MORE FCPX 7.27.21 Flashcards
Why can’t I Add an keyframe?
Put it in on the white line - not the red line - when you are working the
How do you fade to black at the end of a piece?
cmnd t
I got an error pop up that said there was not enough video or
media. I got asked if I want to do a ripple edit. I clicked on “create transition” and it worked.
After you have moved faceblur over a clip, how do you open the effect’s settings in the inspector?
Click on the filmstrip icon i
In the upper left corner of the inspector.
How do you remove an effect?
Upper left of effect’s settings in the inspector settings, click on disable
You also click on the top bar of the effect’s settings and delete. I have not done this.
How you get rid of a pop on the timeline?
Mark the spot with markers
Zoom in
Go frame by frame
Use the blade tool to cut around the spot
Go to the inspector and in that new clip, hit mute.
How do you insert black into the timeline?
Several ways
One way
- Edit>insert generator >gap
- Edit>insert generator>placeholder
- Inspector panel > far left box with “2” in circle. Change “people” to from “2” to “0”
- Change background drop down to blac
Next i deleted the gap. Instructions say I should pull right end of gap or placeholder Tom lengthen
Why can’t I find crumblepop
Probably because I am clicking on the transitions icon and not the effects icon. (The two rectangles)
With faceblur,how do you adjust the blur box?
Wait till the handle you are trying to adjust turns red?
How do you export for youtube?
Instead of cmd-E, go to
File>share youtube / FB
How do you zoom in on a clip in fcpx?
Put another way, how do you make a range in clip in the browser bigger so you can easily drag it to the timeline?
At the top in the middle next, just to the right of the arrows for the drop down menu for which clips are displayed (“All Clips” is the default) is a rectangle with three lines. It allows you to toggle between filmstrip and list modes
After you have synced a clip, and NOT disabled the camera’s audio channel, how do you control which “track” (my word” you are hearing — cam or HN1?
Click on the synced clip in the browser or the timeline.
Go to the audio function of the inspector window.
Under “audio configuration” click on “storyline” to turn off the audio recorded by the camera or “connected” to turn off, what is for me HN1 audio.
How do you clear a range in fcpx?
Mark > clear selected clip
Can you sync just the ranges you have set in a clip?
Yes. If you set a range in the video clip and sync it with the full audio clip, only that portion of the video clip will get synced.
How do you turn on audio skimming?
How do you fade in and out of a clip?
1-Use menu commands (top bar)
—modify>adjust volume>apply fades. (fades will appearance at the beginning and end of the clip)
—modify>adjust volume>apply toggle fade in/toggle fade out
To adjust the duration of the fade, drag the fade handles in the clip on the timeline
What is a menu command?
Top bar:
“File”, “Edit”, “Trim”
How do you remove fades from a clip?
Select the clip>Modify (top menu)>adjust volume>remove fades
Describe a faster way to apply a fade than using a menu command.
Hover the cursor over the audio waveform, specifically over the icon at the start or end of the clip.
Drag the icon and you’ll see a fade in handle
8.23.2021 - this method works best for
How do you create a crossfade?
Drag the clips so one is over the
Drag the clips audio fade handles so that the first clip fades out as the other is fading in.
How do you change the fade shape?
Hold ctl and click on the fade handle. Then choose one of the options.
What are the four types of fade shapes?
LINEAR: maintains a constant rate of change over the length of the fade.
S-CURVE: eases in and out of the fade
+3DB: Starts quickly and tapers at the end
-3DB: Starts slowly and then moves quickly toward the end.
How can you automatically fix audio problems in FCPX?
Right click on the clip
Select “Analyze and Fix…”
Or, click onthe little magic wand icon in the Inspecgtor, next to where it says “not analyzed.” The wheels will spin and it will recommend the optimal settings.
If one of the parameters (loudnss, NR or hum) did not engage, it means the audio does not need that adjustment – no problems detected., If they do engage, it means they did find and fix a problem.
What is an “audio component”?
Audio Components are FCPX’s way of wrapping all the separate audio tracks/streams for a clip into a single expandable/collapsible container in your timeline. This is incredibly helpful when you are dealing with multi-track audio from set.
