Moral Geographies Flashcards
Identify four groups of the economically marginal:
Winchester and White (1988)
- the unemployed, particularly the long-term unemployed; - the impoverished elderly; - students; and - single-parent families
Three groups that can be categorized as both economically and socially marginal, the two dimensions generally reinforcing one another:
Winchester and White (1988)
- ethnic minorities;
- refugees; and
- the handicapped (either mentally or physically), and
the chronically sick (notably including people with
Moral geography is…
(Creswell 2005)
“the idea that certain people, things and practices belong in certain places… and not in others”
Historical anecdotes of moral geography
(Mitchell, 2003)
Women, non-white men, disabled people and LGBT people have been denied access to public space and have had to fight their way into the public sphere and to win the right to representation as part of the political public
Critiques of Moral Policing
(Valentine, 2001)
Academic community argue increase in monitoring/policing is killing the democratic mix and vitality of the streets = the end of truly ‘public’ space.
Cities play a crucial role in the formation of cultures. These cultures involve…
Knox and Pinch (2010)
‘ways of life’ including the values that people hold, the norms that they follow and the material objects that they use.
All cultures are hybrid mixtures of various influences that change over time and so
Knox and Pinch (2010)
the notion that there is some pure authentic culture is a myth.
Space plays a crucial role in the evolution of cultural values since, like culture…
Knox and Pinch (2010)
it is a social construct intimately bound up with power and authority.
Although postmodernism is a much-disputed concept, many of the recent changes in cities such as the
focus upon consumption and growing fragmentation and diversity can be interpreted as
Knox and Pinch (2010)
a manifestation of the postmodern condition.
Crisis communality
Knox and Pinch (2010)
Refers to instances where people feel and express concern with order, conformity and social homogeneity
What is Internal Cohesion?
Knox and Pinch, 2010
When people – especially minorities – feel threatened… they often have a strong demand for internal cohesion.
References to remember…
Knox and Pinch, 2010 x 6 Valentine, 2001 Mitchell, 2003 Creswell, 2005 Winchester and White, 1988