Moodle MT Week 5 Vocab Flashcards
bibo bibere bibi n/a
to drink
clueo cluere n/a n/a
to be spoken of
curro currere cucurri cursum
to run
emungo emungere emunxi emunctum
to wipe
fluo fluere fluxi flaxum
to flow
haurio haurire hausi haustum
to drain
indulgeo indulgere indulsi indultum
to indulge
labo labere labavi labatum
to totter
ligo ligare ligavi ligatum
to bind
lingo lingere linxi linctum
to link
neco necare necavi necatum
to slay
oportet oportere oportuit n/a
it is necessary
ovo ovare n/a ovatum
to triumph
pendeo pendere pependi pensum
to hang
pinso pinsere pinsui pinsitum
to pound
queror queri questus sum questum
to complain
rado radere rasi rasum
to scrape
reperio reperire repperi repertum
to discover
rumpo rumpere rupi ruptum
to break
ruo ruere rui rutum
to rush, to fall
sisto sistere stiti statum
to stand
soleo solere solitus sum solitum
to be accustomed to
statuo statuere statui statutum
to set up
ulciscor ulcisci ultus sum ultum
to avenge
vado vadere vasi vasum
to go attack
vello vellere vulsi vulsum
to render, to tear out