Morality and Relationships Flashcards
What is a gender role?
A gender role is when a person is expected to act in a certain way based on society’s expectations relating to their gender.
Describe two gender roles. (4)
A stereotypical gender role is that a woman is expected to not work and be a house wife. This means that they may have to cook, clean and look after children.
Another stereotypical gender role is men may be seen as the breadwinners who are expected to provide for their families through working. An example is in some cultures/ religions men have the main authority within their family.
What does Utilitarianism mean?
Utilitarians make their decisions based on the principle of ‘producing the greatest happiness for the greatest number.’
What is a moral issue?
A moral issue is a subject that people disagree on because they have different opinions about what is right and wrong.
What are examples of moral issues?
chopping down the rainforest
experimenting on animals
What does equality mean?
The state of being equal, and treated fairly, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.
What does exploitation mean?
The action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.
What is an example of exploitation in society?
Ross Kemp looked at the exploitation in India. Young women were taken from their homes and sold as sex slaves. This shows exploitation because…
Give one example of how the media contributes to exploitation.
One way the media might contribute to exploitation is through the use of photoshop which presents a false image to viewers . This can exploit people because photoshop often leads to people feeling pressured to look a certain way when in reality this is an unattainable goal as the person in the image doesn’t even really look like that.
Definition of a sexual relationship.
A sexual relationship is one in which someone is engaging in sexual acts with another person. It is more physical than a relationship.
Definition of consent.
Consent is when someone agrees, gives permission, or says “yes” to sexual activity with other people. Consent is always freely given and all people in a sexual situation must feel that they are able to say “yes” or “no” or stop the sexual activity at any point.
What are some reasons for having sex?
A reason why someone may choose to enter a sexual relationship is to procreate. They may want children and to start a family of their own. Another reason why someone may choose to enter a sexual relationship is for money. They may enjoy it and get paid to do something they like.
“Explain two reasons why someone may choose to enter into a sexual relationship.” (4 marks)
A reason why someone may choose to enter a sexual relationship is to procreate. They may want children and to start a family of their own. Another reason why someone may choose to enter a sexual relationship is for money. They may enjoy it and get paid to do something they like.
What does humanism mean?
it is a rationalist outlook that bases decision making on values and agency of human beings rather than divine or supernatural matters.
What is a Christian view on sex?
avoid sex - It is God’s will that you should avoid sex (forever); that each of you should learn to control your own body… (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5)
What is a Judaism view on sex?
enjoy sex within marriage - “May you rejoice in the wife of your youth…may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be intoxicated with her love.” (Proverbs 5:15-19)
What is rape culture?
when a society as a whole does not promote rape but does not do as much as they could to prevent rape - it contributes to the normalisation of rape and sexual assault
What is a same-sex relationship?
When people of the same gender (e.g. man and man, woman and woman) engage in a relationship which can be sexual and/or lead to marriage
What is arranged marriage?
Arranged marriage is a type of marriage where the bride and groom are selected by a third party rather than by each other.
Why do forced marriages happen?
To strengthen family links
To ensure land, property & wealth remain in the family
To provide a carer for a disabled family member and/or provide a domestic helper in the home
Peer group or family pressure
What is a divorce?
A divorce is the legal termination of a marriage. In the UK a married couple who have split up cannot marry again until they get a divorce.
What might religious morality be based on? (4 marks)
Explain how the media might contribute to exploitation. (4 marks)
Describe two gender roles. (6 marks)
What moral issues are raised by gender roles in society? (3 marks)
Explain what a religious person might say about gender roles. (5 marks)
“Different gender roles shouldn’t be accepted in the modern world.” Do you agree? (8 marks)
Explain one non-religious view on sexual relationships. (5 marks)
Explain one non-religious view on sexual relationships. (5 marks)
What might a utilitarian say about sexual relationships? (4 marks)
“People should wait until they are married to have sex.” “I think sex before marriage is fine.” What do you think? (8 marks)
What moral issues are raised by same-sex relationships? (6 marks)
Explain what one viewpoint you have studied says about sexuality. (4 marks)
“Religious and non-religious views disagree with each other on sex.” Is this true? (8 marks)
Describe two types of marriage. (4 marks)
Explain one religious view on marriage. (5 marks)
Explain why marriage sometimes raises moral issues. (4 marks)
“Marriage isn’t important in the modern world.” Do you agree? (8 marks)
What reasons might people have for getting divorced? (4 marks)
Explain why divorce might raise moral issues. (4 marks)