Moral Flashcards
What is Moral?
Moral is the understanding of what is right or wrong and can be used to evaluate actions if they are unfair, harmful or selfish.
How does Logical constructivism explain moral development?
aka Piaget
Its a differentiation process where actions get differentiated to be based on reciprocity or dictated by authority.
When are which interactions with whom important for development of moral?
Early childhood - Parents
Later childhood - Peers
What are the moral stages according to logical constructivism?
0-4: Premoral:
Bad moral and rule understanding
5-9 Moral realism:
Rules can be followed but are absolute and not something agreed upon/constructed.
Focus lies on consequences, not intentions
10- over Moral subjectivism:
Morals are conventions, and intentions are important.
These are the ages Piaget found, but they can be observed much earler as well! Criticism: too big focus on language and too complicated stories. When the damage is the same, younger kids answered that intention was also important Destroyed cups example!
What are Kohlbergs stages of moral development?
Level 1: Preconventionell moral
0-10 years
Stage 1: punishment and obedience orientation
Stage 2: Individualistic and instrumental orientation
Level 2: Conventional moral
10-13 years
Stage 1: fulfill expectations of others
Stage 2: Sustain the social system
Level 3: Postconventional moral
13-∞ years
Stage 1: The greater good, not everone agrees (democracy)
Stage 2: Universal ethical principles and navigating conflicts
Explain Level 1
of Kohlbergs moral development theory
Level 1: Preconventionell moral
-> Authority decides
0-10 years
Stage 1: punishment and obedience orientation:
Everything thats punished is wrong.
Everything thats rewarded is right.
Authorities decide what is right or wrong
Stage 2: Individualistic and instrumental orientation
Rules are just followed when they satisfy own desires.
Rewarded things are right
equal exchanges are fair
Explain Level 2 of Kohlbergs moral development theory
Level 2: Conventional moral
Individual perspectives become important
10-13 years
Stage 3: Mutual expectations, relations and conformity
The group decides what is good, good intentions, care, thankfulness and respect are important
Stage 4: Social systemst and conscience
One has to fulfill ones duties, duties value higher than social rules.
Explain Level 3 of Kohlbergs moral development theory?
Level 3: Postconventional moral
Requires formell operational thinking
Stage 5: Social contracts and individual rights
Values are decided by the people. Values decide whats right.
Not all rules are fair, and some are relative
Stage 6: Universal ethical principles
Every individual decides for themselves, what is right or wrong for them. Ethical principles are abstact norms that are organized in a big system, personal decisions have to be made to navigate conflicts (in acordance to their conscience)
-> Only 10% of adults reach this #burrnnn🔥
What is a classical story that is used to assess the development of moral in children?
The story of Heinz:
He has a wife, who is dying and needs an expensive medication, which he cannot afford. He tries to collect money, but does not get enough. The pharmacy does not want to sell it for half the price. He then steals the medicine. Was it wrong?
What are some criticisms to Kohlbergs theory of moral development?
Not all cultural values fit into his model.
female ways of reasoning (care and empathy) should be added
Evolutionary theory say that one has a moral grammar (/module) that learns the rules of society.
Ethical institutionism says that people have an emotional reaction to actions of others (disgust, disdain), which can vary from what the culture values and what the background to the action is
What is the social domain theory of moral development?
Morality, or individuals’ concepts of justice, welfare, and rights, is seen as a distinct system/domain of social knowledge that develops separately from concepts of social conventions and personal issues. These concepts are constructed from children’s differentiated social interactions and social experiences.
3 Domains:
avoiding harm to people (welfare)
being fair (justice)
respecting each other’s rights (rights).
The core of morality is avoiding harm, but that also means trying not to treat people unfairly and respecting their rights
It looks at moral development as domain specific
What is the development of moral in children (timeline)?
0-3 Difficult to say.
- Some research says yes, but its debated -
3-4 understanding of consequences, conventions and moral actions (making a mess vs hurting someone)
4-5 (preschool) moral domains are disdinguished
- Moral, social and personal domains -
- intentions become important -
-> Children often take over the view of adults, and what they say are the reasons for why this is wrong to do.
Later (school) moral develops based on conversations with peers and multiple domains of moral can be adjusted to.
What are moral emotions?
How do emotions help with learning moral?
Children can see how others react to their actions which then helps them understand whether an action is good or not.
Chidren do understand emotional reactions of others quite intuitivly
What is helpful for the development of moral in children?
A dialouge about moral questions, emotional support and helping with asking questions, as well as humor, active listening and praise with right actions.
Do not: Sarcasm and threats
Positive reinforcement rather than negative reinforcement
What is conscience?
An internal regulation system, that gives a negative selv evaluation and feeling of guilt as a reaction to an (in-) action based on cultural values.
How can one meet children with different tempraments to teach conscience?
Anxious children should be met with warmth and not authority
Impulsive children have issues with learning social rules, here rules have to be very clear
How are psychopathy and moral connected?
Low empathy, insensitivity, and missing feeling of guilt are core signs of psychopathology.
People with psychopathology focus rather on material damages to someone than emotions and their nuances
What are possible reasons for lower moral understanding (psychopathology)
Genetics (in the family)
Neglect and abuse in childhood
Low stimulation during childhood
Parental warmth might help