Moral Philosophies and Business Ethics Flashcards
_______ defined three levels of moral reasoning: pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional.
Kohlberg believed that few adolescents can go beyond the Conventional stage into the Post-conventional stage. The Post-conventional stage is where other people’s approval no longer determines morals; in this stage people reason through to their own sense of what makes an action right.
An important aspect of _________ moral reasoning is that moral judgment is based on approval.
Approval from family, peers, etc is important to a person who is in the Conventional Moral Reasoning stage.
According to Kohlberg’s Moral Stages of Development, the most ________ kind of person refrains from doing something wrong to avoid punishment.
According to Kohlberg’s theory, a person at the lowest level of moral development decides whether he will perform an action in terms of pleasant or unpleasant consequences of those actions, or in terms of the physical power of those who impose the rules. Later, in level 2, a more morally mature person bases his decisions on getting other people’s approval, or in level 3, out of a sense of right and wrong and his own conscience.
The conventional level, according to Kohlberg, is the second level of moral development. In this level, the individual strives to maintain the ____________ of family, group, or nation, regardless of the consequences.
In this level there is such a strong desire to find acceptance and respect from those around you that you will do anything to please others, even if the outcome is negative. Example: Young men who are willing to go to fight a war for their country may be terrified of injury and death, but it is more important for some of them to go and receive praise and approval from family and society.
Kohlbergs _________________ level is the final level of moral development, one where moral development is characterized by self-chosen ethical principles that are comprehensive, universal, and consistent.
An example of this may be seen in the actions of King Arthur who was known as a valiant and noble king. He strove to maintain respect, morality, and dignity at all costs. The three main stages of moral development according to Kohlberg are Pre-conventional / Pre-moral, Conventional / Role Conformity, and Post-conventional / Self-accepted Moral Principles.
_____________’s Categorical Imperative states that if an action is not right for everyone, then it is not right for anyone.
Immanuel Kant’s
Immanuel Kant’s general theory on ethics was that humans are subject to hypothetical and _________ imperatives, of which the latter binds us morally into acting in a particular manner.
The categorical imperative binds rational human beings to act in a moral way, simply because we are rational beings. For example, when we are deciding how to act in a particular situation, we must ask whether we would be prepared for every person to follow that rule all the time thereby making it a universal law. If yes, then the act is allowable. If no, then the act is morally wrong.
Kant states in his writings, Act in such a way that you always treat humanity… never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end. This means that we must never consider people as a resource to be used to get what we want. If a law is not _________, you will be treating the other people as a means to your ends.
Carl was convicted of murdering his employer Rod when the latter fired him; a Kantian would choose capital punishment for Carl on the basis that the punishment chosen should be _____ to the crime committed.
This is what Kant argued for the right to retaliation in equal measure. He felt that capital punishment was mandatory for murder.
Richard is a farm owner who hires immigrant child workers every harvest time and pays a wage that is below the poverty line for 12 hours of daily work. He justifies his actions on the grounds that every other farm owner is doing the same thing, but if he adhered to _______ principles, he would realize that each person has intrinsic worth and hence should be treated with respect.
Kant believed that people have dignity because they are rational agents. Richard’s behavior is disrespectful because he does not pay his workers fairly and his long working hours are denying the children a right to an education. He is manipulating the children for his own benefit and that is morally unacceptable.
ABC Pharmaceuticals tests its drugs on animal subjects, which is occasionally harmful to the animals. A Kantian would argue that animals are not ______ agents and hence can be used as a means to an end, with the qualification that we owe the animals an indirect duty to refrain from cruel treatment.
This is because Kant felt that cruel treatment to animals would soil our moral character and affect the way we treat other rational persons.
Derek has been arrested on suspicion of kidnapping a teenage girl. He has admitted to the crime but refuses to tell the police officers where the girl is as he wants her to die. The officers debate whether they should beat the information out of him when Henry, a Kantian says that they should (Do it or Not do it?). _________
Not do it
As a Kantian, Henry could possibly will a universal law permitting harm to someone in these circumstances but it will most certainly fail the respect for persons formulation.
A hypothetical country has no regard for environmental sustainability and contributes to 30% of the planets carbon dioxide production. A Kantian would argue that a _________ law cannot be willed to pollute the world to benefit one nation and that the country is being disrespectful because pollution harms people.
The effects of pollution is a depletion in natural resources which in turn harms people, hence the countrys actions are breaching the respect for persons formulation of the categorical imperative.
The CEO of XYZ Company says, “In our corporation, we comply with our duty to make the safest products for our customers, no matter what the consequences to our bottom line.” The CEO’s beliefs are grounded in the _______ theory of ethics.