Let’s say you have 2 tracks of a stereo mixdown, 2 boom mics, 2 lavs and 4 additional ISO’s (Isolated Tracks/Channels of Recorded Audio). Having 10 tracks of audio in your timeline while editing for picture can be quite annoying and can lead to accidentally shifting things out of sync.
When you edit a clip into your timeline—regardless of how many audio tracks the clip contains—FCPX shows you a single waveform mixdown of all the audio tracks in that clip. You could think of it as a quasi-compound clip of audio only.
How do you reveal the individual audio tracks in an audio component?
To reveal and edit the clip’s individual audio tracks, right-click that clip in the timeline and choose Expand Audio Component (CTRL-OPT-S) and the audio expands in the timeline to show you all your separate ISO tracks.
You can then delete silent tracks, edit others, and apply effects on an individual basis. Once you’re done, right-click, Collapse Audio Component to get a nice, neat timeline again.
You also have access to these separate tracks in the Audio Inspector, but you’re limited to what you can do with them there. Essentially, in the Inspector, you can either disable/enable tracks or change their channel configuration (Dual Mono, Stereo, Left, Right etc.)
What is the difference between “expand audio” and “detach audio”?
Expand audio separates the audio component from the video whilst retaining its synced relationship with the clip.
This one you have to be careful with. Once you right-click a clip and select Detach Audio, the audio and video are no longer associated with each other. So all bets are off. Essentially you have created two completely separate clips—a video-only one and an audio-only one. I don’t really recommend doing this except under rare circumstances. Like when you really only need either the video for b-roll or the audio for sound design.
How do you hear just one audio track?
How do you change the name of a clip in the timeline?STUDY
Open the clip info in the inspector window.
in the top left corner of the inspector window, click on the “i”.
Click on the violet/purple “modify” button in the grey box
In the pop up, in the entry for “synchronized clip name” change the name to what you want
How do you quickly open the inspector?
In the top right corner, click on the three lines that look like sliding adjuster controls.
What are “audio enhancements”?
Audio Enhancements are a feature in Final Cut Pro X that automatically analyze audio during import to determine if it is too soft, too noisy or has hum, then automatically corrects for those problems.
What is “resolution”?
Resolution is the total number of pixels (Dots) available on a Display Screen or the total pixels contained within the Processed picture of Samsung TV . … It is simply the physical number of columns and rows of pixels creating the display
What is “aspect ratio”?
The aspect ratio is the ratio between the width and the height of a display. It defines its overall shape, and it is usually presented as W:H (where W is the width, and H is the height). All TVs sold today have an aspect ratio of 16:9, which means that if the width is divided into 16 equal parts, the height of the TV or picture should be 9 parts.
What does it mean to “mix audio”?
Audio mixing is the process of taking recorded tracks and blending them together. Tracks are blended using various processes such as EQ, Compression and Reverb. The goal of mixing is to bring out the best in your multi-track recording by adjusting levels, panning, and time-based audio effects (chorus, reverb, delay).
What is “music compression”?
Music compression is the process of reducing a signal’s dynamic range. Dynamic range is the difference between the loudest and quietest parts of an audio signal.
You need to reduce the dynamic range of most audio signals for them to sound natural on a recording.
For example: Imagine a whisper and a scream on the same audio track. If they were the same difference in loudness as they are in real life, it would be very distracting!
How do you close the inspector?
Cmnd 4
When I could not see any events or files under “smart collections” > “all video” what did i d
I had a blank box with two search fields. One said something about showing clips of just video and another said show video and audio. i cleares both and I the files were displayed
How do i find fcpx libraries on my mbp (not on the drive)?
Hard drive > users> jeffrey ray > movies. Remeber to look over at the macbook to see if there is a pop up that says the library? must be updated for display
Where else find old FCPX libraries on MBP hard drive? Study
More old files, like oweid- mbp>mac hd>movies>final cut backups
Copy/paste on a mac?
Cmnd C
Cmnd V
How do the change the duration of a clip?
Ctl+click > change duration > click on timecode in viewer
How do you get out of multi-cam edit mode? Study
You’re in the multicam editor. You double-clicked the multicam in the project or browser. Use the back arrow in the timeline header to go back to the project.
Go to next/previous marker?
Ctl ; for previous
Ctl ‘ for next
Best audio level for fcpx?
Between -6 and -12 with peaks never above 0