Monumental Test Flashcards
Another name for separatist that denounced the monarchy, left the church, and name was a curse.
Why was King James such a bad example of a Christian King?
egotistical; plunged the nation into debt; responsible for murder
What country did these early pilgrims first escape to live out their religious freedom in secret?
Why not France, Germany, or Scotland?
Who was John Robinson to these early pilgrims?
What was the crime of these early pilgrims while worshipping in secret?
Why did the pilgrims return to England?
What had the Mayflower presently being used to ship?
After an awful trip across the North Atlantic Ocean and where did they hit dry land?
Describe the early pilgrims attitude while on the ship and once they hit dry land?
What was the name of the paper contract that was signed that would be the basis of how the pilgrims would govern themselves?
mayflower compact
Give me an example of an early court proceeding in a way that demonstrated men are created equal?
Who became the governor of the early settlement?
William Bradford
What is inscribed on his tombstone?
What kind of Governor was he?
faithful; disciplined; unwavering
What are some important statistics of the monument that was shown and discussed?
It took 70 years to construct and 180 tons of granite.
What is the name of the monument located in a residential area of Massachusetts?
Matrix of Liberty
What is the name of the large female statue pointing up? Why?
faith, because faith is the first step to gaining Liberty
Why is there a star on the female statues head?
because she has wisdom
The female statue with no eyes is demonstrating what?
she is looking in on her own morality
The first Male statue we see is one that exemplifies civil law. What two elements are needed for God’s civil law to flourish?
justice and mercy
Describe the statue that represents education and the importance of a Christian worldview being taught?
she is wearing the wreath of victory, she has trained her kids in righteousness and has the posture of victory
What statue represents wisdom?
the grandfather
Describe the popular liberty man statue and what it represents.
he is a stud. he has a lion skin on his back to represent the slain lion of tyranny. He has a sword ready to be drawn. He has a chain attached to attached to his arm to remind him of his freedom (chain is broken). Foot on chest of tyranny.
What are the three other fruits besides Liberty discussed if a society sets up government in the way the monument exemplifies?
joyfulness, prosperity, blessing
What is the name of the historian/speaker that has a museum in Texas full of original documents signed by our founding fathers? What book was he most fond of?
David Barton; one of the 20 first printed family Bibles printed by Congress
If our founding fathers are responsible for the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution, what kind of Fathers do we call these early pilgrims responsible for the monument?
our forefathers
Herb Titus, a Harvard grad, sheds what kind of truth about the motto of Harvard?
it was Christ, Church, and Truth, but now it’s just Truth
Why is starting a democracy style republic government not enough to insure a nation’s freedom?
because Hitler was elected by a democracy. It starts with the individual
Name two other World History cultural time periods that have turned back the clock returning to old ways of thought.
Renaissance and Reformation
If anyone can be a positive part of cultural change and freedom lies in our hands, what can individual citizens do today to get involved?
vote for Godly leaders and train children in faith (participate)