bureaucracy
Organizational effectiveness maximized when org adopts bureaucratic structure characterized by:
- formal rules/regulations
- impersonal tx of employees
- division of labor
- hierarchical structure
- rational efficient approach
Human Relations Approach
Work performance affected primarily by social factors
Improvement in performance result from increased attention (Hawthorne effect)
Systems Approach
Org is open system receiving input from w/in and w/out
Change in one part, affects all other parts
Whole org is greater than sum of parts
Every org is different and no 1 strategy works for all orgs
Theory Z
Consensual decision-making, slow promotion, and holistic knowledge
Combo of American and Japanese philosophy
Ind responsibility, long-term employment, and moderately specialized career path
Total Quality Management
- emphasis on product quality
- Structure - flatten traditional managerial hierarchy, increased teamwork, and reduced ratio of managers to nonmanagers
- Culture - increase emphasis on cooperation and fairness in tx of employees
- Jobs - skill variety, autonomy, task significance, feedback
3 leadership styles
*productivity highest for autocratic
Leadership - Consideration vs. Initiating Structure
Consideration - focus on human relations aspects of leadership
Initiating structure - more task oriented and focus on setting goals, ensuring rules are followed, clarify roles
Relationship bw personality traits and leadership
No single trait distinguishes good leaders
Relation bw leader traits and effectiveness moderated by characteristics of supervisees, type of task, nature of work environment
Theory X
Similar to scientific management. Beliefs include:
Work is inherently distasteful
Most workers lack ambition and need to be directed
Motivation dominated by lower-level needs
Theory Y
Closer to human relations approach Work is as natural as play Most workers are self-directed, responsible Workers require freedom and autonomy **Theory Y more effective than Theory X
Fielder’s Contingency Theory (LPC)
Leader’s effectiveness determined by combo of leader style and characteristics of a situation
High LPC (relationship-oriented) vs Low LPC (task oriented)
Transformational vs. Transactional Leadership
Transformational - Influence and motivate ppl by activating higher order needs, appealing to higher ideals/values, encouraging sacrifice of self interest for sake of org, and clarifying what is needed to accomplish change
Transactional - change/leadership contingent on reinforcement; ppl motivated by leader’s use of rewards, promises, and threats
Leader Member Exchange (LMX) Theory
Leadership as process centered on interactions bw leaders and members; members in “in-grp” or “out-grp”
“out-grp” - lower quality, w both parties only completing formal role obligations
“in-grp” - more decision making influence, access to resources/responsibilities and receive more leader support, trust, and initiative beyond work
Organizational Development (OD) 7 phases
Entry - id of need for org change
Contracting - specified terms/conditions
Diagnosis - assess probs and collect data
Feedback - diagnostic info given to org
Planning - develop corrective-action plan
Intervention - action plan implemented
Evaluation - progress of intervention assessed
Organizational Development (OD) techniques
- systems approach focusing on entire org
- involvement of everyone in company
- commitment/support of top management
- View of change as long-term and planned
- internal/external change agent who initiates change
Quality of Work Life Interventions (QWL)
Org effectiveness increases as worker satisfaction, motivation, and commitment increase
Job restructuring, or redesigning jobs so they are more interesting/challenging, and provide workers w greater participation/decision-making
Quality of Circles (QC)
Part of QWL
Small grps of workers from same dept who meet regularly to discuss how work can be improved
Process Consultation
Help team members understand/alter processes undermining their interactions
Observe workers interact
Organizational Change Strategies (3)
Empirical-Rational - assume ppl are rational; if ppl have all relevant info, will act in accord w self-interest
Normative-Reductive - assume social norms underlie bxs in org; focus on changing attitudes, values, relationships to bring about acceptance of change
Power-Coercive - use rewards, punishment, authority to coerce ppl to comply with change
2 communication types and benefits of each
Centralized - all comm must pass through 1 person; more efficient when tasks are simple
Decentralized - info flows freely btw individuals; works best in complex jobs that require cooperation; more ind satisfaction
Rational-Economic Model of decision-making
Search for all possible solutions and weight alternatives until find decision that results in greatest benefit of org
Administrative Model of decision-making
Evaluation solutions as they become available and select first solution that is minimally acceptable
Driver’s 5 decision-making styles
- Decisive: speed and efficiency but inflexible
- Flexible: speedy but willing to drop 1 tactic in favor of another
- Hierarchic: use a lot of info to find best soln and work to develop detailed plan; rigid and overcontrolling
- Integrative: a lot of info and then develop variety of alternatives
- Systematic - more complex, combining hierarchic and integrative
Loss aversion
Tendency to be influenced more by potential losses than potential gains when making a decision
Distributive justice
Employees perceived fairness of outcomes, such as hiring, performance appraisals, raise requests, layoff
Procedural justice
Employees perceived fairness of process or procedure by which outcomes are allocated
*best predictor of work performance and counterproductive work bx
Interactional justice
Employees perceived fairness of interpersonal exchanges btw ind and supervisor/3rd party
Interaction between gender and physical appearance in workplace
Women - less attractive viewed as more competent
Men - more attractive viewed as more competent
Maslow’s Need Hierarchy in workplace
5 basic hierarchical needs = physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization
Workers will exert effort to meet lowest unsatisfied need
Does not have much empirical support
Alderfer’s ERG Theory in workplace
Similar to Maslow theory; 3 needs of Existence, Relatedness, Growth
McClelland’s Need for Achievement
Identified 3 motivators common to all people; Ppl have different characteristics depending on their dominant motivator
- High need for autonomy/personal responsibility
- High need for power
- High need for affiliation
Job Characteristics Model
5 characteristics influence internal work motivation, satisfaction, work quality, absenteeism/turnover
- skill variety
- task identity
- task significance
- autonomy
- feedback
Goal-setting Theory (Locke)
Goals serve 2 purposes: basis of motivation and direct behaviors
Core concept is setting realistic and attainable goals; employee and superior agree on goals together,
Equity theory
People assess both inputs and outcomes
Compare input/output ratio to that of others
If ratio is less/greater = state of inequality and employee motivated to try to create equity
Personal characteristics associated with job satisfaction
Older age = greater satisfaction
Higher level in organizational hierarchy = greater satisf
Non-whites more likely to express dissatisfaction than non-whites
Association between pay and job satisfaction
- Relationship is complex, but appears to be positively correlated
- Increased satisfaction may also be due to other rewards that high-paid workers attain
- Perception that own pay is fair may be more important
Association between job satisfaction and absenteeism/turnover
Satisfaction is moderately and negatively related to absenteeism/turnover
Association between job satisfaction and performance
Positive but weak correlation
When pay tied to performance, + correlation
When pay not connected, - correlation
Association between job satisfaction and physical/mental health
Positive correlation