The CEO cares about the companys duty to consumers, no matter what the consequences to the company’s profits. This is a Kantian approach to ethics.
A _____ contract is an imaginary agreement entered into by people who sacrifice some of their liberty in order to prevent chaos.
Enlightenment thinkers viewed the social contract as the partial sacrifice of liberty in order to produce the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Thought from this time period shifted the focus of criminal justice away from totalitarian state punishment and more towards human rights.
Thomas Hobbes was a 17th Century philosopher whose social contract theory is based upon _____________.
Hobbes believed that in their natural state, without government or social order, humans would be in a state of constant war. The social contract theory states that humans entered into a social contract, surrendering their natural liberties in exchange for the order and safety provided by government.
John Stuart Mill defines the __________________ principle as holding actions right in proportion where they promote happiness and wrong where they promote the reverse.
Greatest Happiness
____ utilitarianism states that individuals should follow the correct moral rules based on the test of total well-being and where these rules conflict, we should revert to Act utilitarianism.
Act utilitarianism is defined as the morally right act and the one that will bring the greatest increase in overall well-being.
_____________ and John Locke are famous for their social contract theory, which was influential in the writing of the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Hobbes
The social contract theory held that all people are free and equal and that they have the right to consent to be governed.
The concept that governments must draw their authority from the governed is called _______ consent.
Popular consent was derived from Locke’s social contract theory.
Hobbes, Rousseau, and Locke were similar in their ideas of a Social Contract which was the basis of all ____________.
Rousseau was an 18th Century philosopher who influenced the American Revolution with his theory of the social contract whereby governments are given the right to rule society in exchange for protecting the rights and equality of all ________, and if they fail to do so, then the contract is breached and the people have the right to replace the rulers.
His writings were powerful in convincing the people of their rights to good government and civil revolution where necessary to bring about this change. The outcome of the American revolution was essentially a constitutional contract stating the rights and freedoms of the people to be governed.
__________ was a philosopher who utilized hypothetical social contracts to describe the Original Position where humans would be behind a veil of ignorance to ensure impartiality in the creation of moral principles.
John Rawls
In the Original Position, humans would not know information about themselves that could be advantageous or disadvantageous. For example, they would not know their social status or race and they would not have yet joined any societal groups. This is the description of the veil of ignorance and ensures that moral rules created are fair to all since the individuals do not know what position they are in and cannot be biased in making the rules.
People who subscribe to the ______________ theory of ethics that right or wrong is determined exclusively by the resulting outcome.
For a consequentialist, if what follows an action is on balance of benefit to them, then that action is a “good” action and therefore we are “right” to do it. For a non-consequentialist, the beneficial or harmful consequences of an action are not considered when determining whether an action is right or wrong.
__________ is an ethical theory which maintains that the ethics of an action do not depend on the consequences, but upon an important feature of the act itself.
A deontologist believes that it’s not enough just to produce the right results but that things must be done in a principled way.
Modern deontological theory was most influenced by the philosopher ____.
Kant believed the most important feature of any field (math, ethics, physics, etc) is consistency because human beings naturally reject contradictions.
While deontological ethics are based on obligation, ____________ ethics are based on character.
Teleological theories can take several forms including utilitarianisms “the greatest good for the greatest number.”
Critics of Google may argue that they are psychological _______ because their actions are guided by motivations that advance their interests.
Psychological egoism is different from ethical egoism because the latter is a moral standard where the overriding obligation is the promotion of ones own well-being.
According to moral egoism, it is always acceptable to do what we believe to be in our own ____-interest.
Moral egoism is sometimes called “ethical egoism”.
Cultural _______ is where sociologists try not to let ethnocentrism affect their study of other cultures–they try to stay objective.
Cultural relativism means the sociologist does not impose his own meaning on what is observed, or tries to focus only on the reason the observed element exists.
___________ is where a person judges other cultures against the standards of his own culture.
Ethnocentrism is where a person tends to see his culture’s way of doing things as “normal,” or even superior. Sociologists try not to be ethnocentric–they want to be objective when studying other cultures.
The Corporate _____ Officer of a company expresses this belief: “Our company believes we should be judged by our company’s announced views of what is right and wrong. We have a right to decide what behavior is acceptable or unacceptable, and we should be judged based upon how we live up to the standards we set for ourselves.” This view shows a preference for ethical relativism.
The Corporate Ethics Officer wants the company to be judged based upon its own feelings about what is right and wrong. This theory is not popular because members of society generally prefer universal standards of right and wrong.